Essences of Luck Drop Rates

Essences of Luck Drop Rates

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089

Wallace MacBix.2089

Hey guys, just because the wiki doesn’t have a page for it (at least I don’t think it does). I just wanted to post my drops from salvaging. Maybe we can get a feel if we can get a decent sample size. I don’t know if this is the proper thread or not either, so sorry if a mod needs to move it.

Salvaged 556 masterwork items:
587 Essence of Luck (fine)
138 Essence of Luck (masterwork)
18 Essence of Luck (rare)
11 Essence of Luck (exotic)

Essences of Luck Drop Rates

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Posted by: Khisanth.2948


That is actually not as useful as it could be.
Since you can get more than one per salvage it is more useful to count each one only once. So if you salvaged an item and it gave 1 fine essence that is 1 for fine. If you salvaged an item and it gave 4 fine essence that is still just 1 for fine.

Essences of Luck Drop Rates

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Hey guys, just because the wiki doesn’t have a page for it (at least I don’t think it does). I just wanted to post my drops from salvaging. Maybe we can get a feel if we can get a decent sample size. I don’t know if this is the proper thread or not either, so sorry if a mod needs to move it.

Salvaged 556 masterwork items:
587 Essence of Luck (fine)
138 Essence of Luck (masterwork)
18 Essence of Luck (rare)
11 Essence of Luck (exotic)

You must have slipped a digit somewhere chief since you can’t get more than one essence of luck per item.

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Essences of Luck Drop Rates

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Posted by: Isis O Ziris.6350

Isis O Ziris.6350

Yes, you can. 15char

Essences of Luck Drop Rates

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Natsu Dragneel.1625

Natsu Dragneel.1625

just wondering, how much mf% did you get from all that essence?

Essences of Luck Drop Rates

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Yes, you can. 15char

Just watched a vid of someone cracking 1500 fine armor, got around one item for every two.

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Essences of Luck Drop Rates

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Posted by: DtC.4806


I bought 5500 masterwork(green) armor/weapons when the TP opened up for an average of 1.4s each,

6750 Essence of Luck (fine)(10 luck)
1850 Essence of Luck (masterwork)(50 luck)
165Essence of Luck (rare)(100 luck)
86 Essence of Luck (exotic)(200 luck)

Total of 193,700 luck, bringing me to 116 MF (not including achievement mf)

Main: Ominous Justice (DtC)
Guild: Ominous Threat
Server: Fort Aspenwood

Essences of Luck Drop Rates

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aravis.9541


You must have slipped a digit somewhere chief since you can’t get more than one essence of luck per item.

You can, I opened a load of boxes/chests yesterday and salvaged all the items. I quite frequently got two essences for one item.

Essences of Luck Drop Rates

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Isis O Ziris.6350

Isis O Ziris.6350

Yes, you can. 15char

Just watched a vid of someone cracking 1500 fine armor, got around one item for every two.

Maybe for blue(fine) armor you get 0 or 1 Essence of Luck, but with greens, I’m pretty sure you get more (usually), the average is bigger than 1.

Essences of Luck Drop Rates

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089

Wallace MacBix.2089

That is actually not as useful as it could be.
Since you can get more than one per salvage it is more useful to count each one only once. So if you salvaged an item and it gave 1 fine essence that is 1 for fine. If you salvaged an item and it gave 4 fine essence that is still just 1 for fine.

Sorry, I know that’s true. It’s also why I really haven’t contributed to the wiki drop rates with orrian boxes. I don’t have/use a capture software, and it’s tedious enough to have to click for 10min straight let alone make a tick mark, after each salvage. It was just to try to give some people an idea on the salvage returns. At least for the higher tier ones. I know I didn’t get 2 exotic or legendaries at a time, though I can’t remember about the masterwork ones.

Essences of Luck Drop Rates

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089

Wallace MacBix.2089

just wondering, how much mf% did you get from all that essence?

