Help me about 1vs1

Help me about 1vs1

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Deathvn.6583



i just want to ask what class i should go to really effective in 1vs1 fight ( both WvW and PvP). i got 4 charracter lvl 80 now, Thief-warrior-mesmer-Guardian. i was have fun with Guardian defensive build in zerg fight.but im still confuse about what class should i go for 1vs1,i dont ask about OP class with all perfect things, just ask about what’s working good for 1vs1 right now, i dont care what class is it and how is bad in zerg fight or dungeon,ty guys somuch for ur comment, hope u guys can give me a class and build aswell. once again ty guys somuch and plss forgive me if i have anything wrong

Help me about 1vs1

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tribio.8531


For every build you come up, the perfect counter build exists.. So no “pure PvP” class to be found in this game..

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Help me about 1vs1

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Apolyon.6937


Just chose the one you enjoy the most, and practice with it until you are good.

Selecting a class that is good for somebody else will not make you a better player out of the blue…

Help me about 1vs1

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Deathvn.6583


@ Tribio : yeah, i know it Tribio, you are right, but only when u have time to rebuild to counter someone. but it’s impossible in normaly fight, u dont know what u will fight with, till u meet them XD~ so we still can choose one class+build can be fight 1vs1 with most popular build in game
ty somuch for ur comment, will think about it seriously

Help me about 1vs1

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Deathvn.6583


anyone help? Y_Y i really need your help :P

Help me about 1vs1

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pure Heart.1456

Pure Heart.1456

This is a difficult question, and I don’t think it can be answered in a simple manner.
However, if I had to attempt an answer;

Probably the easiest class to play and be ‘effective’ with (assuming you’re not a master at doing builds) would be Warrior or Guardian.

I say this, because they are inherently tough—survivability—and inherently high in DPS. I say ‘inherently’, because you don’t necessarily need to have a big box of tricks up your sleeve to achieve this. Now if in addition you do your build right, you’ll have a good combination of survivability and power.

Hence, if you can do more damage and take more damage than your average adversary, you should be able to win more than 50% of your matches, assuming you’re facing average opponents.

The reality is though, that you’ll likely be facing a good number of people who have put time and a good deal of thought into their class and their build which may very likely defeat your ‘average’ set up above.

(edited by Pure Heart.1456)

Help me about 1vs1

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

So basically there are about 3 1v1 builds, that are common to play:

- Phantasm Mesmer

- Kit-Engineer

- Spirit Ranger

The easiest build to play, without big efforts is the Spirit-Ranger. It is learned pretty quick. I’d suggest to try this out first.
The Kit-Engineer is only for dedicated players, therefore there is alot of experience required for success.

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Help me about 1vs1

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MarkusParkus.8467


^ As said before the Engi can be a great weapon in the right hands, I don’t often see them in 1v1 though.
For duelling i’d run a phantasm/shatter hybrid Mesmer, for roaming I’d run a thief just for their ability to disengage and reset the fight (not something you can do in duelling)

Lately I’ve seen a few warriors running dual mace/hammer for a very hard CC build.. unsure on traits ect.

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