GW2 Combat System 101 (Guide)
Dreamy, thank you so much for your help the other day. As a noob player and one new to the MMO genre of gaming, it was very kind of you to take the time to show me some things.
Thanks again…good luck in Film School.
This guy just saved my kitten His knowledge is just gamebreaking. I forgot about the thing after my break that GW doesn’t have any roles. By all means, if I am dying, I’m doing something wrong, if some ppl on my party are dying, it’s their fault and that’s the point I need to learn again. It’s really pushing and motivating to keep things going. Thanks again, I really needed the help.
Great tutor. It was fun being invited in game to actually witness how to play. The videos were very nice, just wish there were more of them! Maybe class specific videos of ingame scenarios, not the same boss, dealing with mobs etc. Overall a wonderful teacher, he knows his stuff! Great guide!!
I was happy to have DreamAbaddons read me the post on game play I found it was helpful to get the right information to play to survive. The video’s really showed me I have a lot to learn and going to the practice area was an even bigger help. DreamAbaddon is the best tutor I have ever had in any of the games i have played. Thank You for all your hard work here’s hoping it pays off !!!
I really appreciate the guide, as well as the two videos. I honestly was not aware of how important movement and dodging was in this game, (as I come from World of Warcraft and Lord of the Rings online where you pretty much avoid the big glowing spots on the ground).
I was already aware that using a different weapon changed skills, which is neat. I also didn’t know that a secondary weapon was so important.
Honestly a bit overwhelmed, though feel a bit more knowledgeable now. I knew that the holy trinity wasn’t here and was curious how things worked in group situations.
I also wanted to say thank you, for pulling me aside and teaching me some things. Can’t say I have ever played an MMO where that has happened.
It is a lot to take in, (or at least it seems that way to me), yet seems fairly easy to get the hang of. I will definitely practice, though now I have reverted back to profession decision.
New to the game and was really struggling understanding how an MMO has non-standard “roles” like tanks, dps, and healers. After spending some time reading this guide and watching his videos, I have come to realize that this is how the game is supposed to be played. Has been a huge help to me understanding and playing the game has become a lot more fun! Highly recommended for not just new players, but to ALL players!
It was a really nice read! (= this is going to help me alot while playing the game.
I recommend others to read this, and learn from it.
You never wana choose “Traits Lines” based on those “Stat-Bonus” though.
Traits are good for building your character’s playstyle that fits your style of playing.
Wrong. When unsure of how to trait, you do NOT want to choose your Traits based on the Stats given.
Later, when you get more familiarized with the Profession, it becomes an option to go down trees for their stats, and then figuring out what traits you want.*
*: Don’t do this for full squish builds, do it for avant garde builds, like a Boon Duration Mes will want 30 in Chaos for the 30% Boon Duration. The traits are a plus.
You never wana choose “Traits Lines” based on those “Stat-Bonus” though.
Traits are good for building your character’s playstyle that fits your style of playing.Wrong. When unsure of how to trait, you do NOT want to choose your Traits based on the Stats given.
^ That’s what I’m saying above.
Later, when you get more familiarized with the Profession, it becomes an option to go down trees for their stats, and then figuring out what traits you want.*
^ Choosing Traits to build your playstyle is what traits are for. That’s why you read the Traits and see what they do and how they can enhance and work for your playstyle. The Stat-bonus is just there as a bonus, Nothing else. Choosing them for stats primary and not for how the traits work is a big mistake by many.
*: Don’t do this for full squish builds, do it for avant garde builds, like a Boon Duration Mes will want 30 in Chaos for the 30% Boon Duration. The traits are a plus.
^ The Stat-Bonus are a plus, the Traits are for building and enhancing character playstyles.
If all you think about is stats and nothing else, then you’re in big trouble.
This guide is giving information for new players to take advantage of having a good start. The guide does not tell people what to do but how the combat and mechanics work as well as Best ways to figure out how traits/armor work.
You never wana choose “Traits Lines” based on those “Stat-Bonus” though.
Traits are good for building your character’s playstyle that fits your style of playing.Wrong. When unsure of how to trait, you do NOT want to choose your Traits based on the Stats given.
^ That’s what I’m saying above.
Later, when you get more familiarized with the Profession, it becomes an option to go down trees for their stats, and then figuring out what traits you want.*
^ Choosing Traits to build your playstyle is what traits are for. That’s why you read the Traits and see what they do and how they can enhance and work for your playstyle. The Stat-bonus is just there as a bonus, Nothing else. Choosing them for stats primary and not for how the traits work is a big mistake by many.
