Left Handed Key-Bindings

Left Handed Key-Bindings

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jon Gargs.7593

Jon Gargs.7593

hi folks. ive owned the game since the first day and as a left hander, mostly utilize my numpad with my right rand. this has worked fine for me until recently. i just recently leveled an ELE to 80, and with my current key bindings (keybindings are currently +,-,*,/), switching attunments so often is very hard to do efficiently. any suggestions that will allow me to switch attunments more efficiently? feel free leftys to share your keybindings.

ps: i own a normal mouse with left click, a right click, and a scroll wheel lol


Left Handed Key-Bindings

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Natsu Dragneel.1625

Natsu Dragneel.1625

Hmm, I, myself am right handed, so that’s not much of a help, however I do have a friend who is left handed and also plays this game, however, he plays like a right handed person, using the keyboard with his left hand and mouse with the other. Perhaps it may be worth trying to get used to doing something similar.

Left Handed Key-Bindings

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Oenanthe.6549


I admit I am slightly odd that while I am right handed I always use my mouse in my left had while gaming and my right hand on the keyboard (my original computer desk only had space for a mouse on the left hand side and I have never changed back). I normally end up with a very similar set up for all games I play which is.

Mouse: Used for moving, turning and looking around. I do have buttons 4 and 5 on the one I use bound to autorun and move back or jump depending on the game but these are in addition to keyboard keys.

My main attack keys are the numbers along the top of the keyboard not the keypad with 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 being my main attack keys I can then reach everything from 1 through to = easily by anchoring my first or last finger on its key and stretching across. This gives me enough keys for the heal skill,the utilities, the elite skill and a dodge button in easy reach.

Strafing right and left have been bound to e and t with move forward on the r button.

Target next enemy (i think, its my main targeting button anyway) is on the c key and used by the thumb. Weapon swap then is bound to the v key also activated by the thumb.

The F key skills (rangers pet control, ele’s attunements etc.) are then bound using the alt key combined with the numbers 5 to 8 as I can reach the alt button to the left of the space bar and keep my fingers on my main keys.

Every thing else just gets bound to the remaining keys as I feel fits.

It seems complicated but I have got used to it and it keeps my right hand in easy reach of most of my keys, I just need to make sure that my keyboard is pushed well over to the right side of my desk to stop my shoulder aching with twisting it too much.

Left Handed Key-Bindings

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I’m left-handed and I also use the number pad for my skills.

I put the F keys along the top row because it just seemed logical based on their position on screen. I’m currently experimenting with whether I prefer having my attack skills in numerical order or backwards (1-3 on 7-9, 4-6 as normal, 7-9 on 1-3).

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Left Handed Key-Bindings

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gulesave.5073


Have you tried using an “okl;” setup? It keeps your right hand where it would be if you were typing, like “wasd” does for us righties. That would give you a lot more keys to bind, if it’s comfortable.

I should be writing.