One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kodesh.2019


You either clicked on this out of curiosity or because you suffer the same limitation as me. My left arm was amputated above the elbow last December because of an accident at work. I am fortunate, as I am right handed but this has really brought a new level of challenge to my favorite hobby, gaming. I am not writing this because I feel I am important, to conjure sympathy or because my story is special in anyway, but because some people may find hope and the advice they need to overcome a similar predicament (or if you want to free up a hand for those chips and beer without gumming up your keyboard). In this topic I am going to explain my journey first before dropping software and hardware in a list because I want to encourage readers as much as inform them.

In the hospital I didn’t want to touch Guild Wars 2. I knew how difficult it would be without the use of the Keyboard and I was not about to create negative feelings of defeat towards GW2, a game I had come to really enjoy. Instead I played Minecraft. I have a Razer Naga Epic that I carried over from my years Spent ($15/mo please…) in World of Warcraft. That game had so many spells I needed the extra 12 buttons to maintain utility without swapping skills when switching between questing, PvP, and PvE dungeons/raids. For Minecraft I just remapped my run forward key to Keypad 5 and the jump button to Keypad 8, which is below or closer to me. I would hold run and be able to jump by shifting my thumb slightly. This slow-paced game made it easy to get used to the new play style.

When I was released home I slowly got back into GW2. I would only really log on to test different changes until I felt comfortable enough to play successfully, at least in my mind what was successful. I am fairly competitive when it comes to gaming so I was not going to return to GW2 as a noob. The first thing I tried after rebinding all necessary moves was Voice Activated Commands. This software allows you to use a phrase or several phrases to operate a keystroke, macro, or a shift, ctrl, or alt combo. I could bind the phrase “Heal” to press “q” and set “q” in game to activate my heal spell. So there I was… a guy sitting at his computer speaking out “Heal” “Judgement!” “Elite Skill” The downside of this software is that voice recognition software is not incredible accurate and it would sometimes require the phrase to be repeated. I had to bind a phrase to put the software to sleep and wake it up because I would be trying to talk to friends and my elite skill would keep going off. But even this was not a complete fix. During Skype conversations I would have to constantly say “stop voice” to put it to sleep because I could hear the software become active. The other awesome part is friends could shout across the room “heal” and blow my heal spell… All that aside, if you are not talking to people or have people in the same room it is actually very powerful software. The biggest downside of this software is the delay between the phrase recognition and the keystroke. It is not long… but when it comes to fast action.. it’s not fast enough.

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kodesh.2019


The second addition to my computer gaming arsenal was a set of Scythe foot pedals. These are the 3-switch style and were a gift from my wife’s cousins.They seemed really simple to set up but it took me WAY too long to figure out the software. I was looking for popups or drop down menus to select keystrokes but instead you just had to click in the box and then type the key stroke it was way to easy. It works with shift, ctrl, and alt modifiers and can also work as shift, ctrl or alt. You also need to select how many pedals the device has and it gives you that many boxes. Hit the save and those pedals can plug into any computer and work without set up. (They are a simple HID device much like a usb keyboard so all plug n play) I bound #1 Weapon ability (auto attack), Dodge, and Use/Activate/Loot to these 3 buttons. I don’t like mouse clicking when I use the mouse for all of my movement so right clicking on everything had to go. Dodging was also a major problem so until I got these pedals I didn’t play much.

I knew I was going to rely on my feet more for gaming so I ordered a set of quad fragpedals. I liked the 2 sets of 2 style and with the cables I could position one set on either side of my first 3 pedals. I tried many different combinations of keystrokes take over abilities that I didn’t have bound before and was clicking but I was missing a good set of modifier keys so the left 2 became Lshift and Lctrl. The right side didn’t fare too well. I just found my right foot being glued to the dodge button in combat and the “use” button after combat. I put strafing on the right side but it is going to take me more practice to get good at.

That is my story thus far. I am still waiting for my prosthetic arm which I will be building an attachment for a Joystick. There is software that can convert axis movements to key strokes and I will finally be able to use my left hand (arm? lol) for movement again. This will allow strafing and back pedaling again.

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kodesh.2019


The list of Software/Hardware and my thoughts——

Voice Activated Commands –

This Software has soooo many awesome features. You bind phrases to individual keystrokes, macros of even modified keystrokes. You can use a phrase like “Fire” and bind it to use “F1” to switch to the fire element on your Elementalist.
It also allows you to activate a key ‘press’. What I mean by this is you can set up the software so when you say a phrase like “Shift on” and it will hold LShift until you say “Shift off”
The cons to this software is that it is buggy at times. The voice recognition is fairly basic and will make mistakes but for a price tag of only $18. It is worth trying out.

