No PvP rewards? o.O

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Warp.2580


Dont know if someone else posted about this,atleast i didnt find any post.
Ive heard theres no actually rewards in pvp. Yes better looking gear and maybe a title,but i need a carrot to enjoy pvp in the long race. Dont get me wrong now,i dont want rewards as in Warhammer online,not that strong rewards (high ranked ppl could win duels while they was afk 80% of the fight)
Otherwise i love the game and enjoy the pvp aswell.

Do not argue with a stupid charr. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MadGelo.3869


You are supposed to have a “carrot” in RL, in a game you have Fun ( I know it is a forgotten concept for many´)

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Warp.2580


Any other amazing and helpful tips from the community?

Do not argue with a stupid charr. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Setari.1750


Welp then I’m probably not WvWing save for the monthly achievement. That’s a bunch of crud.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AinSoph.5063


You get to look pretty.

This has been a well documented aspect of the game since before it was even being developed. (See: Guild Wars 1)

The entire purpose of it is to be on completely even footing, so that ability would outweigh the ability to grind out better gear than the opposition.

—Ain Soph— Warrior
—Fort Aspenwood—

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tufel.9126


Ahh so not really interested in PVP, just in the unfair advanatge so you can win. Gotcha.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Warp.2580


aww im busted=( Hehe nah but serious im kinda damaged by other pvp games. This is abit new to me and theres good answers in this post. Havent seen it from this point of view before and ill give it a try. Think i actually gonna enjoy it.
And sorry of my english fails abit,not my native language.

Do not argue with a stupid charr. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Phoenix the One.4071

Phoenix the One.4071

The carrot is the look:D knowing that you got absolute the same gear, states etc.. but the traits, the choice of abilities and skills seperates you.. and you then are given titles and gear to show off:)

It is a bit like wow, except you are not given advantages like extra states:)

For me that is a good enough carrot:) dunno for you though:)

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Warp.2580


This carrot seems fair enough,i like it

Do not argue with a stupid charr. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


aww im busted=( Hehe nah but serious im kinda damaged by other pvp games. This is abit new to me and theres good answers in this post. Havent seen it from this point of view before and ill give it a try. Think i actually gonna enjoy it.
And sorry of my english fails abit,not my native language.

Ill just say gw1 pvp was better in my mind than gw2 pvp. But there bother better than any other gear based pvp out there. This comes from someone who sucks at pvp btw.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alex.7408


I do hope they keep it this way. All rewards should be purely cosmetics – a better looking gear. Getting better gear through PvP with better stats only gives an unfair advantage and takes away the competitive side of it. PvP shouldn’t be about who has the better gear, it should be about who is more skilled, which team has better communication, etc.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LoomDart.1839


I do hope they keep it this way. All rewards should be purely cosmetics – a better looking gear. Getting better gear through PvP with better stats only gives an unfair advantage and takes away the competitive side of it. PvP shouldn’t be about who has the better gear, it should be about who is more skilled, which team has better communication, etc.

and it will probably reduce excuses for failure by half.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kneru.8014


Coming from SW:TOR, and taking a month long break only to come back and find I was behind the competitive gear curve, this is definitely a welcome change. And I have to agree with LoomDart and most others here. Without the gear gap, people will have to accept the fact that they arent as good as they thought they were. Gear grinds suck.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pandalishus.8426


You are supposed to have a “carrot” in RL, in a game you have Fun ( I know it is a forgotten concept for many´)

Logical fallacy, as “fun” would operate as a “carrot” in this example. It is a proven concept that humans tend not to do things for which there is no reward. In many games, the reward (i.e. “fun”) is winning (“I know it is a forgotten concept for many”). In a game such as GW2, with no way to “win,” other types of rewards then need to fill the gap. Whether ANet’s version of rewards (armor skins, etc) will suffice remains to be seen.

(edited by Pandalishus.8426)

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: VincentCross.6954


Your reward is looking better but not necessarily being better. Its been like that since GW1. This game is not about out gearing people then face stomping them with little effort. Its about being more skilled then them.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Razamis.1062


Look is not a carrot.

