Fractals - A friendly hand

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


Hi all,

My name is Sarah and my home server is Fort Aspenwood! ( North american server )
My characters name is: sarahfull and I based her off me so I could “add myself to the game” ( I only have the one character and I love my engi! )

I love my fractals ( I do them a lot ) and I also love helping people so that’s why I’m here! I believe this is the right spot so I’ll post it here.
Anyway I am here to let everyone know ( even if its a little late ) that I’m here to help you fractal!

It does not matter what ( fractal ) level you are or whether your new to fractals or not, feel free to contact me and ask for my help!

All I ask is for a few simple things:

- must be level 80
- know and understand what teamwork is
- no trolling/flaming and all that bad stuff!
- be able to put up with my slow-ish typing, spelling

In case your wondering I am not after anything in return. Doing these “fun runs” with you all will net me karma and loot and I really don’t mind doing them most days ^^

The best ways to contact me is either PM me or send me a in-game mail,
I just hope to see all of you out there and I look forward to helping you all out soon!!


(edited by Sarahfull.4930)

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DragonMind.2983


I asume if you want one to be lvl80,
that the previous ‘it does not matter what level you are’
is about the fractal level?

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: hazahampo.4286


Would love to try this been looking to getting into fractals for a long time! I play a mesmer and my IGN is Lyss Braveheart so pls contact me I normally on in the evenings and maybe weekend mornings. I’m on Gandara btw

Rishi The Pink-Warrior Lyss Braveheart-Mesmer

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


I asume if you want one to be lvl80,
that the previous ‘it does not matter what level you are’
is about the fractal level?

ops! yes sorry about that! will get that changed, thanks for spotting that out for me

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DragonMind.2983


I asume if you want one to be lvl80,
that the previous ‘it does not matter what level you are’
is about the fractal level?

ops! yes sorry about that! will get that changed, thanks for spotting that out for me

NP …you seem like a nice person, would love to do fractals with you,
but I am on another server, do you know if fractals can be done by guesting?

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


I asume if you want one to be lvl80,
that the previous ‘it does not matter what level you are’
is about the fractal level?

ops! yes sorry about that! will get that changed, thanks for spotting that out for me

NP …you seem like a nice person, would love to do fractals with you,
but I am on another server, do you know if fractals can be done by guesting?

Im 99% sure you will not need to guest over, as long as we are in the same group it will be fine ^^

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LostBalloon.6423


I asume if you want one to be lvl80,
that the previous ‘it does not matter what level you are’
is about the fractal level?

ops! yes sorry about that! will get that changed, thanks for spotting that out for me

NP …you seem like a nice person, would love to do fractals with you,
but I am on another server, do you know if fractals can be done by guesting?

Im 99% sure you will not need to guest over, as long as we are in the same group it will be fine ^^

You are right, the only thing you need to watch out for is that NA servers cannot play with EU servers

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DragonMind.2983


…..the only thing you need to watch out for is that NA servers cannot play with EU servers

Oh well …seems I will not be playing fractals with Sarah then.
Since I’m on EU.

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Poitus.2860


Awesome! Sounds great. I’ll add you in-game if that’s OK and try and see if we’re both on at the same time.

I’m keen to give fractals a run, and the couple of times I’ve put up an LFG ‘noob’ group, it’s been fairly quiet (it was at odd times).

Thanks for being willing!
Poitus (on NS)

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


Awesome! Sounds great. I’ll add you in-game if that’s OK and try and see if we’re both on at the same time.

I’m keen to give fractals a run, and the couple of times I’ve put up an LFG ‘noob’ group, it’s been fairly quiet (it was at odd times).

Thanks for being willing!
Poitus (on NS)

No worries!! ^-^
I dont mind at all please friend me if you wish to do so


Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


I love my fractals ( I do them a lot ) and I also love helping people so that’s why I’m here! I believe this is the right spot so I’ll post it here.
Anyway I am here to let everyone know ( even if its a little late ) that I’m here to help you fractal!

Awesome. I’ll add you to my friend list if you don’t mind. I have a regular group of friends I run with. We occasionally do fractals, but none of us have (to my knowledge) progressed past level 10
Maybe on days when we’re a person short I’ll whisper you and see if you’re “free”

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Sarah which fractal level are you. I ask because i’m the last one of my former Guildmates Fractal team that is still playing. I’m helping two other friends to reach level 49 as well, but only 5 of us are experienced enough to go into level 36 (the level we are doing these days). Since we don’t really want to search for pugs at these level, and all my old buddies back in the days when we were doing level 49 don’t play anymore, it would be nice to have someone else able to take the 5th spot in higher level when we don’t have enough people.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AriaSilverfyre.8702


This is a great thing you’re doing Sarah!

I also love to fractal and would be more than willing to join you and help out also. I’m currently at personal lvl 31. Just recently started lvl 30’s so I don’t know them too well yet. Pug’ing is alright, but I would love to have a regular team who doesn’t always skip everything, etc. (I want some more globs/vials/shards, hard to get when you don’t kill things ya know?). Of course, I’m fine with doing any level below that too.