Hmm, I should have posted that, sorry. I think it took me to around 55% from luck (including the free legendaries ones that were sent to all characters, it was 16,770 luck from the salvages, 19,270 with the free essences).
I checked the wiki again this morning and the increase is a bit sad, to go to 133% MF takes 8,290 luck. To do a very loose calculation: If the avg sell value of the 550 salvages I did were 1.5s, it’ll take 8.25 gold to go up about 2% in MF in the 130s range. I know there is the addition of selling back the mats/runes (or using them) to bring down the cost and there’s also the cost of 3c per salvage, but I’m just doing a back of an envelope calc. And that’s just if you vendor them, I’ve seen posts of people selling masterwork items for 10s each, but I don’t think they’ll stay that way for long.

I realize that we can’t reach 300% in one week, but the amount of (potential) money/time it’s going to take to get back to even where most of us were (~150%) is staggering.

Not that I want to salvage my ectos yet, but has anyone done any tests with salvaging from ectos (or blues for that matter)? I can’t imagine salvaging ectos being cost effective, especially with everyone burning through them to get to 500 crafting. It seems that if last month was farm month, from this patch onwards is going to eat up most of our supplies and drastically cut down on the amount of money we gain from vendoring.

Essences of Luck Drop Rates

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Posted by: Behellagh.1468


The 300% luck fine will be a long term or very costly endeavor. This means the market will be flooded with basic mats as EVERYONE salvages their previous “junk” blues and greens for luck.

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Essences of Luck Drop Rates

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Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Hey guys, just because the wiki doesn’t have a page for it (at least I don’t think it does). I just wanted to post my drops from salvaging. Maybe we can get a feel if we can get a decent sample size. I don’t know if this is the proper thread or not either, so sorry if a mod needs to move it.

Salvaged 556 masterwork items:
587 Essence of Luck (fine)
138 Essence of Luck (masterwork)
18 Essence of Luck (rare)
11 Essence of Luck (exotic)

When I see this I think Anet should rename those essences based on their rarity .


Essence of Revenue(Fine)
Essence of Fortune (Masterwork)
Essence of Wealth (Rare)
Essence of Richness (Exotic)
Essence of Luck (Ascendant)
Essence of Fate (Legendary)

That way you’d right see together with the name and its color the worth of the item and people wouldn’t . Would make those items look more well thought out, if every essence type would have its own seperate name from which you can see its worth of luck by its name. so that when you see these items pop up on the right side if you loot something out of items and yiu read there " Essence of Revenue" that you clearly know then, .. ah thats the one thats only worth 10 points and if you see there instead an Essence of Fortune that you’ll know instantly, .. ah thats the one thats worth 50 points in your Luck Bar …

From the current names you won’t know that exactly until the point where you hover with the mouse over the item and see, which rarity color it has basically or by looking at the items item icon as they are slightly different with increasing in their worth…

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Essences of Luck Drop Rates

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089

Wallace MacBix.2089

From another thread:

with some data about salvaging fine items (along with how much luck you need to max your MF, 4.2 million luck)

the wiki says level 100 takes 122,540 luck
reddit calculated the total luck needed for 300% mf is around 4.2 million
reddit also found that 2500 fine level 70 items gave 26,330 luck = +62%
122,540 / 26,330 * 2500 = 11,635 salvaged fine items for 100% mf
4.2 million / 26,330 * 2500 = 398,784 salvaged fine items for 300% mf
I’m not sure if lower levels give less luck or not…
400k salvages on the infinite SK would cost 120g to salvage, or 20.8g cheaper than basic SK, which is half the price of purchasing the infinite SK :P If you had 8 × 20-slot bags, it would take 2,515 times of filling all of them and salvaging everything in it.
sheeeeeesh; I hope masterwork gives more luck per salvage.