Once you have a look you like why bother to unlock the other 50 millions looks? they are no longer rewards at that point.

Plus, who wants a sims dressup simulator, since when did that become ok for MMO rewards? No, looks are a side thing, not a main thing. WoW has transmogrify as well, but it also has actual rewards.

GW2 is not going to last the majority of players very long because of its mentality of “oh look, heres another skin”. Character progression is needed in MMOs, and gw2 does not have it, and it is a problem.

I am looking forward to seeing what the population thinks after the casuals have had enough time to all be 80 and realize this.

Warp, on these forums you will only mostly get people who are going to defend the game regardless of any good points made. You just have to decide for yourself.

This also doesnt bring into account the delayed combat animations which make combat feel laggy compared to WoW where combat is fast, smooth, and fluid. Heck just try jump turn shoot kiting on a ranger in this game, not fluid enough to pull that off.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pandalishus.8426


Look is not a carrot.

Sure it is. It’s just not a carrot for you. There are many people who will be satisfied with a cooler “look.” Of course, there are others who won’t be. The question will be whether ANet can satisfy the broad range of players’ tastes. If they can’t, GW2 will not do well. If they can, it will take off much like another MMO did many years ago. If all they supply is a better look, many will be disappointed and stop playing. If they find other ways to satisay players (engaging story, game play, etc), they’ll keep people coming back.

For my part, I’m only so-so on “look.” There will have to be other components (so far, exploring has been fun, though the rewards at 80 are disappointing).

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


the system is a lot better then losing from a ‘Skilled’ player that only needs to press 1 to win because he spent more time PVE’ing is PvP gear together.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Boardwalker.2194


GW2 is not going to last the majority of players very long because of its mentality of “oh look, heres another skin”. Character progression is needed in MMOs, and gw2 does not have it, and it is a problem.

That’s exactly right and what I’ve been saying for a while. Take out meaningful progression (at level cap) from an MMO and you’ll eventually have a ghost town, except for the die-hards. It’s that simple. If you think horizontal progression will retain people, I’ve got a bridge to sell you, so put down that kool-aid.

No PvP rewards? o.O

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Posted by: Lucky.3870


I don’t see what’s wrong with this. What matters is skill and perhaps how awesome you look whilst you fight. I don’t think that actual gear would be a good reward, it simply wouldn’t be nice compared to what Guild Wars 2 is trying to do.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Killidrix.7093


I like how some people define what is “fun” and “rewarding” and attempt to pass it off as though everyone should hold to the same definition, or they are some kind of low life lol…

I consider myself a goal oriented individual, when I log into a game like WoW to PVP, I know that I want to get “x” amount of honor to get that next piece of gear, so I queue up and PVP to win so I can get it faster.

The simple fact that I look forward to being rewarded with a more powerful piece of gear upon attaining my goal doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy the PVP, or that I am only PVP’ing so I can widen a gear gap, I just like to have a goal to help keep me going.

The reality is that there are many different people who want many different things out of PVP. Sure, some want the gear gap for dubious reasons, but some just like having something to shoot for, some like hanging in vent with friends talking while PVPing together, some might like to PVP to master their class or the game.

With that being said, I feel it’s short-sighted and ignorant to think that everyone should subscribe to the same motivations that you do.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lucky.3870


With that being said, I feel it’s short-sighted and ignorant to think that everyone should subscribe to the same motivations that you do.

However only one of the two things can happen at once, you can’t have both things at the same time. That means everyone has to go with one thing or another eventually, whether they like it or not. Maybe, that’s why we have PvP and WvW.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Killidrix.7093


With that being said, I feel it’s short-sighted and ignorant to think that everyone should subscribe to the same motivations that you do.

However only one of the two things can happen at once, you can’t have both things at the same time. That means everyone has to go with one thing or another eventually, whether they like it or not. Maybe, that’s why we have PvP and WvW.

