I don't understand this :'(

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AsuraStrike.6748


Me and my husband managed to get to level 80 and to get decent exotic gear from the Black Lion some months ago. We always wanted to make world bosses and our first was the one from the swamp in Queensdale (when we were barely level 20). Every time I see a boss spawning and no body is there I relay the event in Map Chat and I got to Lion’s Arch to ask politely to send some backup to kill that boss, but to no avail.

It’s been like 6 months now, and even with Tequatl being revamped, every time I go to ask for backup no body comes, ever, only a handful of people that insta-teleports away when they get killed by an AoE or a mob. I asked why our server don’t do world bosses any more and I got trashed verbally (or like other pointed out “kitten d verbally”), and no body jumped to at least call him off from being rude to the others. I found out that this server apathy grew exponentially to levels of having Map chat impersonating /v/, and even after 2 hours, they would keep on and on with their arguments non-stop. Someone told me to just block them, but my block list is already quite bloated and if I keep blocking people, there will be no one left to ask for help.

Why I am writing all this here? Because… this thing keeps dragging on since years ago and it was one of the main reasons I left WoW a year ago. I get offended too easily because I’m a very shy and underwhelming person, and it is like some sort of stigma that even crosses the boundaries of the computer; every time I type something in public, someone is there to trash me, even if there is no apparent reason whatsoever. Even as I type this I’m afraid I will get scorned because I’m saying this in the open public, and I don’t know why this happens to me. I never had anyone to stand for me whenever I tried to talk to other people and got backslashed (even they shun me when I log in and say in Map chat “good day fellow Tyrians”). I never did anything bad to anyone, just trying to socialize and it is like I’m talking to Kraits that want me to suffer and die. I thought Guild Wars had more mature and easy going people, but the passing of time is proving me wrong, and every time they open a wound on me, is another reason for me to lump GW2 with WoW as for immature demographics and another game to avoid because:
-Can’t get people to help us clear content in the game
-Can’t talk to anyone at all (not even to get into a guild with strangers)
-Can’t ask a question about items, mechanics nor anything because everyone should read guides (?)

LFG was a boon for us but when we ask them something like “why we must stack here?” “how close to the wall?” “what I should do with my pet here?” “why we must walk up that ramp?” “what should I kite?” and everything else that it is unknown to us, they restrict their phrases to 4 words per line and never answering the questions, only repeating phrases “stack here” “hug the wall” “don’t move” “run” “go over starits” (sic) “ranger oul” (sic). Everything ends with a wipe and plenty of cussing and leaving us alone. I read guides about dungeons and when we do a LFG NO BODY FOLLOWS THEM (or at least the part about killing, cycling, phases of the boss, etc. because everything is RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN HEAL RUN RUN RUN REVIVE and it beats the point of yelling me to go read guides).

TL;DR It’s been years and I get never used to this kind of mental scheme everyone has for online playing. Like, everyone assume I am a man because I use male characters, and the most words used against me are “moron, kitten, gay” etc. like out of /v/ and other derivations. After telling this to my husband, he decided to buy us some gems to move to a new server but, I don’t think we will ever find a good server nor a guild with good mature people, be it in this game or in future games. I’m a good person, I love this game and its history and I work hard to understand mechanics and everything even though no body likes to share information like ol’ Communists, but again, the only thing that kills it for me is the people I’m forced to depend from…

We don’t have anywhere to go, and our only choice is to ask for asylum to a server with more manners and a good guild to where to spend the rest of our Tyrian lives. If there are truly players that help players, will anyone accept us for what we are so that we can enjoy the game without the spiteful players that loves to ruin the game experience of everyone?

PS: I apologize for the wall of text… Wanted this out of my chest, but I still feel uneasy at how people will react at it. I’ll kneel here and wait for my lapidation sentence if you wish.

(edited by AsuraStrike.6748)

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: azurebelious.1473


I hear ya in all of this…. in all the time that I have played this game, it was very rare to find a nice player to hang out with, besides if you’re not a “social person” or if you tend out to be more shy than the rest of people, it only gets harder. Seems like the mayority have forgotten the minimal etiquette of online gaming (that or it’s full of inmature kiddos)….

This game for me meant a revolution, not only in mechanics, graphics and how it changed the way an MMO works, but I also believed that it would help people to play more together rather than dividing them.

