New Player Needs Some Direction
Welcome to Guild Wars, your real experience has only really just started.
I would say try everything. See what you like doing in the game.
Rangers aren’t terrible in a dungeon if played right. The only thing is that there are a number of bad ranger players out there that have given ranger a bad name. My advice for dungeons is to forget longbow exists, aside from a few exceptions. Standing back and ranging is going to ruin most dungeon strategy.
If you’re on a NA server, I wouldn’t mind mentoring and shooting you a guild invite. I tend to be on at some weird times though.
Welcome to Guild Wars, your real experience has only really just started.
I would say try everything. See what you like doing in the game.
Rangers aren’t terrible in a dungeon if played right. The only thing is that there are a number of bad ranger players out there that have given ranger a bad name. My advice for dungeons is to forget longbow exists, aside from a few exceptions. Standing back and ranging is going to ruin most dungeon strategy.
If you’re on a NA server, I wouldn’t mind mentoring and shooting you a guild invite. I tend to be on at some weird times though.
Thanks for the heads up! And also is crafting needed in this game? If so which direction should I start with eg: leatherwork and ?
Hi guys, I’m quite new to Guild Wars 2 as I bought the game about a week ago. Managed to get my ranger to 80 even though I’m just a casual player(on vacation now). Now the problem is that I’m quite lost to actually where to go.
1) Roam around explore new map areas and events
2) Crafting – Gathering the materials seems like a pain in the kitten
3) Dungeons – Which I looked through the forums rangers are not quite accepted
4) Look for a Guild which will willing help guide newbies like me
5) PvP or WvW – Don’t think I’ll start those anytime soon.
6) I don’t know what else already.So for all you veterans out there, what’s it like when you started the game? Please please guide me
Got to level 80 in one week? You missed out on too much. It may be my style of play, and I won’t bother others for it, but I really would have suggested taking the leveling on your first toon slow and steady. The game is two parts, getting to 80, and all the stuff you can do at 80. It shouldn’t be a speed grind.
Go take the bartle gamer test and see where you fit in. What’s nice about GW2 is you can do whatever the heck you want, and not be pressured into a specific grind.
1. Always good imo, if you like to explore.
2. If you map complete this won’t be an issue (just takes super long). I remember in my rookie days, having easy access to mats after exploring enough maps.
3. Rangers can be good in dungeons – most people don’t like them because too many do not know how to properly play them. although to get into the decent speed runs, you’ll need good gear to start off in.
4. Don’t know any good guilds I can recommend.
5. Alright.
6. Dungeons, fractals, wvw, pvp, open world content – that pretty much sums it up. Although open world can break down to other stuff, like Silverwaste farm, Tequatl, or world boss train. Just find what you like to do and…go do it.
EDIT: Unless you plan to get ascended equipment for high level fractals, you don’t need to craft if you don’t want to. Just buy what you need. Otherwise, I would suggest leatherworker and huntsman for ranger.
(edited by Arikyali.5804)
Thanks for the heads up! And also is crafting needed in this game? If so which direction should I start with eg: leatherwork and ?
Crafting isn’t necessary until you want to go for ascended gear, a few specific gear types, or legendaries. Though, it can be nice to have for the achievement points, the utility, and a few niche markets for profit. I enjoyed the crafting system in this game, but it’s not for everyone.
Yup, got to 80 in a week. I don’t know, just did all those quests along the way which got me up. Anyway thanks alot guys, I finally have a little sense of direction :p
1) Map completion is always good, and doing the world events can be profitable.
2) If you craft while leveling or at least had been collecting materials it’s not that big of a pain in the kitten as long as you do it efficiently. It can be a little expensive if you hadn’t been or don’t plan on gathering.
3) Nothing wrong with taking a Ranger into a dungeon. Just read up on how to build/play your Ranger during a dungeon run because chances are it’s not how you played while leveling.
4) With exception of real high level/competitive stuff I would actually recommend trying to learn on your own. Sure read guides and ask specific questions, but figuring it out on your own will give you a better understanding of how a specific mechanic, event, or whatever works.
5) Why not? PvP doesn’t cost you anything, and WvW can be a ton of fun. What’s keeping you from PvP/WvW if you don’t mind my asking.
6) Add me and shoot me a group invite or /w in game and I can try and help you out although these days I play almost exclusively WvW.
Thanks guys for all the encouragement Just finished the final story quest. The group that helped me out were kind too! Although I did died 2 – 3 times they still helped me out. Right now I’m going to find all the pets first by walking around and collecting waypoints (impt to me). One thing I must admit, the dragons in here were more devious looking than the ones in Skyrim~