*: Don’t do this for full squish builds, do it for avant garde builds, like a Boon Duration Mes will want 30 in Chaos for the 30% Boon Duration. The traits are a plus.
^ The Stat-Bonus are a plus, the Traits are for building and enhancing character playstyles.
If all you think about is stats and nothing else, then you’re in big trouble.
This guide is giving information for new players to take advantage of having a good start. The guide does not tell people what to do but how the combat and mechanics work as well as Best ways to figure out how traits/armor work.
Again, it depends. I’m agreeing with you, but I’m also saying that you are wrong in very few cases where it is optional to go down trees for their stats. It takes a lot of thinking to go down a tree for stats, though, and shouldn’t just be a “I WANT 30% CRIT DAMAGE LELELELELELELELEL”
You never wana choose “Traits Lines” based on those “Stat-Bonus” though.
Traits are good for building your character’s playstyle that fits your style of playing.Wrong. When unsure of how to trait, you do NOT want to choose your Traits based on the Stats given.
^ That’s what I’m saying above.
Later, when you get more familiarized with the Profession, it becomes an option to go down trees for their stats, and then figuring out what traits you want.*
^ Choosing Traits to build your playstyle is what traits are for. That’s why you read the Traits and see what they do and how they can enhance and work for your playstyle. The Stat-bonus is just there as a bonus, Nothing else. Choosing them for stats primary and not for how the traits work is a big mistake by many.
*: Don’t do this for full squish builds, do it for avant garde builds, like a Boon Duration Mes will want 30 in Chaos for the 30% Boon Duration. The traits are a plus.
^ The Stat-Bonus are a plus, the Traits are for building and enhancing character playstyles.
If all you think about is stats and nothing else, then you’re in big trouble.
This guide is giving information for new players to take advantage of having a good start. The guide does not tell people what to do but how the combat and mechanics work as well as Best ways to figure out how traits/armor work.Again, it depends. I’m agreeing with you, but I’m also saying that you are wrong in very few cases where it is optional to go down trees for their stats. It takes a lot of thinking to go down a tree for stats, though, and shouldn’t just be a “I WANT 30% CRIT DAMAGE LELELELELELELELEL”
But that’s usually the case: “LELELELELE”! lol
But yeah, It’s not what I recommend for new players.
Just as it’s optional to make your character have full Damage and No Support/control to save themselves… I’d still not recommend it. If that’s what you want to do then nobodys stopping you. =)
And that’s what im saying.
Great explanations, the combat in the game is unique to any other game I have played, and this really helped
Bumping for a great beginner’s guide.
Tarnished Coast
Thank you, for taking the time and putting in the effort to write the guide and making the video (I imagine it takes a lot of time to make such a vid). The written guide is a real eye-opener for me and the video with the warrior and engineer examples is just amazing!
Now I’m gonna enjoy this game even more xD
This really helped a lot! Since I am new I appreciate the easy guide and Im ready to practice it!
awesome threads, help alot since im new in GW2. been searching for a good guide and now i found it.
bumping for new player
This is an amazing guide , your guide really helped alot. I just returned from not having played in a while and this guide reminded me about what guild wars is all about. But it also learned me new stuff I didn’t know before. So for everyone who needs some help with combat. THIS IS YOUR GUIDE!!!!!
Awesome guide! Really helped me out. He actually met me in game for a couple hours and took me through a variety of weapon sets and trait/skill set combos to find the one that worked just right for me, I’m MUCH better now! Really can’t say enough good things about this guy and his guide. I highly recommend it!
Awesome guide. It was super helpful for me as a new player. It’s shed some light, for me personally, on the Guild Wars 2 battle system and it’s all starting to make sense to me. Completely different from what I’m used to in other MMOs!
Very helpful guide! The info here and the vids really showed me how the combat mechanics worked and how to work on my ranger.
Very helpful guide and a great player / tutor. Thank you for the help on catching me up to speed!
Superguide man very helpful and stuff!!!
also watch his YT channel!!!
Superguide man very helpful and stuff!!!
also watch his YT channel!!!
Im glad you enjoy my channel =)
So well done, very helpful.
This is a really great help. Follow every bit of it. Practice and figure out what you like and how you play. Learn how to use your specific skills at the right time and listen to what this dude says , he knows what he is talking about.
As a new player this guide helped me extremely would recommend reading this
Bumping and +1.
Ember Solace [SOL] – A guild welcoming of newbies and those at the margins.
New Player Outreach Thread
Thanks for the guide, very helpful for beginners and even players that already have experience.!!
