Guild recruitment ideas
Have you considered joining an existing guild? I’m not saying it’s impossible to have your own, but it’ll be a challenge for you to start up a successful guild with only a couple players on your roster. If your goal is to find people to play this game with, it’s much better served by finding the guild that’s right for you.
If you do want to build your own guild, it’s a lot of work and it’ll take perseverance and dedication to maintain. Forum posts or advertising on won’t really help you, the only way to really build up a guild is by meeting and interacting with others in-game, and if you find some guildless people, invite them. This is the same way you should find a guild to join if you choose to go that path instead (find good people, and ask to join).
However you decide to proceed, good luck!
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of
Best of luck with your new guild. Everybody has to start somewhere and I would bet that all guilds were exactly in the same place as you are at some point. Of course it would be easier for you if you had a few friends ready to join you at the get-go, but as you haven’t just do what you are doing and be a little patient.
This is what I’m looking for when I want to join a Guild/Group in any MMO (I never start my own as I’m way to lazy and impatient)
First of all, spelling and wording of your advertisement – make sure that your spelling and grammar are correct – I never join a guild/group that can’t be bothered to pay attention to both.
Be clear in your aims – I hate joining a guild that says one thing but means something else – if you are advertising that you welcome all types, stages of experience etc say so and stick to it, I have left many guilds because they failed to follow through what they advertised.
Try not to exclude anybody unless you want a group that is specifically exclusive, i.e. within a certain age group etc as this will limit the number of people that can join.
Always welcome new members and introduce them to existing members who are in game at that time, nothing worse than joining a new group and being left in limbo. Try to include them in a group activity as soon as you can, the best guilds imo are those that make sure everybody is included in the current event.
I wish you luck with your new group – have lots of fun and happy gaming.
As SoggyFrog said, starting a guild from scratch is not easy. It really does take a lot of patience and work to get going. If you can hold out and not give up, it will pay off in the end. If you don’t already have a core group of friends to get things going, it will be even slower to start up, but not impossible. Supasilvafoxy also summed it up pretty well. You want to be sure to present your guild in a way that people will want to join it. Be honest with people and the rewards will be better. Down the road once you get things going, having a forum and/or website is also great. There are quite a few free hosting sites out there for guilds residing in just about any game.
Good luck with your guild.
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1: Making a guild and just thinking you are going to get members isn’t going to work.
2: If you tried point 1, no offense ment, but please join an existing guild.
3: a guild is a group of players that have something in common. So the first thing you have to ask yourself is what does your guild has to offer.. The second thing you have to ask yourself is if you are in a group of people that has something in common. If the answer is yes, talk with that group bout forming a guild. If the answer is no then pls start meeting people. be social and friendly and just play the game. You will meet people and if they like you they will join you.
Only after you have a stable base it is worthwile to go activly recruiting as stated above. Important is that you have a website, speech-server and a common goal.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
My guild has known a rough time in the months past and we’ve just climbed up again. Here’s my advice for you:
1- Low level zones: play in low level zones cause that is where new players without a guild come! Don’t worry about grouping up, just do it! Show the new players how cooperation gets the job done and give them some advice. Then ask them if they want to join in your guild.
2- Recruitment forum: on the guild forum it’s hard to get people. I suggest inviting people who post on forum in-game. This brings you ahead of other potential recruiters, who try to reply on forum threads. It’s a waste of time and instead it’s way easier to contact people in-game.
3- Make a guild site! Try to organize events there too
I wish you the best of luck! I hope you manage to set-up.