Greatswords and swords

Greatswords and swords

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pwnzor.5682


this is totaly off-‘topic i think, but i’m a next to my love for bows also a big fan of swords. Longswords, but what weapon is the most close to a true longsword?
a “sword” or the "greatswords?
I want my character like i would be in mid age’s
But is the greatsword in game more like a “Zweihänder” or a “longsword”?
What should i use as weapon to look like a character with a bow and with a longsword?

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: zwierz.9012


The basic 1h sword skin in game is a typical longsword, similar designs used in europe from 8th to 15th century.

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: Temariah.9372


You can also preview weapons for free when you’re in game. If you go to the trading post (you can open it from anywhere) and just change the filters to look for swords/greatswords, you can get a good idea of what they’ll look like with your character.

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Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: Pwnzor.5682


well thats the prob :p i find greatswords to big to be called “longsword” and the normal 1h sword to small..

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: Crossaber.8934


I will say greatsword feel more like long sword. Skin-wise, sword is more like long sword but, in real, a long sword is more likely to be used more effectively with both hand. I prefer using a long sword with both hand to increase the speed and power so i will go for greatsword with a more compact design (human Tier 2 GS is a very good choice)

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: Pwnzor.5682


I will say greatsword feel more like long sword. Skin-wise, sword is more like long sword but, in real, a long sword is more likely to be used more effectively with both hand. I prefer using a long sword with both hand to increase the speed and power so i will go for greatsword with a more compact design (human Tier 2 GS is a very good choice)

well yea thats why i dont know what to use :p wanne roll play a bit in gw2 so i think i’m going to follow u and use a small designed greatsword

But i’m farming for sunrise now anyway

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: zwierz.9012


I will say greatsword feel more like long sword. Skin-wise, sword is more like long sword but, in real, a long sword is more likely to be used more effectively with both hand. I prefer using a long sword with both hand to increase the speed and power so i will go for greatsword with a more compact design (human Tier 2 GS is a very good choice)

I’m a history reenacter for 6 years and I never found it comfortable to use a longsword in both hands.

I think we have a game/reality misconception on our hands.

Below, I posted a picture of real life longsword examples. As you can see, none of them have a grip that enables comfortable and efficient use with both hands, unless you don’t like your fingers anymore. You were thinking about a kitten sword maybe?

EDIT – really? A kitten sword? Yay, censorship! I meant of course a “JohnSnow” sword, not kitten.


(edited by zwierz.9012)

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: Pwnzor.5682


isnt this a longswod?


Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: zwierz.9012


Nope, it’s a “JohnSnow” sword. I say “JohnSnow” because of the forum censorship.

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: Pwnzor.5682


why does wiki says that that is a longsword? o_O

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: zwierz.9012


Beats me. See, kitten swords are a bit longer than normal longsword, but not as massive as two handed swords, and have a longer grip so that they can be used both as a one handed weapon, and two handed.

They sometimes also have a sharp point, though there are models with rounded point as well.

EDIT. Again with the kitten! Grr you know what word I mean I hope?

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: NoxInfernus.2361


There is one ‘great sword’ skin you can use that I think will be what you are looking for. The Dark Vine Karma sword from the heart vendor near Falis Thorpe (sp?) waypoint has it. I believe the basic white greatsword skin from vendors is similar/same to this.
The blade is shorter than the ‘typical’ Great sword, and the cross is more blunted.

I was in the same mindset as the OP, so I did some searching around. This was the best I could come up with. It actually looks pretty good when used with my human Ranger.

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: zwierz.9012


BTW, “Greatsword” is only one of subtypes of two handed swords, and most (from the non obvious fantasy designs) greatswords in GW2 are in fact kitten, zweihander, norman two handed sword types, and I think I saw a shamshir among the skins also.

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: Pwnzor.5682


so zwierz, what is than the big diffrent between a Greatsword and a longsword?

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: Seras.5702


Since you’re clearly looking for a 1-hand sword, take a look at dulfy’s gallery of GW2 1h swords.

Couple good ones for you:
Golden Sword
Honor of Humanity
Krytan Sword
Lionguard Sword
Seraph Sword

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(edited by Seras.5702)

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: Acinonyx Rex.8609

Acinonyx Rex.8609

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: NoxInfernus.2361


I’m probably going to get an infraction for this, but in the interest of historical accuracy I suggest that if anyone is really interested in sword typology, they should check out Sword Forum International. These folks are some of the most knowledgeable individuals outside of a museum that you can find on the subject (actually, many are curators or long time collectors).

Greatswords and swords

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: zwierz.9012


Responding to Pwnzor.5682:

Greatswords are massive, long blades (often around 1.4-1.6 meter), designed for heavyly armoured infantry, wearing plate armour. Usually the blade in front of the cross was dulled, so that it could be gripped shorter in tight combat situations, point was usually round, since thrusting with a blade like that is not a good idea.

