How much for heavy ascended armor ?

How much for heavy ascended armor ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Legionnaire.1586


Hey guys, i really need your expertise on this topic. So i have 200g saved up, my armor smithing is 400 and i read on that it will take me 52g to get it to 500. My question to you is, how much will it cost me in gold to craft the ascended leggings (heavy) and ascended chest (heavy)? Will 200g be enough to get me to 500 and get those two pieces? After my login rewards i will have the following prerequisites, based on these prerequisites can someone please tell me how i fare on crafting these two pieces:

10 laurals without login reward, 30 if i choose the laural box.
50 skill points on main, 100 on my alt’s
60k Karma
1 lesser vision crystal
100 obsidian shards
100 globs of dark matter
1000+ Emp frags, bloodstone dust, dragonite ore
If i choose the ascended box from the login reward ill have the vision crystal and 1 or 2 bolt of damask.

Iv’e been looking around and i cant find a good answer as to the cost im gonna be spending on these two ascended pieces, do you guys think 200g and the other prerequisites i have will be enough?

How much for heavy ascended armor ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Guardian of Angels.9867

Guardian of Angels.9867

Hi there,

Coat will cost you:
4 Bolt of Damask
5 Deldrimor Steel

Legging will cost you:
4 Bolt of Damask
4 Deldrimor Steel

Damask will cost you +/- 112g
Deldrimor will cost you +/- 36g
+ 500 armorsmith +/- 42g
Total = 200g.

If you go slow and buy everything for cheapest prices / farm / salvage a lot you should be able to get it a lot cheaper.

Website to Ascended material need:

aka Holy Blood Guardian
Guild Website:
Youtube Channel:

(edited by Guardian of Angels.9867)

How much for heavy ascended armor ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Here’s Dulfy’s guide for ascended crafting (specifically for heavy chest and legs).

You’ll need 1200 silk scraps for the chest alone, if you craft the bolts of damask yourself (which I’d recommend rather than buying, if you’re short on gold). That there will probably be your biggest gold sink. You’ll also need a fair bit of the other cloth used for making the bolts, which can also be a bit pricey. But if you take your time, salvage every bit of cloth items you get, and put in buy orders rather than buying the lowest seller with things needed from the TP, I think you’ll have enough gold.

(edited by RoseofGilead.8907)

How much for heavy ascended armor ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cyrill Faust.9340

Cyrill Faust.9340

Yeah you should have enough try to get to 450 quick so you can make your daily damask/mithrillium this will also cut some of the cost from getting to 500.

Proud member of [BANK] my bank guild and [BANK](2) my other bank guild

How much for heavy ascended armor ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dante.8456


It depends on your approach. If you take your take your time, farm a few things and put conservative bids on TP it should be doable. If you are in any kind of rush then it probably isn’t enough.

Desolation EU
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast

How much for heavy ascended armor ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


I can get you prices as I track them with a spreadsheet. I don’t believe that I track them by individual pieces though. Also be aware that most websites go by the sell order price. Placing buy orders for components will save you gold and even more so if you craft everything yourself such as with damask cloth.

(edited by Ayrilana.1396)

How much for heavy ascended armor ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Note that prices for Ascended mats may actually come down a little now thanks to the Chest of Loyalty offering the Ascended chest as one of its options. If players opt for it instead of the Laurels or Legendary mats chest, that will be a huge spike of Damask/Elonian Leather/Deldrimor/Spiritwood coming into the game every 28 days.

How much for heavy ascended armor ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Just for reference although it’s the the entire set rather than individual pieces,

Light – 422 (buy) / 450 (sell)
Medium – 335 (buy) / 362 (sell)
Heavy – 367 (buy) / 393 (sell)

Note that prices for Ascended mats may actually come down a little now thanks to the Chest of Loyalty offering the Ascended chest as one of its options. If players opt for it instead of the Laurels or Legendary mats chest, that will be a huge spike of Damask/Elonian Leather/Deldrimor/Spiritwood coming into the game every 28 days.

It depends on how many enter and how quickly they are bought. There is the potential that not enough of them are put into the TP to make much of an impact. Still though, the best time would be to buy them right after reset when people hit the 28 days.

How much for heavy ascended armor ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Yeah, it could go either way. On the one hand, prices for Ascended mats were already stabilising as the bulk of the players who wanted it had already finished their Ascended gear. On the other hand, this “easy” access to Ascended mats might now spur players who didn’t want Ascended gear before to now start trying for it.

But I agree that the best time to buy them would no doubt be in the next 24 hours, when the bulk of the player base hits their 28th day.

How much for heavy ascended armor ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkyFallsInThunder.8257


Note that prices for Ascended mats may actually come down a little now thanks to the Chest of Loyalty offering the Ascended chest as one of its options. If players opt for it instead of the Laurels or Legendary mats chest, that will be a huge spike of Damask/Elonian Leather/Deldrimor/Spiritwood coming into the game every 28 days.

I really don’t see why people would choose ascended mats instead of the 20 laurels if they are looking to get the most cash out of the loyalty chest. The best possible outcome is 2 Damask, which is about 28g before taxes, while the 20 laurels should be ~20-26g before taxes depending on what mats you get (you get heavy bags of crafting materials, 1 for 1 laurel, and each drops 3 random t6 mats). However, since the ascended mats choice is a gamble, you run a very high risk of getting stuff not even worth 10g (worst possible outcome being 1 Elonian Leather, so not even 2g).