How about creating a list of actual Guilds that are nice or at least friendly in a basis? Or how about a ranking of friendly guilds? The most ranked ones getting rewards would be a good benefit I think.

Geez, this game offers everything deep in its mechanic to BRING people together, yet there are some people that still play only for their own hides, and hurting others.

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fuinacius Katlon.8507

Fuinacius Katlon.8507

I’m on the same point as you. I bought GW2 on pré-sales, and started playing before the public launch, but as life comes, I got less and less time to play. When I stoped playing, I haven’t managed to get to 80, what means I didn’t run through all game content. Now, I’m back on the game just to get the feeling I should just stop again and never come back!
If u’r a new player, or a returning player who didn’t made 100% of the game on it’s lauch date… u’r screwd! No body helps you, nobody wants you on theyr guilds, noboy wants you on theyr dungeon story modes or explorable modes, just because u’r not a lvl 80 with thousands hours of gameplay knowing each aspect of the game.
Just now, I joined a group for ascalon catacombs explorable mode. The roost for it DIDN’T SAID I had to be 80, or know the dungeon or anything else. It just stated “explorable path 3”… once entering in the dungeon I just got kicked out… Now I’m again, sitting in front of ascalon catacombs, trying to find a group who’ll accept a lvl 41 character that wishes to go for his first time on ascalon catacombs explorable mode!
yeah, I NEVER made it, and the main reason is that in a MULTIPLAYER ONLINE GAME, nobody wants to meet people, help people, make new friends… not without an interest of you being powerfull and having all knowledge about the game!
I dun have any friends who play this game, my RL friends don’t like mmos, and now I found out that, without any group of 30+ friends who likes mmo playing this game, you just can’t play!

Yeah, sure, you can be a lonewolf doing the “single player” content… but in that you will never enjoy all content of the game. And why keep playing a game, where the best parts are bound to grouping, when you can’t group because all other players want you to be experienced, powerfull and everything else?

And, HOW to get experienced in a dungeon, if you can never GO to that dungeon, because you can’t find a group for that?

GW2 is a GREAT game, but it’s community is just killing it!

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Talyn.3295


Finding a good place to hand out can be rough. So I do feel your pain. I come across as a bit of a kitten hole alot of the time. But one of the things I do always try to do is to be there for newer players if they need help with anything.

I was on darkhaven for a long time, but finally I gave up on it and moved servers to Blackgate because Darkhaven just felt like it was dead in the water. Problem with all the high population servers is that we are looking at Total population, not active population.

As for a good guild that is helpful and friendly, I have still not been able to find one that meets all my needs. What I do have is a great group of friends who I run with. Most all of them transferred over to black gate with me when we decided to make a new start in the game.

I can’t really give advice except to say that don’t let a few bad apples in the community turn you off of a great game. There are just as many players who are willing to help out and in a highly active server, any one of the top six: Sanctum of Rall, Blackgate, Jade Quarry, Tarnished Coast, Fort Aspenwood and Sea of Sorrows should have a high enough population that you won’t have to worry about doing any World Boss on your own. I run into some problems with it as I am in Ocean/Sea timezones right now and for most servers that isn’t their peak time.

If your looking to do more World content I would try Guesting to those servers I mentioned and see how it goes. You might find that you like it a bit more.

The main problem with the Guild Wars community right now is that everything has to be fast. The faster the better. So I do apologize if your having trouble finding a group at lower levels. But AC can be a major pain since Anet decided to make it “more fun” to play. It didn’t use to be that bad for low level players to find a group there.

In any event, that doesn’t stop me from running a lower level dungeon with an under-leveled player as long as they meet the min requirement for the dungeon. One thing I will never be called is an elitist.

So, if you need help or want to get to know some more players in the game, hit me up in game. My main is Talyn Lightbringer.

“We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction. Next stop, Looneyville.”

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Crazylegsmurphy.6430


I can’t say for sure, but I feel this may be a server issue.

There are some servers out there that just don’t have an amazing community. I’m on Tarnished Coast and for the most part it is quite good. I believe this is due to the fact it was kinda branded as the unofficial role play server on day one.

So, my advice is to guest around a bit and test out some other severs. Have a list of test things you would like to say, and see what reaction you get when you ask them a few times in different areas.

