Need a new way to make money in-game
play the market.
How? It’s so boring if all i can do now to earn roughly the same amount of gold for the same amount of time is stand and look at the market buying and selling stuff. :/ i wanna know a good way to earn as much in the same amount of time so that I can get my exotic set and do the things I really want after. :/
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
why not first do the things you “realy want” and then get a exotic set?
Commander Berelain sur Hoiya
Far Shiverpeaks
:/ because doing what i want wont earn me gold to get exotics.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
because some people want to have max stats before throwing themselves at the proverbial flames
Buy gems. Currency Exchange. Bang Bang
play the market.
What if we don’t want to be cheaters or con-artist economists?
Buy gems. Currency Exchange. Bang Bang
What if we don’t want to be forced to give Anet money because they killed good endgame content?
Buy gems. Currency Exchange. Bang Bang
What if we don’t want to be forced to give Anet money because they killed good endgame content?
farm fine crafting materials.
search of certain items which have materials that are cheaper then the end-product.
map completion (exotics and rares).
you can still do dungeons for money too. just don’t do the same godkittenone over and over and over.
Yes…they killed good endgame content. Nothing shouts quality content like farming Magg for 6 hours a day. I can see why you’re crushed :P
My point is that it was much more quality than the impossible state and unmatching reward that it’s in right now.
I’m surprised people are actually complaining about grinding when they were doing just that in the dungeons. There’s plenty of ways to earn money in this game, you just need to stop using tunnel vision and vary what you do.
The amount of money people made from Running easy CoF Dungeon Farm Runs was absurd. It was fixed.
Problem? There are many other ways to make money, not the same amount in the same amount of time as that function was never supposed to exist. You could actually make more outside dungeons too if you tried.
Not A Message.
The amount of money people made from Running easy CoF Dungeon Farm Runs was absurd. It was fixed.
There are many other ways to make money, not the same amount in the same amount of time as that function was never supposed to exist. You could actually make more outside dungeons too if you tried.
Completely breaking content isn’t fixing it, no matter how you look at it. If they wanted people to get less from farming it then the loot reduction was enough. What they did, however, was make that route (as well as the first one) completely impossible for all but the most overgeared and organized groups and that isn’t balanced or good by any stretch of the imagination.
Completely breaking content isn’t fixing it, no matter how you look at it. If they wanted people to get less from farming it then the loot reduction was enough. What they did, however, was make that route (as well as the first one) completely impossible for all but the most overgeared and organized groups and that isn’t balanced or good by any stretch of the imagination.
Breaking news! What was designed to be the most difficult content in the game (read: explorer mode dungeons) is actually difficult, and requires organization and skill. Who would have thought?!
Man, people are such babies. Do story mode if its too difficult for you, don’t cry about hard-mode being hard. Don’t forget that there are players out there who actually enjoy the type of extreme challenges that require organization and strategy/skill.
How is content broken, if it can be done..? :/ “Scratch’s head”
Not A Message.
How is content broken, if it can be done..? :/ “Scratch’s head”
It’s broken if you need to be elite at a 3 week old game to do it.
Edit: Also broken because of very low monetary reward.
You don’t need to be “elite”, you just can’t PUG thekittenthings. Explorable mode dungeons weren’t designed to be easily pugged through.
requires organization and skill.
It doesn’t require either of those, it requires knowledge of how to exploit a particular mechanic so that you can progress past a very plainly unbalanced portion of the game. The dev himself said the intent of the bomb room is to fight the mobs that spawn. This is actually impossible to do.
The entire approach of making exp mode the “end game content” (which isn’t what the devs said at any point you ignorant kitten)makes no logical sense if you are downranked when doing them.
You don’t need to be “elite”, you just can’t PUG thekittenthings. Explorable mode dungeons weren’t designed to be easily pugged through.
Go run CoF magg and tell me that isn’t broken.