Not enjoying GW2
This can indeed be an issue. Since most of GW2 PvE is soloable, people do solo. Probably a bad habit from GW1.
I would have two suggestions.
1: Seek people actively: Decide: today, I’m not going to work on my own goals, and simply ask in guild and map chat who wants company or help playing. Karma and silver from events will add up slowly, as will drops.
2: Try being spontaneous. As soon as you spot someone on the map of your level, just follow them around. Work to aid them, eventually start commenting in the /say channel. Of people are interested, they are likely to chat back eventually.
A side one: chat into /map. Who knows, a conversation just might start up.
Try another class. Eles are pretty squishy and are, from my experience, not the easiest to play solo for that reason.
First, you should be open to transferring servers. You posted two other threads asking to join guilds, received multiple responses, yet insisted on staying where you are. Your friends no longer play, according to you, so what’s keeping you on your server? You never know, one of those guilds might be what you’re looking for. Lots of guilds do dungeons and WvW together.
Second, try the other classes. Elementalists, imo, have a higher learning curve and skill cap. I found warriors easy to play solo. Either way, try them all out.
hey there!
i understand that you are not having fun at this moment in GW2. As stated before, a lot off the content is soloble, so people are not that actively seeking help when they can manage on there own.
Also stated before, Elem is not the most ‘accesible’ profession in GW2. There is a lot to learn and you can’t survive a lot off beating. So i would suggest to try another prof/clas, and maybe even another race.
Also, you do can switch servers and join a more active guild. i myself am a member off The Legion off Honor XIII and we have players in all levels. So check this thread out and maybe you will join us sometime soon.
I play an Elementalist and most of my time is spent doing PvE alone.
In my experiences, Elementalists are the hardest class to solo. It can be done, but compared to other classes, you are going to die a lot. I can’t figure out why, but it just seems to be the case.
Decided to join a guild, but it looks like most people are max level and are doing max level things. I haven’t been able to get a stable dungeon party as many people seem to leave mid-dungeon.
Then, I would say you joined a bad guild. Because people at max level have the choice to help you and are choosing not to help you. It would be different if they were lower than your level, but they aren’t. There’s no reason for someone in your guild not to help you.
Join another guild, that’s my suggestion.
I really want to like GW2, but i’m just not having fun with the game. I’m not sure if it’s the class i’m playing, the fact that I don’t really know what i’m doing in game, or if this game just isn’t for me.
I would definitely try another class and then try to join another guild (or, at least, get the members of your guild to actually help you out…since GW2 actually has the benefit of allowing them to be in the same level range as you).
Best of luck to you.
I just started playing as an elementalist and already hate it. Try a heavy armour class that can actually take a hit. I quickly grow tired of the game if I die too often, which only seems to happen as my ele
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]
You don’t necessarily need heavy armor profession to be able to take a hit Soloing is also pretty easy on a necromancer for example.
You really might want to try different professions though – maybe you just don’t like the feel of the elementalist?
And do feel free to join various guilds – you can have one for each of your interests after all
First, you should be open to transferring servers. You posted two other threads asking to join guilds, received multiple responses, yet insisted on staying where you are. Your friends no longer play, according to you, so what’s keeping you on your server? You never know, one of those guilds might be what you’re looking for. Lots of guilds do dungeons and WvW together.
Second, try the other classes. Elementalists, imo, have a higher learning curve and skill cap. I found warriors easy to play solo. Either way, try them all out.
The very first topic I posted I did not want to switch because my friends were still some what active here and there and didn’t want to keep going back and forth due to the thing about not being able to switch in a certain time period.
My most recent guild topic, I had mostly European clans asking me to join and I did not want to join an EU based guild for a number of reasons including differences in time zone. I received a few offers from other guilds located on different American servers and I ultimately switched servers to join one.
I don’t have too much of a problem soloing with Ele, the only time i’ve really been getting owned so far is in the AC dungeon I just got to experience for the first time, but i’ll give some other classes a shot. I was interested in Ranger as well so maybe i’ll make one now.
Thanks for the suggestions!
Some things to change:
- try a new profession. Maybe you just don’t like Ele
- join a different guild. You can have up to 3 guilds. It took me a while to find a good one that’s active, all levels, and chatty. Go to Lion’s Arch and look for one there.
- switch servers. Some are more populated, some tend to be very WvW active, which means they aren’t PvE active.
- try PvP & WvW. it could be the thing that helps you make in-game friends and alleviate that feeling of being alone in Tyria.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
PM me if you need a guild in Sanctum of Rall : ). It’s pretty small but I have nothing else to do except go on ventures and help guildies XD
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division