Is Silverwastes map abuse reportable? How?

Is Silverwastes map abuse reportable? How?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Taarak.7562


A fresh round of SW on a map is declared for events. Several people start LFG taxi advertisements and bring people in for the event map. 3/4 or 4/4 of the forts are taken. Commanders and tags are in-place. The event is at about 15-25%. Things are going great.

2-4 people come on the map and declare it’s a chest map. They’re informed that it’s not a chest map, but an event map.

They advertise and invite for chest map anyway. Any attempt to reason with them results in responses like “CAN’T STOP THE CHEST TRAIN CHOO CHOO”, or “I don’t see your name on this map”, etc.

There’s already been considerable time and effort in the event run. But this pretty much blows it, because a split map won’t do events well.

I’ve seen this several times lately… Is this addressable by ANet? What’s the best way to deal with it, or report it?

Is Silverwastes map abuse reportable? How?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zalladi.4652


Really, there is not really any way to report something like that (unless they were being hostile or harassing).

You could put it in a similar category to guilds that claim world boss maps even if people had been organizing it prior to the guild jumping in – not much we can do about it I’m afraid as it isn’t breaking any Anet rule.

Is Silverwastes map abuse reportable? How?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

If they are attacking people via /map or /w chat, you can report them for verbal abuse. However, there’s no rules violation when someone wants to cut off their noise to spite their face. There are so many instances of silverwastes that it’s a waste of silver to take an otherwise successful event map and force it into a chest map. Makes it harder to chest farm than moving to a new map.

Unfortunately, once someone does that, you have only a few choices:

  • Go with their program and chest farm.
  • Ignore them and encourage everyone else to do so as well (makes them slightly less likely to continue if they don’t get a reaction).
  • Humorously point out the error of their ways.
  • Give up and move to another map.
John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Is Silverwastes map abuse reportable? How?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I don’t think you can report them for it because they’re not technically doing anything wrong.

Finding and opening chests and sharing them with other players is as much a part of the design of Silverwastes as doing the events, and I don’t think Anet intended to keep the two to separate maps, otherwise they would have added a mechanic to let you choose which type to enter or some way to clearly flag the map as one or the other.

At most I think they intended players to do the events and then focus on chests in the down-time. More likely I think they intended it to be that small groups of players would hunt for chests in the short gaps between defence/rebuild events. It’s purely the players who made the two into completely separate, distinct activities that cannot be completed on the same map.

In other words reporting someone for farming chests in your event map is like reporting them for completing an event chain you were farming or killing a champion ‘out of rotation’. As far as Anet are concerned both ‘sides’ are playing the game as intended and haven’t done anything wrong.

(And in case anyone’s jumped to conclusions I much prefer event maps to chest farming maps and it frustrates me too when this happens, I just don’t think it’s reportable.)

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Is Silverwastes map abuse reportable? How?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blush Lift.3570

Blush Lift.3570

Like Dani said but if it was a circumstance of verbal abuse then use the report feature in game for support to review.

Is Silverwastes map abuse reportable? How?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Crossaber.8934


The best solution is to ask Anet to disable all chest spawn when the preparation is 10%+ until VW…

Chest train will have to find another map or help the map to execute VW before they can run chest train again…

This is actually a win win situation, chest farmers want their chest train, they have to help build up VW. It is fairly easy for just couple of players to build up 10% prep to stop a map from staying in chest train forever.

If you are being verbal abused because you finished event and stopped the chest train, great, just report those players….

(edited by Crossaber.8934)

Is Silverwastes map abuse reportable? How?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


The best solution is to ask Anet to disable all chest spawn when the preparation is 10%+ until VW…

Chest train will have to find another map or help the map to execute VW before they can run chest train again…

This is actually a win win situation, chest farmers want their chest train, they have to help build up VW. It is fairly easy for just couple of players to build up 10% prep to stop a map from staying in chest train forever.

If you are being verbal abused because you finished event and stopped the chest train, great, just report those players….

That only works if you consider event maps the only valid way of playing in Silverwastes and chest farms a form of abuse.

I highly doubt people who like doing the chest farm would consider it a ‘win win situation’ if a few people can enter ‘their’ map, claim Red or Indigo and run a few pack bulls to disable the chest farm and force them all to do the entire event chain before they can go back to what they wanted to be doing. (Any more than people who want to do events consider it a ‘win win situation’ if a chest farm starts up in ‘their’ map.)

If Anet wanted to agree with players that chest farming and events should be kept to separate maps the only practical solution IMO would be to make it work like PvP where players can create their own copies of the map and flag them as whatever type of map they want and then new people entering either get dropped into a general purpose shared map or use LFG to find the type they want.

But I imagine that would be a lot of work. It would probably be easier for them to remove chests from Silverwastes and create a new map next to it (assuming there’s space not used for HoT maps) with nothing but enemies, chests and maybe gathering nodes for the chest farmers to use.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Is Silverwastes map abuse reportable? How?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Togo.7094


There would be an easier solution for Anet. Make chests only be able to be opened by the person that spawned it with the shovel. Would still have chest trains but everyone would have to have their own shovel.

Is Silverwastes map abuse reportable? How?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Menadena.7482


Kittens are Kittens. Fill that in with whatever word you want.

There are a lot of things people can do that is technically not reportable but is designed to ruin the enjoyment of the game by others. See the multitude of Teq threads for some examples.

Is Silverwastes map abuse reportable? How?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: warownslife.6849


There would be an easier solution for Anet. Make chests only be able to be opened by the person that spawned it with the shovel. Would still have chest trains but everyone would have to have their own shovel.

How? Chest train relies on 1 person having 100 shovels = 100 chests for everyone.

everyone has 100 shovels = 5,000 chests for everyone.

Everyone have their own shovel 50 people = 100 shovel = 100 chest

No point in doing chest train.