I agree, it’s just unfortunate that people come here asking if there are any PVP rewards, and are met with:

Ahh so not really interested in PVP, just in the unfair advanatge so you can win. Gotcha.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lucky.3870


I agree, it’s just unfortunate that people come here asking if there are any PVP rewards, and are met with:

Ahh so not really interested in PVP, just in the unfair advanatge so you can win. Gotcha.

I agree, but I love PvP and WvW in Guild Wars 2. (I avoid “zergling” around) it is really much more satisfying and entertaining than other games. I find that the current rewards fit well enough for the game, maybe we just need more time to like the concept or understand it properly.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sin.8174


I love the idea of a cosmetic reward system. Too many games use the same old ’gear progression’ method and it really hampers the fun.

Some games you can buy your gear. It’s not so bad, you can get what you need to stay on top. However, usually the economy is thrown out of whack in the end. Then there are terrible designs like WoW, where you must get rofl stomped repeatedly, just to get one piece of gear at a time. It’s slow, monotonous and boring.

I also don’t understand why people also ’defend’ WoW’s gear progression. In the end, it’s literally the same thing- Cosmetic. Once you get your first tier of glad gear, and then your high rated glad wep... the only gear you get to look forward to is the exact same set... with the exact same stats... in a different color.

I love GW’s pvp and the way it’s handled. People will either adapt to a new system, or go back to something they’re used to. In my opinion, those who love pvp for the pvp mindset of skill v skill, will stick around.

Orphyn X – 8X Thief – Tarnished Coast
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Killidrix.7093


I love GW’s pvp and the way it’s handled. People will either adapt to a new system, or go back to something they’re used to. In my opinion, those who love pvp for the pvp mindset of skill v skill, will stick around.

I understand your point, but this is an awfully cavalier attitude to have towards PVP, a subset of gameplay which is largely driven by the number of participants, right?

We can say “if you don’t like it, go play something else” but in the end, if there aren’t enough people to participate, then pretty soon you are running around a barren landscape with nobody else to fight because they are all playing something else : )

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: obsituus.5981


To those saying the game will fail due to not granting gear that is significantly more powerful as a reward… GW1 is still around. Want to rethink that argument?

Second, why is it fair that those with more time to play should be able to facestomp those with less time to play? More time =/= more skill. The best PVPer in the world might only have 5 hours a week to play and in that time they simply can’t “progress” their gear so they get facerolled by people that are far less capable but are better geared because they can play 5+ hours a day. In a competitive PvP system rewarding people with uber gear that makes them near impossible to beat by those in lesser gear is absolute crap and always has been.

Third, did NONE of you that complain about this concept follow the development of this game, or pay any attention to GW1? ANet said it would be this way from the beginning so if you came here expecting a typical MMO gear progression system, that is YOUR fault and the devs should not change the game to appease you since it is targeted at those of who are fine with cosmetic rewards and titles and like to PvP against people on an level playing field.

Finally, yes, “fun” is more than enough reason to play a game and those of you begging for a gear treadmill of ever increasing stats are truly the minority. As I mentioned above, this game was not targeted toward you, ever, so get over it. Also, if you don’t believe it is possible to have a game where people do PvP for fun, just look at DAoC and what happened AFTER they released the Trials of Atlantis expansion. In vanilla and the first expansion all you needed was the time to get to 50 and some time to farm gold so you could get the best possible gear CRAFTED for you, and then you had no more gear progression left to do and all that was left was PvP. When they released ToA that brought in mandatory PvE and gear progression to compete in PvP, people left the game in droves… so badly, in fact, that they later released servers with no ToA content to try and win people back.

This has nothing to do with being a “fanboy” either and has everything to do with actually following the development of the game and coming to play it specifically BECAUSE it has no gear treadmill and competitive PvP is all done on a level playing field with no gear advantage.


Also, since we are talking about a competitive style PvP system, I seem to recall playing Quake 3 for ridiculous amounts of time everyday when I was a teenager. I got not a single thing for it, ever. No new guns, no new abilities, no “I win” button. All I got was better at aiming, better at finding the best routes around the maps, knowing where the items were, and how to just outplay other people. It was competitive and it was fun, and that was enough for me then. Guess what, it’s still enough for me now in sPvP in GW2 since it is a meta-game within the game, so to speak.

