I don't like how consuming dye works
Just for me to clarify, are you upset that the dyes you used on one character can’t be used on other characters?
should stay out of the way of those doing it”
- Thomas Edison
If it was done how you suggest then dyes would have no value because you could simply use them and then trade them. That wouldnt make sense. Consume doesnt necessarily mean to ingest
Yep, once you ‘consume’ a dye it’s there to be used for that character only.
I wouldn’t concern myself with getting flamed, Anet is pretty good about making sure folk follow rules here * yay anet<3*
If it was done how you suggest then dyes would have no value because you could simply use them and then trade them. That wouldnt make sense. Consume doesnt necessarily mean to ingest
With the way I meant, the dye would be used at that point, but straight from your inventory/collection. It wouldn’t just stick around.
Methinks you are mixing GW concept of one-use dyes with GW2 one … ‘consuming’ dye is more like learning recipe so there is no need to have special storage for them.
I think the root of the confusion for me was… consumption at the point of using it vs. at the point of adding it to your list of available colors. I don’t like the way it is now, and it’s just my opinion, that’s all.
I think the root of the confusion for me was… consumption at the point of using it vs. at the point of adding it to your list of available colors. I don’t like the way it is now, and it’s just my opinion, that’s all.
But…when you consume it, you add it to the list of available colors. Those two actions are one in the same. I honestly don’t understand what you mean by this.
How can you hate it? You use it forever on that character and as many times as you want and there’s so many dyes compared to like guild wars 1 5-6 dyes that had one time uses
What better way of doing this could there be? I think it’s awesome to have a growing palette of colors at your disposal and the ability to mix and match them at any time.
It would be amazing if dyes were accountbound instead of soulbound once you consume them.
It would be amazing if dyes were accountbound instead of soulbound once you consume them.
Agreed, wish they were slightly more common drops as I am only getting them about every 3-5 levels now or maybe I am just not playing the right content to get them more often
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But once you consume them, they are at your disposal forever…isn’t that a good thing?
i like how it works
I have never seen so much typed and so little sense made.
1 – You get a unidentified dye, you double click it to discover what colour it is,
2 – you then decide if you want that colour in your collection,
3 – you do so you double click it again, the dye now enters your collection for that character,
4 – so if you had black dye, you now have black dye forever on that character.
Considering black dye in GW1 was used as a currency (as was white dye) and it was a bit over priced if you wanted all your gear dyed, this solution is awesome, I buy a dye or get a nice drop and bang it’s mine, I don’t have to keep paying for it.
How is this confusing in anyway, and I just cannot for the life of me see the negative, if we had consumable dye’s that vanished after one use, you would never have any gold.
I definitely prefer the GW2 way rather than the GW1 dye.
Nothing like spending your life savings on black dye in GW1 and then misclicking…
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