Ease of "Where should I go"?
I just answered my own question by “Mousing over” each titled map area
(now you know where the “MaGoo” came from)
In the immortal words of Emily Litella…. “Nevermind”
Bnoo out
If you open your map and hover your mouse over the name of each map zone, a list should come up saying how much of that map you have completed.
The thing with the other suggestion though, is that once you have 100% map completion, there would no longer be any purpose to a “world completion” tab. And as the ability to see how much of each area you have completed is already available, I don’t see a tab like that being added in the future – it would be too much development work for something that would not be used by many (namely existing players).
Agreed Zalladi
It’s unnecessary once one “discovers” the mouse-over
Now if I could just get someone to help me with that pesky Provernic slice/dice/shake&bake
You can also get into options/general tab/content guide and disable personal story then the area in the top right corner will drive you to undiscovered places and events on maps.
Many thanks Linken!
Happy to help mate