(edited by obsituus.5981)

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Killidrix.7093


To those saying the game will fail due to not granting gear that is significantly more powerful as a reward… GW1 is still around. Want to rethink that argument?

Second, why is it fair that those with more time to play should be able to facestomp those with less time to play? More time =/= more skill. The best PVPer in the world might only have 5 hours a week to play and in that time they simply can’t “progress” their gear so they get facerolled by people that are far less capable but are better geared because they can play 5+ hours a day. In a competitive PvP system rewarding people with uber gear that makes them near impossible to beat by those in lesser gear is absolute crap and always has been.

Third, did NONE of you that complain about this concept follow the development of this game, or pay any attention to GW1? ANet said it would be this way from the beginning so if you came here expecting a typical MMO gear progression system, that is YOUR fault and the devs should not change the game to appease you since it is targeted at those of who are fine with cosmetic rewards and titles and like to PvP against people on an level playing field.

Finally, yes, “fun” is more than enough reason to play a game and those of you begging for a gear treadmill of ever increasing stats are truly the minority. As I mentioned above, this game was not targeted toward you, ever, so get over it. Also, if you don’t believe it is possible to have a game where people do PvP for fun, just look at DAoC and what happened AFTER they released the Trials of Atlantis expansion. In vanilla and the first expansion all you needed was the time to get to 50 and some time to farm gold so you could get the best possible gear CRAFTED for you, and then you had no more gear progression left to do and all that was left was PvP. When they released ToA that brought in mandatory PvE and gear progression to compete in PvP, people left the game in droves… so badly, in fact, that they later released servers with no ToA content to try and win people back.

This has nothing to do with being a “fanboy” either and has everything to do with actually following the development of the game and coming to play it specifically BECAUSE it has no gear treadmill and competitive PvP is all done on a level playing field with no gear advantage.

Remember that time everyone was having a friendly discussion about gear/reward/treadmill PVP philosophy and then you had to come in ranting and raving like a lunatic and half of which you were crapping on about nobody even brought up in this thread?

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: obsituus.5981


Remember that time everyone was having a friendly discussion about gear/reward/treadmill PVP philosophy and then you had to come in ranting and raving like a lunatic and half of which you were crapping on about nobody even brought up in this thread?

No, but I do see the posts above where people are complaining about the lack of a gear treadmill, which is the entire point of my “ranting and raving like a lunatic” reply…

Do you recall that time you quoted me and ignored the first sentence of my reply? The one where I address it directly to those complaining about no gear treadmill?

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Scrag.8765


This game is great but pvp is going to get boring real quick. Gear is important – Not super powerful OMG I cant be killed gear, but small upgrades for people to strive for. Gear is an important “piece” of the pvp experience, just as class roles, skill and team synergy are all a “piece” that make the matches fruitful and interesting. No gear, no class roles = Pew Pew PVP mosh pit. Skill based game? Get real! Since when is holding “F” for 5 seconds to kill a player something that takes skill.

Im not saying gear should be a “huge” factor, it should be a small factor, but a factor non the less. I personally enjoy (as most mmo’ers) attaining gear and seeing my character progress over time. If I want a DPS mosh pit, where everyone is the same, I can play a FPS like Call of duty.

Variety is the spice of life, and personally I enjoy the challenge of killing a player with better gear or better skill, and the knowledge that I can achieve those same elements later in the game – just not in this game.

You people who only have 2 hours to play games a week should not be playing MMO’s at all – especially telling us veteran MMO’ers how to play games.

(edited by Scrag.8765)

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Scrag.8765



PVP Players with REAL SKILL enjoy a challenge, sometimes enjoy getting defeated, and sometimes enjoy being a David who can stomp a Goliath. With out gear, there are fewer opportunites for this. The game has one less dimension.

People who suck wont be able to compete and will get frustrated quicker (yeah, thats nobody on these forums right?), and will quit. This is 50% of people out there so dont laugh – they are important to the community too.