This gamble is waaaaaay too risky IMO, and I would not recommend getting anything other than the laurels, since this is the most cash/least risk you will get out of the loyalty chest.

There is the option for mystic clovers and obby shards, but without knowing how many you can get, it’s very risky as well. Not to mention that obby shards drop like candy in Silverwastes and anyone working on a legendary will get the clovers very easily since the recipe for them also yields the coveted t6 mats, so it’s a win-win.

The option to get Tomes of Knowledge… lol.

TL;DR If you want stuff to help with the ascended armor and you are short on cash, get the laurels and turn into cash, then buy what you need and craft the ascended mats yoursels.

(edited by SkyFallsInThunder.8257)

How much for heavy ascended armor ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Oh yes, the Laurels chest is by far the best choice as far as guaranteed value is concerned. But you’d be surprised by how many players don’t realise that Heavy Crafting Bags give T6 mats (there’s new players asking how to use Laurels to make money all the time). More than that, there’s never a shortage of people who think “Oooh, there’s a chance for Damask! I bet I’ll be the one to beat the odds!” and gamble on it.

How much for heavy ascended armor ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

You don’t have to spend a single dime to level from 400 to 500. In fact, you can earn 50-100 gold while doing so. Just need some time to wait for buy and sell orders to move.

Bookmark that and check back every day.

You’re welcome.

One – Piken Square

How much for heavy ascended armor ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eirdyne.9843


If you are starting to craft without any crafting skills and have never done ascended before I’d expect about a 650 gold cost. Maybe as little as 550 if you are lucky, 750 if something gets lost along the way.

Stage 1: is making sure you get your crafting skill up. That’s pretty cheap to do. About 70 gold to 400 skill. If you go out and get the metals you need and dungeon you should almost have that on your own. So Stage 1 is free to 70 gold.

Stage 2: crafting from 400 skill to 500 skill . … That’s expensive. I’d expect another 70 gold lost right there. It’s going to happen.

Stage 3: this is a weird part. You’re going to want a lot of damask. Where you get it is and how is somewhat luck (good or bad). I know for awhile I was able to craft the damask using dungeon loot I’d saved up for a couple years. Even then I still ended up spending about 400 gold in costs for the damask.

You can off set the costs if you mine frequently. Iron and Platinum sell pretty well. Mithril does as well. Don’t bother farming Orichalcum. It’s a giant waste of time to farm Orr. Just buy it. This is largely true of crafting a lot of the other materials. GW 2 is not like other MMOs. Farming is not a viable option unless your account was one of the ones granted permission to have drops.
If you don’t understand what I mean about drop permissions look up a lot of the discussions about Mystic Forge precursor drop rates. Some accounts are exceedingly lucky about this and others are not. The belief is that the game prioritizes accounts in a fixed way within the random number generator. For instance, my friend can practically sneeze junk into the MF and get Pres. Everyone else in our guild, myself included, has no such luck. That’s out of about 30 people. We even sat down and tried to work this out by giving one person a load of money to test the MF against the person who seems to always be so lucky. By all evidence, it’s an account thing. So, if you are looking for ultra rare materials or whatever and never find them, just admit defeat now and get on the gold grind.

How much for heavy ascended armor ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

If you are starting to craft without any crafting skills and have never done ascended before I’d expect about a 650 gold cost. Maybe as little as 550 if you are lucky, 750 if something gets lost along the way.

Stage 1: is making sure you get your crafting skill up. That’s pretty cheap to do. About 70 gold to 400 skill. If you go out and get the metals you need and dungeon you should almost have that on your own. So Stage 1 is free to 70 gold.

Stage 2: crafting from 400 skill to 500 skill . … That’s expensive. I’d expect another 70 gold lost right there. It’s going to happen.

Stage 3: this is a weird part. You’re going to want a lot of damask. Where you get it is and how is somewhat luck (good or bad). I know for awhile I was able to craft the damask using dungeon loot I’d saved up for a couple years. Even then I still ended up spending about 400 gold in costs for the damask.

You can off set the costs if you mine frequently. Iron and Platinum sell pretty well. Mithril does as well. Don’t bother farming Orichalcum. It’s a giant waste of time to farm Orr. Just buy it. This is largely true of crafting a lot of the other materials. GW 2 is not like other MMOs. Farming is not a viable option unless your account was one of the ones granted permission to have drops.
If you don’t understand what I mean about drop permissions look up a lot of the discussions about Mystic Forge precursor drop rates. Some accounts are exceedingly lucky about this and others are not. The belief is that the game prioritizes accounts in a fixed way within the random number generator. For instance, my friend can practically sneeze junk into the MF and get Pres. Everyone else in our guild, myself included, has no such luck. That’s out of about 30 people. We even sat down and tried to work this out by giving one person a load of money to test the MF against the person who seems to always be so lucky. By all evidence, it’s an account thing. So, if you are looking for ultra rare materials or whatever and never find them, just admit defeat now and get on the gold grind.

Yeah if you’re in a hurry, by all means blow hundreds of gold to level a crafting skill you’ll probably use a few times before you realize everything except maybe the chestpiece are not worth it.

Or you can follow my advice above, take your time, and earn some gold while leveling the craft.

Your choice.

One – Piken Square