If we would have flying mounts in this game you could search from the sky :/
“Beautiful, talented and unique.”
Velocity [VcY] – Somewhere roaming on Far Shiverpeaks
Perhaps we can look him up on the Fractals leaderboard? Oh, wait…
Use the forum search function to see if he ever posted….. nvm.
Use the leaderboards search function to look for him…… nvm.
Use the ingame friends list search function to search by partial name….. nvm.
Guess you’re out of luck.
Yep, No support from the game itself, so I’ve turned to the community to find my fluffy
Hmm, I’ll keep my eyes open for him.
Was anyone else reminded of the in-game (dot)Hack message boards when they read Mezian’s post? Eerie. Very eerie.
Edit: Mezian’s MAIN post.
(edited by Atlas Tsahalla.2456)
Have you tried sending an ingame mail to the character name?
180 days ago today, A little quaggan named Oobaloo set on a journey to find his best friend, a charr named Fluffy Von Clawde. After weeks of searching and some help from some kind people on the forums, Quaggan was reunited with his friend. They went on many adventures together, and along the way they made some new friends: Aifwen the Sylvari, Aardvel the Norn, Seigfreed the Human, Persephone the Human, Cinna the Charr, and Pannalin the Asura. But eventually, Oobaloo became too much, and began making mistakes that just couldn’t be looked past. So, little Oobaloo packed his things and left his best friend in all of Tyria, and waddled back home. Fluffy Von Clawde, Quaggan wishes you the best of adventures in Tyria… and wants you to never forget that Quaggan loves you, coo…