People who enjoy a challenge will face fewer of them – cause were all now the same. People with skill welcome people who suck with tier 10 gear cause now we have a challenge to kill them where as before it was just another boring win.

For all you people’s talk of skill – if your so skilled, why are you so afraid of gear?

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sin.8174


This game is great but pvp is going to get boring real quick. Gear is important – Not super powerful OMG I cant be killed gear, but small upgrades for people to strive for. Gear is an important “piece” of the pvp experience, just as class roles, skill and team synergy are all a “piece” that make the matches fruitful and interesting. No gear, no class roles = Pew Pew PVP mosh pit. Skill based game? Get real! Since when is holding “F” for 5 seconds to kill a player something that takes skill.

Im not saying gear should be a “huge” factor, it should be a small factor, but a factor non the less. I personally enjoy (as most mmo’ers) attaining gear and seeing my character progress over time. If I want a DPS mosh pit, where everyone is the same, I can play a FPS like Call of duty.

Variety is the spice of life, and personally I enjoy the challenge of killing a player with better gear or better skill, and the knowledge that I can achieve those same elements later in the game – just not in this game.

You people who only have 2 hours to play games a week should not be playing MMO’s at all – especially telling us veteran MMO’ers how to play games.

I play online games most of my evenings. I play most opf the day when I’m on my days off. I’m a vet MMO player. Your way of thinking does not fit mine. Get used to it.

I am a pvper. I live to gank people. I do not need rewards nor incentive. I see you coming, your name is not the same color as mine, I will hunt you.

Gear is merely an obstacle in pvp. One that I am glad is not present.

Orphyn X – 8X Thief – Tarnished Coast
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NoFate.3786


no gear to win is good thing. something like pvp ranking, or championships or titles that do not change your stats would be nice. and also 1v1 arena would be nice too.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Boardwalker.2194


…people are complaining about the lack of a gear treadmill…

What you call a “treadmill”, I call “progression”. Progression is key for retaining people in an MMO. Without it, without that investment for people to make in their characters, they’ll quickly leave for the next shiny bauble of a game that happens along. It’s human nature, man—give people a meaningful way to progress their characters, and they’ll always have goals to achieve, and want to stick around to achieve them.

Should people who pvp more be able to stomp on people who pvp less? HELL YES THEY SHOULD. But instead of moaning about getting beat, players should use it as motivation to improve their skills, and their gear. It’s another goal. It’s another tangible way to see a character improve over time. In other words, progression is king. Otherwise, we’re all just playing a tab-targeting FPS shooter.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sin.8174


…people are complaining about the lack of a gear treadmill…

What you call a “treadmill”, I call “progression”. Progression is key for retaining people in an MMO. Without it, without that investment for people to make in their characters, they’ll quickly leave for the next shiny bauble of a game that happens along. It’s human nature, man—give people a meaningful way to progress their characters, and they’ll always have goals to achieve, and want to stick around to achieve them.

Should people who pvp more be able to stomp on people who pvp less? HELL YES THEY SHOULD. But instead of moaning about getting beat, players should use it as motivation to improve their skills, and their gear. It’s another goal. It’s another tangible way to see a character improve over time. In other words, progression is king. Otherwise, we’re all just playing a tab-targeting FPS shooter.

I like how people talk about skill. Saying GW2 has no ‘skill’. You’re on an even playing field as everyone else, no gear discrepancies… and yet there’s no skill. Logic fail?

Improvement can still be seen in your playstyle. You don’t need gear to improve. It’s an illusion. LoL look at legendary/vial rogues in WoW… That alone speaks volumes.

Orphyn X – 8X Thief – Tarnished Coast
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


Grinding didn’t equal advantage in the first game and it won’t in this one either. That’s just a fact of this franchise and one that is unlikely to change.

