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Posted by: Unreal.8092


I just started playing today.
Any tips for a new player? And is elementalist good in PvE?

New player here

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sam Calaway.5894

Sam Calaway.5894

Welcome to the game

Elementalists are very desirable in dungeons, they’re one of the best classes to stack might, to make fights easier, among many other things.
So if you plan on doing dungeons elementalist is a good way to go.

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in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jonny.6013


Elementalist is a lot of fun to play. Quite a challenge until you get the hang of it, but loads of fun. Welcome aboard and have fun!

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in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pokecenter.3548


Play a profession you think that suits you and learn a bit of everything about this game so that you know what is the most enjoyable for you (pve, pvp, wvw). Elementalist (ele for short) is pretty required in a few situations and can be very fun to play with
Also check your profession’s forum often, to know about tips or tricks that can be useful for you, different builds, ways to lead with different situations be them at pvp or pve. Keeping an eye on the events subforum may be useful as well if you do them, specially to know when they remove certain items that you can trade with npcs, to make sure they don’t go to waste.

New player here

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


Firstly, there is a huge difference between the combat here and the combat in WoW and most other MMOs, so if by common RPGs you mean common MMOs, then no, I’m afraid your skills -won’t- transfer over. A few things of note:
The combat in this game is much more action-oriented- you can avoid attacks by strafing and dodging as you fight, and using skills to counter enemy attacks. It’s more important to avoid attacks than to heal them.
There is no healer/tank/DPS trinity. Everyone is responsible for their own survival, for DPSing the enemy, for coordinating support and control to make fights more manageable.
Your success in this game depends largely on your skill as a player, rather than your gear.
I highly recommend giving this a read:
In addition, GW2 is highly unlike WoW in many other respects. The game’s meant to be more of a journey- you take your time and enjoy the process of leveling, explore to your heart’s content, and when you hit 80, there aren’t tiers of raids and gear to chase one after the other. You pretty much find what you enjoy doing and do it.
My and other players’ advice- don’t treat this game like WoW. Forget everything you know about MMOs and enjoy the journey.

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Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

New player here

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Liinniejj.4186


My advise is make a few different classes level them till lvl 10-15 then see which one you like best to level first

Welcome to gw2 hope you will have fun!

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Posted by: Hayashi.3416


Pretty much one of the best classes for PvE actually, due to their ability to stack 25 might alone before conjuring FGS for lulz.

That said if intending to play ele for the first class, be warned that it’s probably the hardest class to start in the game…

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in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Serophous.9085


Firstly, this isnt like most other mmos. There is no path, no talk to a, go to point b, kill c, return to a.

Basically, do ebents, find events going on and participate. Explore, look at vistas, etc. It all gives xp. Do the hearts in between as their xp will only get you so far.

If you get tired of one starting zone, head through the gate and try one of the other starting zones.

Trophies are salvagable items! God knows how many i sold when i started XD.

Grab the pick, sickle, and axe asap, as you will run across a lot of

Dont worry bout stealing a kill, tagging a mob or resource! Its all shared!

New player here

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ptolemy.5086


If you like easy mode fast lvling roll a warrior.