New to GW

New to GW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: xDoosey.9026


Hey everyone,

I’m a new player to GW as a whole, and am currently downloading the client. I will be playing semi-casually as I’ll be working my internship this summer full-time starting Monday, but I wanted something to hold me over during my off-hours.

I live on the East Coast, so I am looking to find people who play in similar timezones etc. but I am currently unsure as to what server I should play on. When searching the web and doing some preliminary research, I got mixed results. For those wondering, I do not think I will be doing much of the WvW gameplay due to my work schedule and such – I will most likely do PvE and hope to find like-minded players.

Any server recommendations is highly appreciated.

As for my character, I read some posts that said the Warrior is a good way to learn the game and get a feel of good combat conduct etc. so I think that will be my first go of it tonight/this weekend.

Thoughts, etc. much obliged!

New to GW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mystic Starfish.2586

Mystic Starfish.2586

Welcome to the game. Since you’re probably not gonna be doing wvw, any server will do, as players can play across servers and meet other people just by running around the open world. Everyone’s gonna have a bias to say theirs is the best, but I’d vouch for SoR or NSP (Sanctum of Rall and Northern Shiverpeaks), both servers I’ve been on that have friendly communities.

New to GW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Natsu Dragneel.1625

Natsu Dragneel.1625

You would probably find it better in the long run (you will probably WvW at some point, or at least want to) just to pick a t1 server, like tarnished coast/blackgate/jade quarry.

New to GW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: darksilklips.3165


Tarnished Coast for the win!

New to GW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Haxwell.7398


Get out while you still can.

New to GW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Get out while you still can.

Just because you don’t like the game, doesn’t mean everyone shares your opinion.

Now, back under your bridge.

Server-wise, I can’t help (from the EU area).

Warrior does tend to be a good first pick; simpler to play when levelling so you can focus on learning other parts of the game.

If you plan on doing dungeons as you level (rather than waiting until level 80), I’d recommend shopping around for a guild who’ll take people who aren’t 80 through the dungeons just to show you the ropes.

If you plan on trying out WvW, I’d recommend waiting until you got some of your utilities unlocked and taking a ranged weapon while sticking with the larger groups that zerg around.

If you plan on PvPing, all characters are boosted to 80 with all of their core traits and skills unlocked, with most upgrades being unlocked as well as stats being normalised. The PvP lobby also has a number of PvE enemies to fight as well. Probably not the best way to start out straight away, but when you get to grips with the game, it can be a good way to decide whether you like a class at level 80 or not.

Other than that, have fun!

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.