If cosmetic rewards and collections aren’t the type of progression you’re in to then this probably isn’t a game you’re going to stick with for very long. This isn’t a “well GTFO then” response, but rather a simple fact. That environment is what has kept the first game going for years and is the same philosophy around which its sequel is based. The people that are going to leave are the people that expected something different than what was advertised, and the people that are going to stay are the people that like the system the way it is. It’s really that simple.

At the very least the original Guild Wars has shown us that a non-statistical progression model coupled with a microtransaction and per-box revenue stream is enough to keep a large number of players playing, and lucrative enough to pay for the production of ongoing content, and indeed even massive sequels. Will it steal players from other MMOs because it does their type of progression better? No. Players that want that sort of progression won’t stick around. GW2 will keep the players that like the somewhat different way that it does things, and that will be the community that sticks with the game in the long term.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: obsituus.5981


Again, I ask you people complaining about this, have you never even seen Guild Wars 1? Did you not read a single developer interview pre-release? Did you miss all the manifestos? Did you not do any research at all?

This game is not about the “gear progression” you are looking for. I am sorry this bothers you, but there are plenty of other MMOs out there that will suit your needs just fine and you are more than welcome to go play them. If this game doesn’t suit your style, that’s absolutely fine, don’t play it. You have no ground to stand on if you want to come and complain and try and get it changed when the majority of us playing it researched it and, unlike you, knew what we were getting and are happy with what we got.

I am not saying that you are wrong to want what you want, but you are wrong to want it in this game when 15 minutes of reading pre-release would have told you exactly what it was going to be like. I am sorry, but I feel no sympathy for you and will stand my ground that your complaints for “powerful gear” are ridiculous.

Don’t any of you realize that Guild Wars 2 presents a long sought after style of game for the thousands and thousands of us that don’t enjoy the gear treadmill and aren’t foolish enough to think it represents any actual “progression” when in truth it represents nothing more than a slap in the face saying you can’t actually enjoy the game fully until you hit a certain gear level? Why can’t you all just go back to the games that ALREADY give you what you want and stop trying to corrupt this one?

Finally, to the individual who said people enjoy fighting overgeared people for a chance to win. When the difference is minimal that has some merit, however you knowkittenwell the difference is rarely minimal. Gear difference in certain other games was so huge the person in the better gear could practically go AFK and not lose. That is not fun for anyone, and if you are the geared playing claiming it is fun, well, that means you just don’t like and/or are scared of challenges.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


All you complaining about gear is funny as can be. GW1 had one of the most successful pvp setups in any mmo. Mainly because gear was not a factor. People enjoyed it because they dident have to mess with it. They could just use there skill, and tactic’s. You all say gear is a major part. Ya only for those wanting to faceroll without any effort. Takeing that hurdle out of the game means if you get facerolled its your own fault. Shape up figure out the other classes and improve your skill. Come back and try again. Thats what pvp is about.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: noblue.8640


Since when is holding “F” for 5 seconds to kill a player something that takes skill.

What game are you playing?

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tufel.9126


I am quite shocked at the number of people that call themselves PVP’ers which need better gear than others to play. PVP is all about, IMO, beating others on a level playing field. Beating someone because my gear is better, again IMO, is meh at best. If you play more you will understand the meta game better and win, as it should be. You should not win becuase of a gear disparity as some seem to need.

To the OP glad you now get it.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Arrys.7145


You get a PvP system that is based on skill not time spent. For some that is a huge plus because that means winning proves ability and losing proves lack thereof.

A true competitive environment.

Some people want other systems and every other MMO offers them.

Arrys Shaikin
A whittling ranger becomes viable by forcing his opponent to whittle

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eladox.3457


Thats the biggest problem with this game for me. I played daoc for 9 years and enjoyed every second of it, and I was very excited for gw2 when I heard about RvR concept.

To be honest the “battle” is really good, supply system, orbs of power etc, well done anet.
But seriously, how long do you think you can defend the same keep for “fun”? You know, the basics of gamification is you achieve something challenging and you get rewarded. Thats what fun is.
The current state of WvW is incredibly dull and pointless after 20-30 hours of playing.

-When you kill someone, they lose nothing, everyone can res and even if you release the bg is so small they can literally start fighting under 1 minute.