As for the boss fights…well, that can be rough. Dead areas are very frustrating in any MMO. Again, I would suggest guesting to higher population servers and seeing if you have better luck.

And, finally….feel free to look me or my girlfriend (pixelpumpkin) up on TC, we love meeting new, and cool players that wanna do stuff.

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Falunel.7645


I thought Guild Wars had more mature and easy going people, but the passing of time is proving me wrong, and every time they open a wound on me, is another reason for me to lump GW2 with WoW as for immature demographics and another game to avoid because:
-Can’t get people to help us clear content in the game
-Can’t talk to anyone at all (not even to get into a guild with strangers)
-Can’t ask a question about items, mechanics nor anything because everyone should read guides (?)

Going to say I did take some offense to this. Today, we ran guild missions and found a guild that had the same guild challenge as we do. We helped them finish their guild challenge, and they all thanked us and volunteered to help us out, despite not being rewarded for doing the challenge a second time. We finished our mission with their help, and they gave us a /cheer after we thanked them.

The guild I did this mission in is also a public guild, formed for the purpose of helping small guilds and people without guilds get commendations. In other words, people rep the guild for missions and then rep elsewhere, so it’s not as tight-knit as an actual guild and thus less coordinated. It was a rough start, since people had never done that challenge before, but everyone was polite and we got it coordinated and finished on the first try. I see this stuff every day- people jumping in to help other people with skill challenges when they ask in /map. Mesmers portalling people to the end of jumping puzzles without asking a single cent. A newbie asking a question in /map and getting swarmed with answers and tips. A champion train waiting on other people to catch up before starting. I’ve can count the number of times I’ve seen someone use gay/fag as an insult on one hand, and each time, they get shut down by other players.

I’ve been around the MMO block. GW2 is a barrel of good apples and good apples with blemishes along with some bad apples, whereas other games I’ve seen are baskets of bad apples with a few good ones. There’s bad, but there’s also a lot of good.

Anyway, I apologize for getting a bit miffed. I can understand why you get frustrated (those types drive me up the wall too, and oftentimes they’re not even good players), and there are no hard feelings toward ya. I guess it’s sort of like seeing someone trash your university or town or what have you because they encountered some people from the seedier side before they saw the good side of a community you’ve been active in and count yourself as one of. I will say some servers tend more towards elitism and immaturity than others, and even the good servers have their more unfortunate guests/residents (especially with champ trains on bigger servers). But don’t judge the community as a whole from the bad ones.

Well, all that aside and to answer your post, I’d recommend giving https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/recruitment a look or https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/lfguild a post. If you’re on NA, I’ll likely be able to help you out with dungeons-my friends and I always like taking people through on teaching runs, and we don’t rush when we do runs or insist on min/maxing. Otherwise, with dungeoning, I’d recommend making your own postings and saying you’re new to the dungeon and would prefer not to rush/skip. If you have a question about a certain mechanic or fight, let me know and I can try to answer it here.

Or really, if you need anything, let me know! My in-game name is Falunel- I main an elementalist and do mostly PvE. I tend to afk a lot to handle RL stuff, but I check my PM chat window often. You’re also free to mail me in-game, PM me on the forums, or even email me at paxcaiant@gmail.com, whenever you want or about anything at all. I will ALWAYS respond (though if I’m in a dungeon or otherwise tied up, I might not respond right away), and if I do not, you are always free to message me again.

PS: I hope it’s all right, but I’ve also added you in-game. Hopefully we can get the chance to hang out and I can introduce you to my friends. They are the sweetest folks.

Falunel – Sylvari Elementalist | Falche Graysong – Human Mesmer | Tarnished Coast
Ember Solace [SOL] – A guild welcoming of newbies and those at the margins.
New Player Outreach Thread

(edited by Falunel.7645)

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mystic Starfish.2586

Mystic Starfish.2586

Indeed, sounds like a server issue. As Talyn suggested, the top wvw servers are usually pretty good (having friends in TC and guested to some of the others, am in SoR). Most of the people that run dungeons do it for speed runs, so unless you look otherwise, you can assume they have the mentality that you described. Personally, when I run with friends, I ask for people who don’t mind taking it a bit slower, or who are just in general nice, and not gonna get upset at the tiniest things.

