How can you level up fast?

How can you level up fast?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: sniperboy.6389



Hello, I’m new to GW2 and I just see quest like (lvl 6 and I’m lvl 5) and (lvl 8 quest and I’m lvl 5),but I’m not that level so why are they doing this I’m just following main story line is there even side quest I tried WvW but I don’t understand how to lvl up there beside mob grind. So can someone please tell me a easy way to level?

How can you level up fast?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


The Personal Story (PS) is a supplement. A lot of people don’t do it at all.

In PvE you level by doing. Gather every node (it’s there just for you, you aren’t stealing from anyone). Explore every corner, get waypoints, points of interest, vistas. Do the heart conditions. Craft a bit if you want. If events appear on the map (orange circles), get to them and do whatever the text says the goal is (upper right of your screen).

In WvW you also do events, but these are sieges on keeps, escorts of supply dolyaks, and the like. With other players, geared as level 80, trying to kill you.

Anyway, if you do everything in a zone you are likely to outlevel it by the end. You can go back to the PS later when you have more skills and knowledge. Also you can group up for it, if a friend wants to help you do it.

How can you level up fast?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: selan.8354


hmm i got my necro to 80 in 3 days: used the scroll fo get lvl 20, than did events in queensdale and storyline and then 1 day joining the karma train in wvw. plus a few dungeons.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

How can you level up fast?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Don’t encourage the newbies to do a champ train. Worse way to prepare them for the rest of the game.

1st as Donari says, just about anything you do will grant you XP and you can’t “steal” from other players so feel free to help them, including rezzing.

2nd, you can’t outlevel a zone. No matter how high of a level you are, the game will scale you down (not up in PvE) to a level appropriate to where you are so the critters around you will still be challenging yet drop loot for your level. But that doesn’t mean you should hunker down in one zone. Explore them all, start with your race’s home city and starting zone and if you like take the gate to the capital, Lion’s Arch and from there gate to the other 4 starting cities and explore their city and starting zones. You get loot if you fully explore each zone including the cities.

3rd, in each zone there are dynamic events (DEs) that will pop into existence every so often. This is your main source of “quests”. Then there are the hearts on the map which are contacts with something for you to do, from stopping rampaging critters to teaching cows to fight. Completing them unlocks loot that you can buy with 2ndary currency called Karma which you earn by doing Hearts and DEs. Some DEs are chained quests and some suggest you need a group to do it.

4th, don’t worry about finding teammates. DEs are treated like flash mobs with weapons. As players join in the event scales and when it’s over most will scatter and go their separate ways.

Lastly there is no rush to level to 80. There isn’t anything you can do at 80 (other than surviving in the highest level zones) that you can’t do at a lower level. PvP and WvW will auto level you to 80 while you are there.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

(edited by Behellagh.1468)

How can you level up fast?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


Behellagh’s final point is the key one. You don’t need to rush! Leveling will happen, and as it does you’ll get into higher dungeons and the like, but this game is designed to be the same the whole way through. In fact once you are 80 you’ll keep leveling at the same rate, it’ll just stay at 80 but give you a skill point each time. They put levels in the game purely because early alpha testers got all queasy about not having them.

How can you level up fast?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ilmatar.6709


There is many ways to level up this game. Everything is giving you xp, even failed events.

1. Easiest way to level up, but not fastest way is doing Queensdale Train. It is profitable too. Good way to level up your alt characters and getting money same time. But it is not best way to level up your first character. I bet you want to see whole game.

2. Faster way, but not profitable at all, is doing all Heart Quests in all maps and all events what you see. In this way I have level up my character in 46 hours. And you can see the world and some part of the game too.

3. Not so easiest way, but not so fast way either, is doing map exploration same time when you are leveling. It is not profitable either. You will be level 80 when you hit level 60 areas. In this way you will see whole aspect of the game. You will see those beautiful Vistas, awesome places what are pointed with point of interests. I level up this way my first character and I haven’t regret it even one day

Because you are new player, I suggest that you would choose number 3 in your leveling up process. Easiest way is not always best way, if you really want to see what this game is, do exploration same time. And enjoy this piece of jewelry, what Anet have made to us.

When you have seen whole game and if you really get in it, and want to do alt characters, jump in the train and enjoy money and ride.

How can you level up fast?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Map exploration. Each race has their own starting area, as well as an asura gate to Lion’s Arch. The asura gate will show as a pink dot on the map, about the size of your green personal story dot. From Lions Arch, you will find an area with five ashes gates leading to the other starting zones. I do recommend filling out your maps, as some living story updates require you to travel around to complete the achievements.

Crafting. Google some crafting guides, or just start up on your own. Crafting is pretty easy to figure out in this game and you will gain 7 levels from each craft brought up to 400.

Events. I particularly like the little event chain near the fire elemental boss. Check out, choose your server, and you will be able to see when world boss events are happening. If you click on the event, it will zoom in on the map so you can see how to get there. Fire elemental and shadow behemoth are level 15 events, iirc. Karma events appear as gold hearts on your map, you can only complete these once and after completion, they turn into a vendor that sells armor, weapons, accessories, or food. Other events show as orange circles or an orange shield if it’s an escort type quest.

World vs world is great for leveling if a large zerg is running, you are less likely to be targeted and killed. Press b to pull up the wvw menu. Keep in mind that as long as you help kill the guards in front of a structure, you so receive exp for the capture, even if you died and are running back. To find the zerg, look for a blue triangle icon on the map: that’s your commander. Most people don’t recommend going into wvw early, but it really depends on your skill level. I’ve leveled two characters in there.

How can you level up fast?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SwiftFishy.2643


I did a video on it, its not the best but its wat i got my characters to 80…. Its slightly outdated but :

How can you level up fast?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkyFallsInThunder.8257


Be sure to always have food active, since you get 10XP per kill from any food. Use XP boosters if you have them. I would also recommend exploration since that way you get 2 things done, working towards 100% and leveling; and it’s always useful to have as many WPs as possible so you can travel faster. You should also always carry gathering tools since each gathering gives you XP. Do all events you find.

WvW is an awesome way to level and it’s pretty fun – it takes a bit of adjusting to, but after that it’s all fun and games.

If you do PvP, use Glory to get Scrolls of Knowledge (or w/e they’re called), which give you one level each.

Always do dailies and monthlies, they give a nice amount of XP.

Crafting gives you about 10 levels per profession brought to 400, but they cost a bit. See guides such as gw2crafts.

How can you level up fast?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Boryzz.6352


Doing group events with a lot of mobs that are a bit over your level can give an awesome boost. I was lvl 71 I think, and doing the whole Jormag event gave me +1 lvl and a half if I remember correctly. Over 17k exp per crystal + mobs + exp for finishing the event was really nice. Just don’t go there when you are like lvl 50 or sth, you will scale up the event but will be too weak to actually help.