Looking for a mentor

Looking for a mentor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lokaas.2475


Hi, im a ranger who just hit lvl 80 and right now im kinda wandering around clueless of the world around me. When I come online I basically do the same routine everyday.
- Do world bosses
- Do some WvW
- Work on map completion
- Get full exotic set

I know there’s alot more to do but I don’t know what and how. There’s just alot of things I don’t have knowledge of yet or simply don’t understand. I would kindly like to have some sort of mentor who can guide me in improving my game experience.


Looking for a mentor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964



I haven’t posted in a while, but your thread drew my attention.
I believe I have what you need! However, I most likely cannot guide you through WvW, due to servers. I also have no idea which Continent you’re on.

I’m European, on Gunnar’s Hold. I’ve done all areas of the game and I’m part of a small, inspired community. You can click me to see some of the posts I’ve posted. If you like my spirit – hit me up! I’m on every night, usually!

Have great fun!

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

Looking for a mentor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: metaldude.4132


Seal = cool! You can trust him whole heartedly

Sharpen your justice. Dust off resolve. Brace your courage. The Guardian dragonhunter approaches.

Looking for a mentor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkyFallsInThunder.8257


Hey there – which side are you on, NA or EU? And which server (this only matters for WvW purposes)? Also, which time of day do you usually play in, and where are you from?

Looking for a mentor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Perez.1670


I would be more than happy to play with you and show you ALL aspects of the game if you are on Far shiverpeak (EU), if you are on another EU server i could help you with everything aswell except WvW

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.