I am lost....
With WvW, some servers are more populated than others. Oh how much havoc I could cause with an empty WvW. It would get boring but until then I’d have fun taking over all the maps. lol.
With PvP (Mists) you start in a training area and then move on from there. Follow the events in the training area. Talk with NPCs.
When you enter WvW, look for a commander symbol on your map, its a blue symbol. There is usually a group following them.
I have joined the server Tarnished Coast, I am a Ranger…how are they in PvP after I guess rank myself up.
Also, if you are just barely into the game, you can delete all of your characters and transfer to a higher populated WvW server for free.
Tarnished Coast said full
Tarnished Coast is the roleplay server. Its been full since launch.
People get in through the cracks every now and then, but otherwise the place is packed.
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.
Basically you’ll have to follow the “commander icon” to see where the action is in wvw.
Basically all the fighting is at the commander icon.
There is no guarantee to be fighting in all the wvw map, but usually eternal battle ground should have people. Unless your server is lossing badly and people go to other maps.
Also there is structured PvP, which you can access by clicking on the icon of the two swords at the top left of the screen.
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.
Tarnished Coast is in T2, so should have a plenty of WvW action going on all the time.
Server info: http://mos.millenium.org/na
did you leave the garrison area where you were ported to, I’m on TC and there are always people in WvW
Ok, so I have a question….
I did the “spvp” is what they were calling it, I see all the gear you buy is FREE, but you get points towards some type of rank, also you get trophies, can you spend those trophies somewhere? How does the PvP actually work??
SPvP you get glory points for cosmetic gear. It doesn’t affect your stats, so everyone is on an equal footing. All your skills are unlocked, all the armor is available, just get what you want, go to the guy with crossed swords over his head and go kill people.
The arenas are all variations on a theme. All of them have points you cap, in addition to a secondary mechanic. You’ll learn them relatively fast.
There’s also an observer mode, so you can go in and watch what’s going on, check player’s builds and just see what goes on.
Hope this helps.
Hello, I just started this game, and I am pretty lost lol…
I tried do the the world vs world I teleported into 1 of the choices, and it was empty…so I tried another, also empty…I don’t understand this..
TC WvW should never be empty.
Make sure you have /map and /team chat enabled; this way you see in chat what’s going on and where and how to get involved.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
WvW is also really time dependent, I’ve been on early afternoon on a weekday, and I’m pretty sure I was the only player on the entire map. And I’m on a very populated and WvW-centric server.