Magic find(useless or not)
I’ve heard mixed things as well. I did a small test when I ran all 3 AC paths. First one without MF gear/buffs, second with full MF gear/buffs, third without again.
I had more drops on my first run than any other. In fact I had two exotics drop (one rune and a dagger) on the first run and nothing on the second or third.
At this point my test was inconclusive as I would really need to run more dungeons to get legitimate info, but this is what I have so there you go.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I’ve heard mixed things as well. I did a small test when I ran all 3 AC paths. First one without MF gear/buffs, second with full MF gear/buffs, third without again.
I had more drops on my first run than any other. In fact I had two exotics drop (one rune and a dagger) on the first run and nothing on the second or third.
At this point my test was inconclusive as I would really need to run more dungeons to get legitimate info, but this is what I have so there you go.
hmm so it does looks like it useless?
Like the legendary its expensive like **** but same stats as an exotic weapon of 3g??
pretty lame is you ask me
thnx for reply!
MF doesn’t affect chests, so no.
“Everytime you kill a monster you roll on a number of tables, inside these tables are different rarity categories. Magic find increases the chances you will get higher categories. For example if there is a 1 in 10 category, and you have 200% magic find you will have 3/10 chances to get that category. This improves not just the rarity of the items you get but can also improve your chances at getting trophies and rare crafting materials like lodestones.”
It makes a difference, but it’s small enough that there’s no way you’re ever going to notice it after 3 dungeon runs (especially since MF doesn’t effect chest drops). 100% MF means that an item with a 1% chance to drop will now have a 2% chance to drop. It doubled your chance but it’s still a low chance.
You’re not going to be swimming in exotics just by putting together a MF set, but I feel it’s worth the effort. A full set of green Explorer’s gear doesn’t even cost a gold and you can just slap it on any time you’re PvEing out in the world doing events.
I wouldn’t use magic find for dungeons. I’d just it for mobs in Orr. If you’re farming mobs, you can get better drops. Most dungeon drops come from chests, which have nothing to do with MF.
The way to test it would be to go into Orr with and without magic find and farm the same area for the same amount of time on consecutive evenings, take note of your drops and compare them.
I’m convinced magic find makes “some” difference. Is is a big enough difference to make it worth your time? That’s a question only you can answer.
I have two 80s and the one with no MF finds way more exotics and others than the one with around 75% MF
The one with MF finds better dyes…if that matters
I just don’t ever see a difference. If you don’t see or feel a difference…then it sorta trips the mind. Is it working? Or do I have such bad luck that I required at least 75% MF to play?
I invested in Exotic MF armor and accessories, thinking in the future (yep, I already have two normal Exotic armor sets). MF has always benefitted me, even back when I was in my rares and donning a pirate set. With full MF everything, I have been able to already get an exotic and quite a few rares, but also no rares at all yesterday-and that’s OK, because in the very long run, I am sure I will get my mats/karma’s worth over the years.
MF find works, but bad luck is bad luck. :/ As Vayne said, if it’s worth the sacrifice (the stat loss IS also a pain) it’s up for each player to decide.
regardless of mf or not random number generator will be random.
you might get lucky and find a precursor every kill without mf and none with 100% mf, all that means is you had good luck.
magic find is definitely useful overall however it is not the immediate gain people expect it to be.
it gives you a better chance but still only a chance. infact you will find the greater effect on more common items, a full set will make farming crafting mats go lots faster.
because it doesnt effect chests its usefulness in dungeons is definitely suspect but it works great for long periods of farming overworld
In my opinion Magic Find is only useful for events with lots of mobs spawning all the time. In dungeons there are just a few mobs and they are harder to kill, so you have less chances for good loot.
Also, magic find is for finding magic objects, not just rare and exotic gear… blue and green items are magic objects as well…
Magic find is at it’s best when farming. If you’re into crafting/making money, magic find gear is a must for getting the rarer mats more than once every 1.5 hours
For example, the more MF you have, the more likely you are to find Lodestones & rank-400 Crafting Gear
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I find it’s worth it, but you have to do a cost-benefit analysis. Lots of people pay a ton of money for the top MF food, but you have to make a lot more in drops just to pay for that food let alone make extra money. I’ve had good luck sticking with cheaper MF food that I can get 30 of for the cost of a single omnom bar. That’s really what you want, because MF doesn’t get rid of RNG it just makes it a tiny smidge less irritating. With any RNG, you want to have the largest number of dice rolls.
Mostly, what it seems to do is give me a bit more loot. I don’t necessarily get higher quality loot, but I seem to get more salvage items, blues, etc. That adds up, but not to the point where I want to go full out on an expensive MF set + food.
(edited by Gilosean.3805)
What a lot of people seem to forget about MF is it increases the quality of your loot. Therefore, you should end up getting more whites/blues at 80 which can salvage into ori which can be sold more more money. I believe my MF set has paid for itself tenfold, but i’ve never done any kind of testing or chart to be able to say that backed by evidence.
What a lot of people seem to forget about MF is it increases the quality of your loot. Therefore, you should end up getting more whites/blues at 80 which can salvage into ori which can be sold more more money. I believe my MF set has paid for itself tenfold, but i’ve never done any kind of testing or chart to be able to say that backed by evidence.
Yup, that’s been my experiences as well, the no-loot or junk-loot turns into a white or a blue. With Cherry Tarts at 7c a pop, I can have 18% MF running constantly plus higher power, and even a single extra blue drop or 2 extra white drops pays for hours of the tarts.
My wife and I tend to run together, and our runs can last upwards of 4 hours. Generally we will pick an objective at the start of our session and that will determine what armor I wear. Most often, I end up in MF gear (a mix of crafted greens with a couple rares) while she wears combat gear.
Neither of us gets a lot of rares or exotics. I happen to be leading on both at the moment, but not by so many that I would call attention to it.
What is notable is that I’ve done almost twice as many salvages this month as her; she has about 200 salvages and I am around 400.
The other night I respecced and wanted to try breaking in the new spec with a new armor set. At the end of that session, we were pretty dead-even on loot.
So my experience is that it does have an impact, although you won’t realyl notice it in the short term.
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