Longswords were much shorter, (70- 85 cm), grip is designed for one hand only, and the point usually being ended sharply, though earlier models often hand a rounded point. Longsword was designed to use with a round shield, or almond shaped one, best fitted to use in loose formation, but also useful in tight formation.

Plus, the site NoxInfernus directed you to is going to give you more information than I ever could, and more accurate too!

Greatswords and swords

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pwnzor.5682


what are then the swords that u can wield with 2 hands and 1 hands? sorry for going totaly off topic but i want to buy a sword cause i really love them i also have some practice swords etc. and i’m really looking for a sword thats not a 1handed and also not a massive big one. tought they called those swords longswords..

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: zwierz.9012


I’ll PM you the name of that sword type, because forum keeps censoring it into a young feline sword…

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: Pwnzor.5682


btw my love for those big sword started with this movie, what sword is that then?


Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: zwierz.9012


That’s a two handed sword.

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: Pwnzor.5682


aaahn well i love those swords. but this one seems so small? cause i readed that 2 handers are 1.8 meters

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: snakesonabattlefield.5692


I am a practitioner of Historical European Martial Arts, or HEMA, and my main weapon is the longsword. Our fencing is based on translated manuscripts ranging between the 13-16th centuries, primarily German ones. If you read the Wikipedia article on the longsword, the name Sigmund Ringeck is mentioned – that is one of our most important sources.

What we, and the manuscripts, refer to as a longsword is as described in the wikipedia article and wielded with two hands most of the time. There are certain one-handed techniques but they are used rather sparingly.

Linking some examples of longswords of the type we use:

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: Crossaber.8934


Did you see Aragon use both hand on his 1h sword? I have seen quite a few of this scene, so it is no reason it can’t be used with both hand, especially when the off hand is free. I want to use 1h sword in GW2 with both hand actually.

Another example is using Katana, its normal usage is both hand, unless dual weird…

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: Pwnzor.5682


well now i’m getting confused.. what sword is the sword of ironclad then?
and a second cuestion is a longsword used on your belt or in a scabbard only?

yea i love to sword of aragorn to but really cant see what swords or what. Longsword or greatswords…

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: zwierz.9012


That explains much! Ok, so in my native language longsword doesn’t mean the same as in english apparently o.O. I was sure that what you link is called a "bas"""ta’’’rd" sword though?

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: Tanith.5264


I thought a greatsword was much larger than other swords, hence the name. Weren’t you all listening to Lord Tywin last night? He said Ned Stark’s Ice easily had enough steel in it for two swords.

Anyhow, there are chainsaw greatswords in this game, so the point is probably moot.

Tanith Fencewalker, Tanni Mindbender, Thyra Wrathbringer, Lovecraft Thrall
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Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: snakesonabattlefield.5692


That explains much! Ok, so in my native language longsword doesn’t mean the same as in english apparently o.O. I was sure that what you link is called a "bas"""ta’’’rd" sword though?

Classification of swords are very tricky, especially in European languages since there could be regional differences in what a sword was called.

It gets further complicated by the fact that sword design evolved over time – the "childbornoutofwedlock"sword you name is an effect of that. It was one of the designs that came from the earlier longsword but is generally heavier and larger if I am correct. I should say that I’m really no expert except for the longsword, however.

Greatswords and swords

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: zwierz.9012


Aight, so I did some research, and if I’m correct the name longsword applies to both one handed longswords used by for example scandinavians and slavic peoples in 10th century, and bast’’ard swords apparently, especially in British and German documentation.

So if I unintentionally mislead anyone, I’m sorry, nomenclature can be a real kitten sometimes.

And yeah, Snakes, I do mostly 8th to 10th century stuff, hence was apparently not aware of double naming. Well, what’s 400 years one way or the others, right?

Greatswords and swords

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pwnzor.5682


That explains much! Ok, so in my native language longsword doesn’t mean the same as in english apparently o.O. I was sure that what you link is called a "bas"""ta’’’rd" sword though?

yea the second name of it is that also 2and a half sword i think.
in my eye’s its a mix of a greatsword and a 1handed sword.

so now to restart cause i’m still confused :p What sword is that in ironclad and aragorns sword in lotr? also what sword fits most in gw2 to ba a eu longswod?

(edited by Pwnzor.5682)

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: Crossaber.8934


There are apparently a lot different size of sword:

Short sword
Long sword

Short sword / Sword = 1h sword
Long sword = 1h/2h sword depends on user
Claymore = 2h greatsword

The designs of 1h sword in GW2 is a combination of sword and long sword, some 1h sword skin like AC sword is definitely a long sword which can be used by either 1 hand or 2 hands.

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: snakesonabattlefield.5692


Agreed. I think the lesson here is that sword classification is tough!

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: zwierz.9012


Yep, especially between different cultures.