Guild Leader of ’"The Gryphons Aerie [REST]": A PvE/RP family
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Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kingteranas.1376


I’m at fractal lvl 34 ATM, would love to hit some up with ya

Kingteranas – 80 Guardian
Queen Of Macabre – 80 Thief
Dragonbrand [Ankh]

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


My personal fractal level is 50

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Poitus.2860


Just thought I’d post a THANKS to ‘Sarahfull’ for firstly offering this, and then following through with the goods.
I just ran my first fractals with I think 2 other newbies, and 1 other experienced, and it was awesome.
So, thanks again – looking forward to level 2 already!

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


Aww arent you cute?! Although please just call me sarah.
No worries, like I said Im happy to help!! ^ ^

Unfortunely there was another person who asked for my help but unfortunely my pc crashed so I couldnt get hold of them again. Please next time in-game email me aswell as whisper so I can stay in touch!

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alucard I Am.7394

Alucard I Am.7394

I would like to try this out. Dont think I have done any fractals yet. Usually on in the evenings.

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Whishen.7364


Hey Sarah – If you’re still open to it, I will friend you to see if you’re ever looking for another newbie to help! I’ve not done any fractals, but would love to learn with a group.


Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


I’m always up for it! ^ ^ hehe just let me know and we can find a group!
I’m on at the moment and will be on today and tomorrow if you want to catch me


Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


Sarah was amazing helping out my group last night, even though it took us ages to set it up. It was the first time at level 10 for 3 of us. I cannot recommend her enough

Thank you! /bow

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SansSariph.9548


Sarah – this is exactly the kind of post I’ve been looking for! I quit before Fractals were added, and now I’m interested in getting started (both with Fractals and a bunch of dungeon stuff I never got around to).

How swamped are you with requests at this point? I’d love to run with you as I have no idea what’s going on and am intimidated by trying to completely PUG it right now.

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


I’m not swamped ^^ I’m be happy to help you out

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tamaki Revolution.3548

Tamaki Revolution.3548

I’d like to get in on this. My highest level fractal character is like 3 :P Will try to reach out to you in game.

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


I’m on now and will be all day

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xelios.6172


Seriously this was what I have been looking for forever. I’m in a guild but they all seem to be in the higher level for fractals and seem to be concentrating on wvw. I’ve always wanted to get into fractals because of the rewards such as 20 slot bags but never had the chance to since I’m knew to it and I’ve just returned back to playing gw2 on a regular basis. I’ve watched videos and did a bit of reading about fractals but doing it will teach me the most. I’ll message you when I get home from work.

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RRRIIICCCKKK.2967


I’m down for this as well. Been doing fractals here and there and up to level 9 now.

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


^^ I may do things alittle different than the guides you have read, I like to tech the strats used for like 40+ so when you advance through the lvls you dont get lost and have to change/learn a new strat.


Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192

Allisa Wonderland.8192

Hi Sarah,

Thanks for offering your energy to do help new players into the game!

I was directed to this thread from my Fractured questions – and would love to get into Fractals, with your assistance.

I have a PTV support shorts build GS guardian (Twilight/Sunrise) with 3500h on my clock. My home world is Crystal Desert. I will PM you my main account name.

My time zone is the same as server time, I usually run 9:30PM-midnight consistently plus whenever else I can. Closer to 9:30 is best so I can be ready for Tequat at 11:02.

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


i’m down to run more fractals as well. i’m always putting it off lol. i need me some rings!

i’ll add ya when i get home. thanks, Sarah.

and @Allisa – glad you’re giving fractals a serious shot again!

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mash Hog.5672

Mash Hog.5672

Thats very nice of you Sarah, what Fractals Level have you gotten up to?

Gasmic > Mic Gazzy
Leader of [GASM] #ELEtism
(Retired) Commander [2500+ tPvP Matches Won]

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


My personal fractal lvl is 50 ^ ^

Welcome and I look forward to seeing all of you soooon!


Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


Sorry about being a little lazy, work during the Christmas / new year was crazy to say the lest, as my hours return to normal Ill be able to help out more and provide help
Still let me know if you want my help as I’m always keen. Also if you have any teaching tips I would love to hear them so I can be able to teach with clean instructions : )


Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sarahfull.4930


Asking about neco’ing this, I got the ok.

Just to let everyone know, I still do this. I have made the same post in other places too and have been slowing teach people who ask although, yes I have missed / not yet gona out with all and I will need to fix that.

I do ask, send me a in game mail or whisper and come say hi, so I can add you back. I know I keep saying this, although I am slowing going through my followers list and picking up people I miss.

Well, that is all and Ill see you all out there!


Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Sarahfull AKA The Fractal Queen is awesome. Really suggest people hit her up if ya need help, I know she’s helped me immensely.

Fractal friends are the best of friends

Fractals - A friendly hand

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


Maybe I will take you up on the offer some weekend Sarah. I’d like to build my understanding of fractals; however, most of the people I run into tend to result in me desiring to string them up by their toes and beat them like a pinata.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.