Missing some areas for 100% World Completion
You said you already compared your map with wiki, so this might not be useful to you, but it’s what i used to locate the missing areas http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Bluestone/Explorer
Also those 174/175 and 162/167 have nothing to do with gift of exploration. To get GoE you need all hearts, poi, waypoints, skill points and vistas, not the areas from that achievement
Sweet, I will definitely be looking through that link when I log on next and comparing. GoE or not it’d be nice to have a full 100% instead of “close enough”, even if it doesn’t have as big of a use.
So if I have all the hearts/poi/etc already, but haven’t received the Gift, should I contact support? I completed all the areas a long time ago, before GoE were perhaps in game? Recently went and did all the newer POI’s and Waypoints, but when I finished there wasn’t a new popup for the Gift.
One issue some people have had is that they forgot to accept the chest reward on a map after completing the map. You remedy this by visiting all the maps and making sure a chest reward doesn’t pop up. That may or may not be what happened to you but just in case thought I would mention it.
Just ran through and double-checked, didn’t forget any chests
Sometimes re-visiting Chantry of Secrets will make it work.
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
Sometimes re-visiting Chantry of Secrets will make it work.
That did the trick, thanks!