Essences of Luck Drop Rates

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Natsu Dragneel.1625

Natsu Dragneel.1625

For Science, 100 ecto’s salvaged (using mystic kits but that doesn’t really matter)

181 crystalline dust

737 of the fine 10 luck
48 of the masterwork 50 luck
3 of the rare 100 luck
1 of the exotic 1 luck

total of 10,270 luck for 100 ecto (Average of 102.7 luck per ecto)
total levels gained 76% to 81% (5 levels or 5%)

total cost of buying ecto, 30.17g
total returns selling dust 21.6g

with what I used, 9g for 10,270 luck

Edit: putting in buy orders for approx. 95g worth of green level 80 items, a total of 21 stacks (5,250 greens) ill let you guys know how that goes if any of them buy in the next few days

(edited by Natsu Dragneel.1625)

Essences of Luck Drop Rates

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


I haven’t done greens but the 119 blues yielded a bit more than 11 luck each on average. Used crude kits.

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Essences of Luck Drop Rates

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Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089

Wallace MacBix.2089

So it seems from the little data we have:

Blues: ~10-12 luck on average
Greens: ~33-35 luck on average
Ectos: ~102.7 luck on average

Still even if you only salvage ectos for luck it’ll take ~40,895.81 ectos to get the 4.2mil that you need to max 300% MF.

Someone in the game said that they were able to get a legendary essence from an ecto. If that’s the case it should bring the average up a bit, even if the drop rate is low.

Essences of Luck Drop Rates

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mystic.5934


a 0.1% drop rate on legendary essence would only increase the average by 0.5 (I assume the chance is less than 1%, as 100 ecto did not get it, and 100 ectos only gave 1 exotic)
salvaging ecto for dust USED to be profitable…

Essences of Luck Drop Rates

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089

Wallace MacBix.2089

a 0.1% drop rate on legendary essence would only increase the average by 0.5 (I assume the chance is less than 1%, as 100 ecto did not get it, and 100 ectos only gave 1 exotic)
salvaging ecto for dust USED to be profitable…

Ah, but you’re forgetting probability. 100 ectos is no where near large enough sample size to say that the drop rate is below 1%. (It’s been a long week and I’m tired, so I’m gonna go the short way, it should be right, but someone who’s more awake can check my work)

If the drop rate is 2% (doubtful, but just to show a point) and you salvage 100 times, you have a 13.262% chance to not receive any legendary essences. If the drop rate is 1% with 100 salvages you have, 36.603% chance to not receive any legendary essences. A 0.5% drop rate with 100 salvages yields 60.577% chance to not get any legendary essences.

The same logic applies with exotics. Look at the results I got (556 masterwork salvages 11 exotics) with DtC (5500 masterwork 86 exotics). He has x10 the salvages but not x10 the exotics, and I’d trust his drop rate more than mine because his sample size is larger. Without knowing the odds, you don’t know if I got really lucky or if he got really unlucky. Without a bunch more ecto salvages (but I do want to say a big thank you for what you did Natsu Dragneel, it’s really appreciated) it’s just a rough guide, wouldn’t be surprised if the exotic chance for ectos was a bit higher since for masterwork it’s 1.5-1.9% (most likely closer to 1.5)

Don’t get me wrong, you’re right that the legendary essences won’t increase the average by much. I just wanted to clear up a common misconception about random chance.

Essences of Luck Drop Rates

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Is that person certain it was from a salvage and not finishing the monthly?

Essences of Luck Drop Rates

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089

Wallace MacBix.2089

Is that person certain it was from a salvage and not finishing the monthly?

I don’t know. I heard it in passing, so it really is just speculation.

Essences of Luck Drop Rates

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Okay just cracked 175 green armors with basic kits. No particular level range

188 – 10 luck
55 – 50 luck
2 – 100 luck
2 – 200 luck

Total 5,230 – 29.9 average

Also …

10 runes (all 175 had runes)

6 iron
22 platinum
53 mithril
1 orichalcum

16 coarse leather section
49 rugged
102 thick
1 hardened

69 linen scraps
45 silk

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Essences of Luck Drop Rates

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Posted by: Aldebaran.8132


I think this was a genius way for Anet to fight the money supply deflation that was occurring in the game. PVE players should rejoice for this Anet stimulus package.