Greatswords and swords

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pwnzor.5682


kitten i really want to learn more things about swords.. i got 2 big interests that are bows (archery) and swords. i do archery bit i still dont know mutch about swords..

Greatswords and swords

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: snakesonabattlefield.5692


kitten i really want to learn more things about swords.. i got 2 big interests that are bows (archery) and swords. i do archery bit i still dont know mutch about swords..

Well… if your interest is more theoretical I suggest looking for some sword forums – someone above mentioned sword forum international, which could be a great place to start.

If your interest is leaning towards the practical, like mine, I warmly recommend that you investigate if there are any HEMA clubs in your area! Swords are our game, and you will find a lot of like-minded people there.

Greatswords and swords

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: zwierz.9012


It’s a really interesting subject, same as archery. I’m quite an accomplished archer myself.

And trust me, nothing beats the feeling of charging at enemy lines sword in hand!
There are no HEMA clubs in Poland as far as I know (but I as I said, I’m more into early medieval times, armour is not my style), but we have quite a developed reenactment scene.

(edited by zwierz.9012)

Greatswords and swords

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pwnzor.5682


at this point i only use swords in games :p thats why i askes waht sword is best looking to a longsword
But i’m looking for a club like that for a few weeks from now

Greatswords and swords

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: snakesonabattlefield.5692


It’s a really interesting subject, same as archery. I’m quite an accomplished archer myself.

And trust me, nothing beats the feeling of charging at enemy lines sword in hand!

Of course, I can’t forget our reenacting friends, who may be more plentiful then us martial arts-types!

Greatswords and swords

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: snakesonabattlefield.5692


at this point i only use swords in games :p thats why i askes waht sword is best looking to a longsword
But i’m looking for a club like that for a few weeks from now

What country and city are you from? If your are lucky I might know your closest club. No guarantees, but I do know of quite a few.

Greatswords and swords

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: zwierz.9012


Yeah, you guys brake less equipment and bones from I hear?

EDIT: I mean over there in the west :P

Greatswords and swords

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pwnzor.5682


It’s a really interesting subject, same as archery. I’m quite an accomplished archer myself.

And trust me, nothing beats the feeling of charging at enemy lines sword in hand!
There are no HEMA clubs in Poland as far as I know (but I as I said, I’m more into early medieval times, armour is not my style), but we have quite a developed reenactment scene.

yea it is thats why i like to play games like guild wars to. the swords and bows etc.

off topic again, and later this year or next year i’m going to buy ma a mongolian recurve bow and/or a traditional longbow. Now i use a competition bow

and snakesonabattlefield: i’m from belgium

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: NoxInfernus.2361


The late Ewart Oakeshott probably did the best and most extensive work in creating a typology for western historical swords.
Many artists refer to his work when designing their own blades (either forging or drawing).
I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the artists at ArenaNet have a few of his books on their desks that they use for inspiration (and if they don’t, they should).

Greatswords and swords

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: snakesonabattlefield.5692


It’s a really interesting subject, same as archery. I’m quite an accomplished archer myself.

And trust me, nothing beats the feeling of charging at enemy lines sword in hand!
There are no HEMA clubs in Poland as far as I know (but I as I said, I’m more into early medieval times, armour is not my style), but we have quite a developed reenactment scene.

yea it is thats why i like to play games like guild wars to. the swords and bows etc.

off topic again, and later this year or next year i’m going to buy ma a mongolian recurve bow and/or a traditional longbow. Now i use a competition bow

and snakesonabattlefield: i’m from belgium

Well, I know there is at least one club in Brussels, though their name escapes me atm. Googling on “historical fencing Belgium” seems to yield a few interesting hits as well. Good luck to you if you decide to go for it!

And we break equipment, it’s true… swords get worn with use, after all. It was a pleasure to speak of swords with you, but now reality calls. Take care!

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: zwierz.9012


Yeah, it was a fun and educating discussion! Take care!

Greatswords and swords

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pwnzor.5682


and they moved it :p

well it was verry educating, thanks for all the messaging etc. I think i’m going to buy some books about the medival weapons to learn more.

And i think i’m going to stick to a greatsword in gw2, think it fits the most now

Greatswords and swords

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Posted by: zwierz.9012


Glad you made up your mind and hope we helped

Greatswords and swords

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tanith.5264


Three of my characters…my mesmer, my warrior, and my baby guardian…all favor greatswords. Though only one of them shoots purple lightning out of it.

Tanith Fencewalker, Tanni Mindbender, Thyra Wrathbringer, Lovecraft Thrall
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server

Greatswords and swords

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pwnzor.5682


Glad you made up your mind and hope we helped

well i still dont know if a greatsword fits to be called longsword to. but its the only 2 handed sword in the game

Greatswords and swords

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: zwierz.9012


If you choose the right skin, then sure, i does fit!