Thanks, helped me greatly in transcending from gw1 to gw2 playstyles! and the ingame help shows ur dedication to help new players, I appreciaite ur help greatly
Duke Vindictae (80 Chronomancer)
Pain is temporary, Regret is forever.
Well, looks like you put a lot into that guide, and the videos
It’s great that someone takes the time to teach and help newbies like
Thank you kindly!
Violette Glory [Warrior]
Bala Rama [Herald]
Too much writing in the OP, here’s a better summation of GW2 combat:
1. Pay attention to animations
2. Use your dodge key
Done, easy.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
i’d like to give mad thanks to D.A (DreamyAbaddon) for this forum helped me alot in game and by far the best guide you can ask for to become a great player at gw2, this is the only guide ive seen so far that goes in depth to explain everything you need and i suggest all players starting out or still coming along to read this guide and follow his youtube gw2 video guides
Awesome guide and very well presented. I am new to this game and this guide helped me understand a lot about the combat mechanics. Thank you so much for making this guide and I am sure this will help lot of new players in understanding the GW2 system.
This should be stickied somehow. This is really helpful especially for new players who have no idea what to do in GW2. This also helps players who are too used to the holy trinity back in WoW days. Thanks a bunch for this man
This really helps alot. It tells me alot about stuff that i dont. It tuaght me how to use skills and traits and it really does teach you something that most new players dont know. 10 out of 10!!! -Miragy
Really great guide. It helps wrap your mind around things.
man I havn’t updated this guide with new information for a while.
I’m thinking of putting more time making combat 101 guides per each class.
I think it could be very helpful for those visual learners out there.
Plus I got some new information I might need to updated for the written version, and can be shorter for the better.
While that’s a great idea, I think those individual class guides would best be assigned to their Class specific forums (with links to them from this Guide?). Just a thought.
This is a very helpful and informative Guide no matter what your GW2 experience level.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
While that’s a great idea, I think those individual class guides would best be assigned to their Class specific forums (with links to them from this Guide?). Just a thought.
This is a very helpful and informative Guide no matter what your GW2 experience level.
I appreciate the feedback!
Definantly something worth considering.
I think you have a good point.
Thank you for putting in the time and effort to help out @ DreamyAbaddon and everyone else. This is very helpful.
extremely helpful, this game is so much more differint than any other MMO out there lol
this guide makes it easier to understand
Vaxyle – lvl 80 Thief
“You have to choose your battles, all it takes is patience.”
Very great and comprehensive guide, especially for players new to the game or new to MMORPGs in general. GW2 lacks a lot of proper tutorial elements (especially in PVP, where it just sort of dumps every aspect of combat onto you at once and expects you to know what to do with it), so it can be very overwhelming at first. The three basic steps to creating your own build greatly simplify the flow of customizing your class to work best with your own playstyle. In addition, the three basic types of combat greatly simplify the flow of combat (which can be overwhelming due to the abundance of boons and conditions in GW2) to a triangle of three general aspects that are easy to identify. PVP in GW2 is very fast paced so anything that simplifies the logical flow of an encounter greatly enhances your ability to process your next move faster. Overall, great guide that made me rethink my approach to making builds.
I can see a polished and well-made guide when I see one. Top job mate! I particular enjoy the video showing combat across all professions, it’s very helpful. Well done!
This is a great guide, helped me build a engineer build that I really like. DreamyAbbadon also talked to me perosnally on Skype giving me advice which was really helpful! Thanks for putting together this guide and for taking time helping less experienced players!
Great guide! DreamyAbaddon went out of his way to help me and explained everything very well. Very informative and well written. As a new player to this game this helped me tremendously, reiterating everything DreamyAbaddon told me.
With the YouTube videos as added support this helps a lot with choosing a class and seeing a quick play style. All ready have some builds in mind, cannot wait to try them out!
Quick read helped me realize how to trait and gear making the game so much easier to understand and make the game fun rather than overwhelming.
this is an awesome guide. I am new to GW2 and i was having trouble taking down higher level creatures, but after reading the guide and the videos i can understand how to control the enemy and take them down. Thanks so much DreamAbaddon. Hope to see more
Wow what a great thread and very helpful. This explains so much as I was trying to go for a DPS build like they do in WoW. Im a new player and after reading this I have much more confidence in my understanding of how this game works. I should be able to effectively build my character the way I want it done and compliment it through various ways. Thanks again!
Fantastic guide! Easy to read and understand, and it’s not just helpful to new players, but to veterans too. Keep up the good work! ^.^