Essences of Luck Drop Rates

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089

Wallace MacBix.2089

I think this was a genius way for Anet to fight the money supply deflation that was occurring in the game. PVE players should rejoice for this Anet stimulus package.

Personally I see it as a grind/mild annoyance to just get back to where I once was with magic find when roaming alone in PvE. Also I wish they didn’t include the month long inflation party with the QP and scarlet’s invasions if they were just going to make it so most people won’t be selling greens/blues for a long time (or take money out of the economy from tp fees on greens). I consider myself pretty casual, only playing for 2-3 hours a night, and most of my money came from merching greens/blues or from selling rare weapons from world boss drops. With the last patch now I need to decide if I want to upgrade my MF back to where it used to be (which I guess will take ~2-3 more months at 1-2k luck a night) or vendor them and to grind out the mats/ectos for ascended weapons.

They created the a lot of the money inflation problem just by introducing the QP/QG/invasions. Now the MF patch takes care of people getting money from vendoring and the ascended weapons take care of lower level common crafting mats, rares/ectos, and karma (slightly, more so from the daily nerf).

I’d argue just making each champ lootable 1/day, like a world boss, would also lower the inflation problem just because you wouldn’t have people running in Queensdale for hours killing 5 champs in ~8 min.

Essences of Luck Drop Rates

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ralgondo.1524


Hey I would like to contribute my research with salvaging ectos for luck.

This was an experiment to get an idea of how many ectos it would take to get to 300% MF. How much gold it would cost from TP, etc.

“Salvage o-Matic”

Bought 250 ecto @ 74 gold

-Luck produced: 26490

-Crystalline dust produced: 440x

Sellback price on dust: 63.06g

Gold lost: 11g

“Mystic Salvage Kit”

Bought 250 ecto @ 74 gold

-Luck produced: 26150

-Crystalline dust produced: 427x

-gold lost about 10.5~11g.

Drop rates are assumed to be the same for mystic

and copper-fed salvage-o-matic.

If these numbers would remain consistent :

You would have to do this 1585x for 42m luck (300%mf)

42000000 / 26490 = 1585

and would lose…

1582 × 11g = 17435g In the process.

Essences of Luck Drop Rates

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089

Wallace MacBix.2089

Hey I would like to contribute my research with salvaging ectos for luck.

This was an experiment to get an idea of how many ectos it would take to get to 300% MF. How much gold it would cost from TP, etc.

“Salvage o-Matic”

Bought 250 ecto @ 74 gold

-Luck produced: 26490

-Crystalline dust produced: 440x

Sellback price on dust: 63.06g

Gold lost: 11g

“Mystic Salvage Kit”

Bought 250 ecto @ 74 gold

-Luck produced: 26150

-Crystalline dust produced: 427x

-gold lost about 10.5~11g.

Drop rates are assumed to be the same for mystic

and copper-fed salvage-o-matic.

If these numbers would remain consistent :

You would have to do this 1585x for 42m luck (300%mf)

42000000 / 26490 = 1585

and would lose…

1582 × 11g = 17435g In the process.

Thanks for the numbers! The scary thing is that some people have already maxed their luck (or are darn close). And the sad thing that I’m not even 5% of the way there yet.

Oh and don’t forget the cost of the kits. 250*3c = 7.5s per stack for salvage matic
Or 26.24s + 3 mystic forge stones per stack for the mystic kit.

Using your numbers, that’s
118.875 g in salvaging costs for basic
415.904 g + 4755 mystic forge stones in salvaging costs for mystic

Not too noticeable compared to 17k gold, but it’s still there.

And I do wonder about the salvage kit for ectos. If I recall, people did tests when you could first salvage them and they concluded that mystic kits were better than basic kits, but the numbers were never too much better.