-There is no personal recognition, no titles, no names(altough i like this, your name should be written in combat log ala Daoc), you can’t even see your enemies armor. Why? Because people focus on weakest looking player? Why are you even playing a pvp game if you dont like challenge? Thats beyond casual, its boring. I can’t even see my session stats, there are no deathblow texts. Killing someone is just pointless and no sense of achievement.

-No long term goals. I dont care about cosmetics, when I want to look fancy, I visit Prada. I can understand people work for it but do you seriously think its an incentive for majority? Realm point system in daoc was great. You can’t farm it (max rank was around 11 mil and every player gives 200 in a group) and there was someting to aim for for years if you play semi-casual. I can’t really believe you wouldn’t use a mild version of that system.(a max rank player should’t faceroll a new character just a small advantage maybe, %30-40 of daoc’s rr scaling)

I really enjoyed the game till 80, but feels so boring right now. You made a really really good game and I would be really unhappy to leave it because there is nothing to do for me.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reeddog.9132


Look is not a carrot.

Man Razamis, here you are again with your opinions. WHY ARE YOU HERE ! This the players helping players forums you aware right? You are not paying a subscription to be here. Clearly you are very dissatisfied and have nothing better to do than play the devils advocate for WoW. You make point after point detailing that you clearly do not like this game.

Well guess what man, i hate WoW. I played WoW from the alpha friends and family invite stage until a couple months after Cataclysm was released. I watched it go from a hugely satisfying experience for me to something i eventually could no longer abide.

The pvp was a joke from day one. The constant gear grind to stay competitive in a system that was a total afterthought was a joke. The no talent spamfest that is the content that they call pvp was and is still a joke.

There is no such thing as a even playing field in WoW pvp and as such i for one was able to flat crush the majority of people as i was early on in the top of the field gear wise with raid gear. Then they dropped the pvp gears to answer the pvp only people cry’s of OMGWTFBBQ i cant compete against these raid geared people its so unfair!!!!!

Then i was able to obtain the pvp gears way ahead of the curve and once again just devastate the competition. While all that is satisfying, and yes its very very fun to be dominant in pvp, it made me very bored. And then i found myself no longer having fun and just stopped participating.

I, and i am sure many many many other people will argue the point that i don’t care about the gear past a point. I am very satisfied being able get my gear, and then go out and collect heads on a perfectly level playing field where i don’t have to chase a carrot every time i turn around to stay on top. If the gear defines the combat potential i want nothing to do with it.

Do you play any FPS games at all? If you do, i’m sure you aware, everyone playing has the same tools to use in 99.9% of them. Its not the gear load out that makes the man, its what the man does with the gear that makes him great. Or not great in a lot of cases. At least they had a chance to be able to do what your doing. This is the defining concept of competition. Clearly you seem to have issue with this concept. As do I’m sure many people accustomed to the WoW way of doing things. Once again boss, we are not in Azeroth any more.

Accept that or clear out is my advise. Your opinions are your own, which i am fine with. If you feel strongly enough to get on these forums and speak your mind in such a negative fashion about a game you really know nothing about that has so many idea’s in it you care for so little for i cant see why your bothering except to pee in everyone’s koolaid that likes this game for what it is.

The reward for me in this games PVP is i know i am collecting your head for my wall mount area. As a sideline they give me access to gear that looks different so the rest of everyone that can tell i am excelling in my head collection process to the point where i have to construct additional housing to hold my collection. I call that good stuff, you call it Sims dress up simulator. Many will agree with you, many will agree with me.

Forums are a blight is how i feel. The vocal dissatisfied group are the majority that troll around in forums like nasty black clouds raining on everything and everyone. You get enough people like yourself nay-saying and making comparisons to previous MMO’s you adore and soon new people that are foolish enough to lend credence to ideas they read in the applicable forums will no longer even come look for themselves.

So, you go ahead and speak your mind. I will speak mine, and hopefully offset the damage you and the rest of your ilk do, without making FACT like statements about what is fun in my mind and how i cant find any of that in GW2. Your good points as you call them are nothing i am seeing to be truth.

