Help me shop please
Watchwork Mining Pick – 1000 gems
Copper-fed Salvage-o-matic – 800 gems
After those two it becomes debatable. Things like additional bank tabs at 600 gems each; Living Story Season 2 for 1280 if you don’t have it unlocked; shared inventory slots at 700/1890/2800 for 1/3/5 are useful if you alt a lot; storage expander for 800 gems if you like hording mats.
Then there’s holding on to whatever you have left and wait until something that does interest you shows up at the shop or go on sale, not like gems go bad.
RIP City of Heroes
Thank you for you answer, Behellagh! I can and will get more gems of course (I like my outfits haha) but I didn’t want to miss on something that needs to be obtained right away/makes everything more practical.
Does living story season 2 not come with the game? It kinda sucks if they are selling us DLC’s…unlese I’m misunderstanding of course.
The livening story chapters are free if you were active durring it’s release. An example is because you logged on you will have living story season 3 part two unlocked.
True, if he was on during LS2 it’s free. And it’s true you can join someone who has it to play, but you don’t get the rewards you need to make Mawdrey/Mawdry II. And if you don’t care about story …
Then there’s any of the permanent passes, like Royal Terrace, Air Ship, etc. for 1000 gems. I find it useful but there are those who don’t.
RIP City of Heroes
Thank you, Vadeil!
I love having the permanent airship pass in a shared inventory slot. It is especially helpful for levelling craft skills, but having everything at your fingertips is also very nice IMO.
It may be a while but there are sales; had one recently. Prob be one end of nov.
Are you altaholic? Char slot is a must – 5 is NOT enough :P You into fashion? TOTAL MAKEOVER KIT – yes! View appearance preview person first to see unique looks get w/ kit before deciding to buy one but – that’s gem money I have to spend on.
BANK TABS – if ur one char only, or 2 – it may be wasted; more – a MUST.
SHARD SLOT – this ramps up gems, but sharing ascended gear/OR black lion kits, etc. is nice. However –
INVENTORY EXPANSION – one thing you’ll discover at 80, is u will need more bags. It is per char tho.
TOOLS – whichever ones – yeah they are nice; but it’s per char.
EXPANDER – - more mats. 250 max is small, believe me whether you craft or don’t craft; you’ll have inventory filling with excess mats. If u have enough bags or bank tabs, it may not matter. I’d rather get another bank tab than this personally. Eh depends how OCD u are,
LW2 – still discounted; if you are into story, lore, it is worth it. Also, each chapter is a mastery point and unique rewards. But if u are PvP, all about 80 quick as can, skip dialogue during stories, well – clearly then this is a waste
A lot depends on you tbh, some ppl could care less about their char looks; I am not that person, so total makeover kits are well spent for me, others may think it’s wasted.
Others may disagree about airship pass or elsewhere, etc. I got a 150 2 week pass; not sure I’d want to spend 1k; that’s a if on discount item for me.
AS FAR AS ARMOR QUESTION – Nothing in gemstore matters other than fashion wise for armor type. That’s personal choice you can preview available looks. Also, for me wings (one) was worthwhile investment glider skins. Mostly.
Thank you all for the info!
Lots of good advice, and I agree with most of it.
I’d add two things:
1) Don’t look at what people say is most important to buy, look at why they say it’s important to buy it. This leads into:
2) Don’t spend a lot right away – save those gems for a couple weeks or a month, while you play and find out what would fit you.
Figure out what stuff frustrates you while playing.
Is it always running out of salvage kits – buy a Copper Fed (high on my own list).
Do you play one character almost exclusively – then Shared Inventory is probably not too important, get Bag Slots instead.
Do you like making/rerolling alts? If you’re sometimes deleting characters Bag Slots might be a bad investment.
Also don’t buy too many Storage Expanders initially – when you have 500-750 of a material, process it or sell excess – you’ll most likely get more of it!
Living story 2 & 3 ( whatever you don’t have unlocked), a copper fed salvage kit should be pretty much top of the shopping list.
After that, I’d recommend things like bank tabs/bag slots. Shared inventory slots are nice, but really expensive.
Infinite gathering tools aren’t bad – mostly convenience, watchwork pick aside.
royal terrace style perma pass isn’t bad either. Easy access to a “base of operations” that has less running to vendors/crafting stations.
Oh, storage expanders! they are nice once you have a lot of materials stockpiled.
Ultimately: I’d say don’t be too rushed to spend them. Find where your pain points are and get convenience items to alleviate.
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.