Missing some areas for 100% World Completion

Missing some areas for 100% World Completion

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lorx.8507


(Saw the other guy’s thread, didn’t want to hijack/derail any help he’ll get, since the areas I’m missing are slightly different)

I’m missing a couple areas for World Completion (99%), but all of my separate areas are at 100%. Like the aforementioned other thread, I’m missing one place in Shiverpeak (174/175), and then I’m also missing 5 in Maguuma (162/167).

Been looking at Shiverpeak in detail on the Wiki, and comparing it to my map. I have Tribulation Caverns, Forsaken Halls, Griffinrook Run (though I haven’t completed it’s jump puzzle), etc. Somehow I have every Waypoint, Vista, POI, Skillpoint, and <3 Quest in the zone, but haven’t been somewhere in there. I compared the list of pieces of Shiverpeak from the Wiki to my World Map, and all the names of areas that should be there, including ones that don’t have anything in them technically, are on my map. Excluding Angvar’s Trove, but I’ve been missing the 1 piece for longer than that’s existed.

For Maguuma, same thing basically. There’s only one piece of an area the wiki listed I don’t have, Dierdre’s Steps, and I’m working on getting in there right now. No clue where the other 4 could be hiding.

Want to finally complete this so I can grab some Gifts of Exploration, anybody have any ideas?

El Psy Congroo

Missing some areas for 100% World Completion

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ada.2851


You said you already compared your map with wiki, so this might not be useful to you, but it’s what i used to locate the missing areas http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Bluestone/Explorer

Also those 174/175 and 162/167 have nothing to do with gift of exploration. To get GoE you need all hearts, poi, waypoints, skill points and vistas, not the areas from that achievement

Missing some areas for 100% World Completion

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lorx.8507


Sweet, I will definitely be looking through that link when I log on next and comparing. GoE or not it’d be nice to have a full 100% instead of “close enough”, even if it doesn’t have as big of a use.

So if I have all the hearts/poi/etc already, but haven’t received the Gift, should I contact support? I completed all the areas a long time ago, before GoE were perhaps in game? Recently went and did all the newer POI’s and Waypoints, but when I finished there wasn’t a new popup for the Gift.

El Psy Congroo

Missing some areas for 100% World Completion

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Katz.5143


One issue some people have had is that they forgot to accept the chest reward on a map after completing the map. You remedy this by visiting all the maps and making sure a chest reward doesn’t pop up. That may or may not be what happened to you but just in case thought I would mention it.

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

Missing some areas for 100% World Completion

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lorx.8507


Just ran through and double-checked, didn’t forget any chests

El Psy Congroo

Missing some areas for 100% World Completion

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Berelious.3290


Sometimes re-visiting Chantry of Secrets will make it work.

Corwin Grimjaw: Guardian (80)
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]

Missing some areas for 100% World Completion

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lorx.8507


Sometimes re-visiting Chantry of Secrets will make it work.

That did the trick, thanks!

El Psy Congroo