This game is fun for me. It seems to be, in my mind, an individual standing out in a very well established crowd. That alone provides me reason to like it all the more. And considering i payed little or no attention to this game prior to release if find myself pleased constantly and surprised daily at the methods Anet is using to run a game designed around Spvp and WvWvW combat. Having seen a lot of what i call failures in doing so, its nice to see a company doing something i find entertaining without wanting $15 a month sub fee’s.

One more idea that needs to be thrown out there…… Who is to say NOTHING gear wise is ever going to be added as pvp rewards?? This game barely launched. Does no one have any patience these days? Is there so much instant gratification-ism going on out there, that a game can not even get off the ground floor before people come in waving the demand hammer around doom-saying the future of this game???

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vellucci.9318


This game is great but pvp is going to get boring real quick. Gear is important – Not super powerful OMG I cant be killed gear, but small upgrades for people to strive for. Gear is an important “piece” of the pvp experience, just as class roles, skill and team synergy are all a “piece” that make the matches fruitful and interesting. No gear, no class roles = Pew Pew PVP mosh pit. Skill based game? Get real! Since when is holding “F” for 5 seconds to kill a player something that takes skill.

Im not saying gear should be a “huge” factor, it should be a small factor, but a factor non the less. I personally enjoy (as most mmo’ers) attaining gear and seeing my character progress over time. If I want a DPS mosh pit, where everyone is the same, I can play a FPS like Call of duty.

Variety is the spice of life, and personally I enjoy the challenge of killing a player with better gear or better skill, and the knowledge that I can achieve those same elements later in the game – just not in this game.

You people who only have 2 hours to play games a week should not be playing MMO’s at all – especially telling us veteran MMO’ers how to play games.

No matter what you say, anyone who wants gear in pvp is not a true pvper. You like the unfair advantage, simple as that. Many people don’t like gear based pvp but everyone likes to make their character look cool.
Oh yeah, if you think this game isn’t skill based, I am 100% sure you lose a lot. Now I bet your going to come and tell me “I win a lot, this game isn’t skill based, there should be gear”, but the reality of it is, you like the advantage because your not good enough.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vellucci.9318


You get a PvP system that is based on skill not time spent. For some that is a huge plus because that means winning proves ability and losing proves lack thereof.

A true competitive environment.

Some people want other systems and every other MMO offers them.

Not only does it blow my mind that people don’t understand this but what also blows my mind is that there is plenty to strive for in pvp, and even pve but were not talking about that anyway.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jester.3265


I would have thought having fun would be the carrot.

Also, can we sticky reeddog’s post above. Excellent read.

(edited by Jester.3265)

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Musty.3148


It is my opinion that ALMOST all of the people that want a Gear Based PvP experience actually NEED that gear to compete.

I’ve seen soooooooo many times that if you level the playing field that the same “elite” PvPr is actually a scrub that played tons so they could get ahead on gear and used that as the balancing factor for their lack of skills.

There, that’s my gross generalization for the day.

This LACK of gear based PvP progression is one reason why I’ll be playing this game for akittenlong time!

Hang onto your butts kiddies, this is a new world!

80 Elementalist/80 Mesmer/80 Guardian/80 Thief
Now Musty Britches since someone decided Shortbus Rider was offensive… [LoS] [NSP]

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stryker.9632


So many fan boys, the man just wants motivation to keep playing. It doesn’t have to be something major, just something tangible he can be proud of.
Most of the guys who didn’t play GW1 don’t give an f about the looks.

Get off his back, he’s just confused

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eladox.3457


I am perplexed with people who think WvW is competitive. It is not, it will never be, it cannot possibly be competitive. This is what spvp is for.
I guess none of you played WAR/Daoc.
It’s even worse than daoc where your buffs only effect your group of 8, while gw2 favors zergs over groups in wvw.

No PvP rewards? o.O

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shifted.3697


Reeddog, I want you to have my puppies

Fear the Reaper