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

Change servers, this week they’ve discounted server swaps. I don’t know what level the Maguuma server is currently at but we always do world bosses.

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

I agree. It sounds like a server issue and I also recommend you guest around till you find one more suitable. It’s not necessary to change servers unless you do WvW but you might want to keep that in mind for the future. Most servers I’ve been on have crowds of people at the shadow behemoth and other meta events and the people are normally helpful. So, you need to guest around and find a server more suited for you.

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vosintereo.3982


Seems like Falunel has covered most of it.

If you require any additional assistance or would like another player to talk to and fill in spots for any dungeon runs you are considering (if you are on a NA server) – add me in game.

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


People online behave differently than in general society. They tend to be aggressive and selfish (much like when driving a car). Plus, some people are just plain nasty to start with and anonymity gives the the freedom to have fun.

I don’t do PvE, especially dungeons, because of the attitude you’ve described. For some reason beating the fake treasure means so much to people they will do anything to grab it as fast as possible and they don’t care who gets in the way.
Paradoxically. I find WvW to be far more sociable – especially using TeamSpeak where we can actually talk together.

That said, you have to remember ‘sticks and stones’ – they can’t actually hurt you and ultimately it’s up to you to not feel bad about what someone says to you. (It’s something I had to work at all my life too.)

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alissah.9281


Are you on EU or NA?

As others said, its a server issue, and really, not all servers are like that.

If you ever have questions about mechanics/professions/fashion, feel free to whisper/forum PM me, Im always willing to help ^__^

If youre on an EU server, you can even guest for free and we can run dungeons together :o. Most pugs don’t care about fun, they just want their pixels as fast and easy as possible, and thats why they resort to lame and boring strategies like stacking :/.
Luckily, I know a few people that arent that reward driven ;D

The guild im in is full of friendly players (at least the ones who talk) who also dont mind answering silly questions.

There are friendly people, but there are also people who enjoy hurting you. You just have to look right. (The forum is a great place, btw)

Ofcourse, it only works if youre EU :’(

New Rainbow Guild – An open-minded guild exclusively for Transgender people!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Devata.6589


Try switching to the RP servers. Because there are no official RP servers the unofficial RP servers are mixed wait it good for the game and good for the atmosphere.

I do wonder at what times you play however because killing bosses seems to be one of the only few thinks people are still doing. Because the game is so gold-driven they do that to get gold to buy what they need.

If I am correct the NA unofficial RP server is Tarnished Coast and the EU’s one is Piken Square.

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Have you tried guesting to another server?

It’s possible that map chat looking like /v/ is not a coincidence. Before launch I heard that 4 chan had picked a server for all their members to join. I have no idea which one it is but if it’s the one you’re on that would explain it.

But even without an obvious explaination like that different servers definitely do have different ‘personalities’. I was guesting to a lot of different ones doing the Invasion events and the contrast is amazing sometimes.

I definitely recommend trying out some others and see what you get. The RP servers are probably a good start.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alissah.9281


What does /v/ mean :o?

New Rainbow Guild – An open-minded guild exclusively for Transgender people!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Talyn.3295


What does /v/ mean :o?

its a catch all for PvP/PvE/PvD usually i just right it PvX. Although I could have just missed that target entirely

“We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction. Next stop, Looneyville.”

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Falunel.7645


What does /v/ mean :o?

its a catch all for PvP/PvE/PvD usually i just right it PvX. Although I could have just missed that target entirely

/v/ is a board on the site 4chan, which, to put it simply, is one of the most immature and trollish sites on the internet.

I do know Something Awful, whose forumers are notorious for trolling, chose a GW2 server to gather on. I also know what server it is, but I suspect it’s against forum rules to say which it is, and unfair to the decent people who joined the server without knowing it was the SA hub.

Falunel – Sylvari Elementalist | Falche Graysong – Human Mesmer | Tarnished Coast
Ember Solace [SOL] – A guild welcoming of newbies and those at the margins.
New Player Outreach Thread

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alissah.9281


What does /v/ mean :o?

its a catch all for PvP/PvE/PvD usually i just right it PvX. Although I could have just missed that target entirely

/v/ is a board on the site 4chan, which, to put it simply, is one of the most immature and trollish sites on the internet.

I do know Something Awful, whose forumers are notorious for trolling, chose a GW2 server to gather on. I also know what server it is, but I suspect it’s against forum rules to say which it is, and unfair to the decent people who joined the server without knowing it was the SA hub.

Oooh, I see.

When I first started on seafarers rest in the beta, a friends also told me 4chan was making it their home server.
There were some guilds called “no fun allowed [fun]” and others with the fun tag.
Then I joined grawl just wanna have [fun], and some people raised an eyebriw _.

At launch I went in Aurira Glade anyway, so i didnt notice much trolling.

I also think they switched to far shiverpeak, I hear horrible stories from there on the forum :o.

New Rainbow Guild – An open-minded guild exclusively for Transgender people!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Talyn.3295


What does /v/ mean :o?

its a catch all for PvP/PvE/PvD usually i just right it PvX. Although I could have just missed that target entirely

/v/ is a board on the site 4chan, which, to put it simply, is one of the most immature and trollish sites on the internet.

I do know Something Awful, whose forumers are notorious for trolling, chose a GW2 server to gather on. I also know what server it is, but I suspect it’s against forum rules to say which it is, and unfair to the decent people who joined the server without knowing it was the SA hub.

Oooh, I see.

When I first started on seafarers rest in the beta, a friends also told me 4chan was making it their home server.
There were some guilds called “no fun allowed [fun]” and others with the fun tag.
Then I joined grawl just wanna have [fun], and some people raised an eyebriw _.

At launch I went in Aurira Glade anyway, so i didnt notice much trolling.

I also think they switched to far shiverpeak, I hear horrible stories from there on the forum :o.

I feel foolish

“We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction. Next stop, Looneyville.”

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tamaki Revolution.3548

Tamaki Revolution.3548

LA and Queensdale tend to be horrible places to ask questions, or for help in general depending on the time. As others have mentioned, guesting is really nice when you’re just wanting a pve change, and maybe wanting to find a better community.

http://guildwarstemple.com/dragontimer/ is nice for World bosses, and a lot of servers tend to do Teq and Orr temples right after server reset. A few of them scale pretty well, so the less people you have, the faster they can go sometimes (sans Teq of course). It also helps to just wp to QD and link the wp to the World Boss, mentioning it’s up or on the pre, then wping back. Or just announcing it in mapchat in the corresponding map.

With LFG, it might be better if you and your hubby actually posted your own listing, mentioning in the description that you’re just running it for fun and not for speed. Although many people tend not to read it per say, you could verify once more in team chat once you’re full.

Can’t help you with guilds, I’ve just been in a solo one for a couple of months now. Although I’ve quit some really nice ones :P

(edited by Tamaki Revolution.3548)

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


I can’t say for sure, but I feel this may be a server issue.

There are some servers out there that just don’t have an amazing community. I’m on Tarnished Coast and for the most part it is quite good. I believe this is due to the fact it was kinda branded as the unofficial role play server on day one.

So, my advice is to guest around a bit and test out some other severs. Have a list of test things you would like to say, and see what reaction you get when you ask them a few times in different areas.

As for the boss fights…well, that can be rough. Dead areas are very frustrating in any MMO. Again, I would suggest guesting to higher population servers and seeing if you have better luck.

And, finally….feel free to look me or my girlfriend (pixelpumpkin) up on TC, we love meeting new, and cool players that wanna do stuff.

I came here to say exactly those same things, boyfriend beat me to it.

If you’re on a North American server (or willing to migrate to one), get in touch.

The quality of /map chat is noticeably higher on TC than overflows. (I can’t speak for any other servers, I’m sure there’s other great communities out there though.)

Dungeon runs can be amazingly fun if players communicate with each other, or the dumbest experience ever if players don’t…

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Server transfers and guesting will solve this.

RIP in peace Robert

I don't understand this :'(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: hihey.1075


I think you are just unlucky with your server.
I’m always ready to give people a hand, should they ask for them in the chat. Actually, the only thing that kitten es me off is when people make “mistakes” because they don’t do what I say. I always answer a question. Sometimes I even make a LFG stating “only noobs who wants to learn”, and I spend the following 30 minutes explaining what to do and what not to do.

I really, really like socializing with people. I love when you can talk to other people in map chat during off peak hours, teasing other guys for their characters and stuff.

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in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zackie.8923


there will always be bad and good people.

that is life my friend.