New toGW2
Its kind of hard to compare them unless you’ve been on a few. My experiances with guesting and on my own server have generally been that the communities are fine though your always going to have a few loudmouths around regardless of where you go.
You’re always welcome at Devona’s Rest
Pick the server that has the most of the 4chan communty
The only server i’ve been on is Jade Quarry since launch. I always see people running around in most areas, low, mid, or high. People are always in Map chat calling out where events are happening.
It’s been a great server for me.
Server matters little as you can always guest to two different servers every 24 hours. In essence, all the servers are all just one server. Especially since you can cross server party with people for dungeons.
Server matters little as you can always guest to two different servers every 24 hours. In essence, all the servers are all just one server. Especially since you can cross server party with people for dungeons.
Just to clarify…the above is true except in regards to regions. Meaning that you must be in the same region (EU / NA) to guest onto another server.
If your in EU go desolation its great for wvwvw spvp and im a pve guy and have a great time here also.
Tis only what you can do for all
Server matters little as you can always guest to two different servers every 24 hours. In essence, all the servers are all just one server. Especially since you can cross server party with people for dungeons.
Just to clarify…the above is true except in regards to regions. Meaning that you must be in the same region (EU / NA) to guest onto another server.
I guess it was just my assumption that if you live in the US, it would go without saying you would join the US servers. In the long run, it is better to know you will be able to actively play when the rest of the community is as well.
Server matters little as you can always guest to two different servers every 24 hours. In essence, all the servers are all just one server. Especially since you can cross server party with people for dungeons.
Just to clarify…the above is true except in regards to regions. Meaning that you must be in the same region (EU / NA) to guest onto another server.
I guess it was just my assumption that if you live in the US, it would go without saying you would join the US servers. In the long run, it is better to know you will be able to actively play when the rest of the community is as well.
That is a huge assumption and not without its merits. However, there have been plenty of documented cases on these boards of people joining a server based on where their friends are as opposed to which region they live in. There have also been plenty of documented cases on these boards of people simply joining the region they currently live in only to find out that they can’t guest with there friends back in there hometown since they are in different regions.
Always best to be safe rather than sorry…don’t assume anything.
You can go pick Borlis Pass. Good server with lots of nice people, not to mention, active ones. Also, the population is high here!
And don’t worry, there aren’t many “drama” or “jockeys” in this server
If you plan on playing WvW, Id recommend Jade Quarry.
Tarnished Coast is PvE heavy. The bulk of GW2’s NA role-players are here, but since it’s unsupported by, it’s not an official RP server. Don’t feel too compelled to play by “role-play” guidelines like you might think you have to in other MMO’s.
I say “think” because developers quickly learn not to give two $#!%s about their RP servers, and for good reason. So many trivial reports over the pettiest crap.
If you’re in EU Aurora Glade is great in my experience We have a forum too :p
Tarnished Coast is PvE heavy. The bulk of GW2’s NA role-players are here, but since it’s unsupported by, it’s not an official RP server. Don’t feel too compelled to play by “role-play” guidelines like you might think you have to in other MMO’s.
I say “think” because developers quickly learn not to give two $#!%s about their RP servers, and for good reason. So many trivial reports over the pettiest crap.
This is not entirely true, we are currently in Tier 2… TIER 2 in WvWvW. We are struggling in Tier 2, yes, but to be in Tier 2 as an RP server… that’s just incredible. PvP servers can’t say anything in retaliation when Tarnished Coast defeats them in WvWvW, it’s just not something than a PvP player would take down easily. “My PvP server lost to an RP server!?!?”
[FUNK] Squad
If you are new to the game, I highly recommend you check out this Thread that explains GW2’s Combat mechanics, Armor/Traits/Upgrades system, and it also has a video to show you how all 8 professions play in a 6min video attached to it.
All new players should probably check this out: