Greetings, new player starting soon
You should find the information here useful:
Also re: usually play the healer/support role – There is no dedicated healer in this game.(Not like in most Fantasy MMO games) So you’ll need to adjust to that. The Guardian is probably the closest thing, though many of the classes do well in support roles. Good luck.
Ah, thanks. I’ll check those out sometime later tonight or in the morning. I have been taking a peek at the manual and realize that there’s no dedicated healer class, but I won’t let that stop me from supporting where needed. I am definitely going to try engineer first though since I’m a fan of building stuff to kill stuff in games. Thanks for the links! I wonder which server I should join when I get the client going. I’m from the USA in the southeast.
You probably picked a server already, but it is less important now than it used to be. Megaservers take care that there are always people around. Homeserver matters mostly for World vs. World.
First off, welcome to GW2! Heres a fairly generic post that i copy/paste on to every new player thread, with some basics you should learn. Incoming wall of text.
Firstly, there is a huge difference between the combat here and the combat in WoW and most other MMOs. A few things of note:
The combat in this game is much more action-oriented- you can avoid attacks by strafing and dodging as you fight, and using skills to counter enemy attacks. It’s more important to avoid attacks than to heal them. You can avoid attacks via blind, blocks, teleports, and evades/dodges. Every class also has their own healing skill, which is your #6 slot. You may be somewhat used to this from your old game, since you said you try to ki things before they kill you. The current meta for PVE is to use full dmg gear an traits and wipe out mobs and bosses as quickly as possible, using active defense to avoid dying. Support doesn’t rely on stats like healing power and boon duration, as a full dmg setup will still have all the boons, reflects, mighstacking, and aegis/protection a normal group would while still dealing top tier dmg. In other words, you should rethink your definition of support into not being purely healing based. Every class already has their own #6 heal and anything you can give them would be very lackluster.
There is no healer/tank/DPS trinity. Everyone is responsible for their own survival, for DPSing the enemy, for coordinating support and control to make fights more manageable.
Your success in this game depends largely on your skill as a player, rather than your gear.
I highly recommend giving this a read:
In addition, GW2 is highly unlike WoW in many other respects. The game’s meant to be more of a journey- you take your time and enjoy the process of leveling, explore to your heart’s content, and when you hit 80, there aren’t tiers of raids and gear to chase one after the other. You pretty much find what you enjoy doing and do it.
snip but I won’t let that stop me from supporting where needed. I am definitely going to try engineer first though since I’m a fan of building stuff to kill stuff in games. snip
Engineer may suit you actually. It has quite a few utility skills that offer worthwhile support (buffs, condition cleanse, group healing etc.) whilst still being able to do damage.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.
I hadn’t started playing yet since I was still downloading. I woke up this morning to it finished downloading but when I log in, I see like 40+ servers. I am speechless, really. I knew this game had a high population but didn’t expect this high. Well I suppose I’ll just browser through the server names and see which sounds better to me. There’s no wrong choice here long as I play an American server since I’m in the USA. Thanks for the help. I’ll check out those links now.
I just want to jump in with a tiny info.
Support in this game is wider and completely different than other, generic MMO-s.
It could mean buffing up your teammates with boons, such as Might and Fury, providing Swiftness for faster running or defend them with Aegis, Protection or using projectile absorb / reflect. Big group of mobs ahead? No problem, ask your Thief to use area stealth on the group and sneak past them. Need more dps? Ask your Warrior to plant banners with area buffs. You lack offensive boons? Ele will provide a lot of Might and Fury while annihilate the group with their super awesome Lightning hammer or Fiery Greatsword. Group is low on health, but the boss refuse to die? Drop a waterfield and make a few blast finisher in it to aoe heal the group, etc etc etc. After a while you will get the hang of it.
If you are more interested in PvE, i would advice you to try out Elementalist. A lot of options by default thanks to the 4 attunement they have with every weapon and has various useful utilities in their pockets. And ofc ridicolous damage.
If you are PvP oriented, try Guardian or Engi. Guardian is similar to paladins and other “holy knight” type classes, but their role isn’t restricted to only support. Well, thats actually true for every class. So Guardians are more of a “i block everything and help out my team with stuff” of guys. Meanwhile Engi is like a swiss knife. On steroids. With granades. Similary to Ele they get a lot of options with kits such as Granade and Bomb kit, Flamethrower or Elixir gun.
I hope it helped a little. If not, ask and always try to learn.
Hi there!
My guild is a pretty casual guild. We don’t actually have a voice chat system but we are usually in guild chat with something. I’m usually making sure I check it if I get a lot of the story chat or npc chat. I’m rather new to the game as well, next month I will have been here two months so I would LOVE to help someone just starting out. Always fun to learn the game with another fellow newbie.
Elementalists are a good support role as well. At least that is what I keep hearing. Gaurdian and Warriors can be tanky and Gaurdians also can do some support.
Since I know that servers don’t exactly matter except for WvW, I do want to say the NA servers are:
Anvil Rock
Borlis Pass
Crystal Desert <— My Home Server (Chose this because of my friend who got me the game)
Devona’s Rest
Ehmry Bay
Eredon Terrace
Ferguson’s Crossing
Fort Aspenwood
Gate of Madness
Henge of Denravi
Isle of Janthir
Jade Quarry
Northern Shiverpeaks
Sanctum of Rall
Sea of Sorrows
Sorrow’s Furnace
Stormbluff Isle
Tarnished Coast
Yak’s Bend
If you have friends that play just pick their server. If not pick any server. The server isn’t a big deal in Guild wars. You will be able to play with anyone on any server. Just simpler if you are on the same server.
Always up wind from my prey. I want them to smell my farts!