Razer Naga –

Let’s face it… We (if you only have one hand) need to utilize a mouse with lots of buttons. If we must use a mouse (and most games require them – GW2 is no exception) we need to have as many button accessible to our limited fingers. This is the mouse I prefer. Wireless, accurate, and glowy… with lots of buttons.
I opted for the Naga epic because of the custom coloring but the base Naga is awesome. They have released new Nagas with 8 buttons on the side if 12 is too much… but I barely have any problems with the 12 as far as mis-clicking.
For those who lost their right hand Razer has announced a left handed version but have been incredibly slow at releasing it. Keep pestering them. Send them emails, post on their forums and facebook. Tweet at them.

Scythe USB Foot Switches —

I love them. The software took a while to figure out until I realized how simple it was. Drop down menu to select number of pedals. Then click on the box and type your keystroke. I can’t remember if the software supports Macros but it can work as a shift, ctrl or alt modifier or will utilize a modified keystroke. Once your customization is saved it will work in any computer without any software or drivers since it relies on the basic HID compliant drivers used by most USB mice and keyboards.
Them seem to be built a little more solid than the next set but have little customization as far as to the hardware itself. You can see the little wires exposed which worries me that the right object could fall in and cut them.

Fragpedal Quad option –

These are beauties. When I first opened them up I was amazed at how small they were, which is great for LAN parties as they fit in your laptop bag/backpack no problem. The software is more user friendly giving you the options of macros as well as modified key strokes. These, too, are also plug and play into any other system once they are set up.
These are customizable physically. With very simple modifications you can move the two pedals around on a single platform to make them closer or farther apart or add a third pedal to one. The sub-connection box only supports 2 usb plugs (I think) so it’s not a perfect set up to have 3 on one platform. Finally you can adjst how much effort it takes to click the button. They included these tiny metal rods and it took me a while before I realized you can lift up the pedal slightly and put them into grooves underneath the pedal to increase the height of the pedal off the switch.

My final recommendation is use a Joystick for movement. A simple jimmy-rig can have a joystick stationary enough to use it as your WASD movements. Software like AutoHotKey or Pinnacle Game Profiler

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: Rolyate.6753


You sir, are a wonderful person. I really hope this thread gets the attention it deserves!

How do you pronounce your name?

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: GMvurtne.4783


I read your whole story man and it really made me very happy to see that you didn’t give up on what you loved, iv actually seen alot of people who become disabled in one way or another give up on what they loved doing most but with you man your an inspiration!

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


Brilliant thread. I’m sorry to hear what happened but I’m so glad you can continue playing the game and I admire your dedication!

Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: Randulf.7614


A stunning story!!

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: Cowrex.9564


This thread is just great. Dear OP, you are one great….no….LEGENDARY gamer! You are one who never gave up and continued to find ways to enjoy the game. Just by reading your thread, I can tell you kept looking for ways to play the game.

Anyways, I’d like to say it once more….Kodesh, I admire your passion for gaming. And also thank you for giving hope to others similar to you

It makes me cry seeing fellow gamers achieve the improbable (Not impossible btw)

Give a man fire, he will be warm, set a man on fire, he will be warm forever! …or dead…

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: Lman.2568


You have my admiration, if your ever looking to group with someone, look me up in “Yak’s Bend” server

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: Cowrex.9564


You have my admiration, if your ever looking to group with someone, look me up in “Yak’s Bend” server

Same goes to me, but in Borlis Pass.

Anyways, going off-topic for a bit…. Yak’s Bend, one of the best enemies of Borlis Pass in WvW Just saying

Give a man fire, he will be warm, set a man on fire, he will be warm forever! …or dead…

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: Daemon Hawk.9406

Daemon Hawk.9406

Awesome info. Thanks!

Garik Ravenclaw
Support Beastmaster Ranger

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: Ilithis Mithilander.3265

Ilithis Mithilander.3265

I have to say my initial thought from the title of the thread when clicking on it was, “someone found out how to multibox really well D=” (I did not actually frown IRL).

I would shake your hand in congratulations for what you have accomplished and I hope these ideas help others who have the same problems. Perhaps someday down the road you won’t need to use pedals and will be able to fully use your left arm again or maybe Google Glass can allow you to use your eye movements for actions.

Primary Guild: Testing Eternity [TE]
Chloe (Version 3):
[i7 930 @ 4.1Ghz (1.3875V) w/Cooler Master 120M][Gigabyte G1 Gaming GTX 970 (stock)]

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: wauwi.9162


righthand only:

i’m certain that GW2 could be very well played with a mouse only. with 4 buttons on the left side (=WASD), easely clickable with the thumb.
needs some practice, tho.

left hand only:

good ol’ keyboard.
but tab cycling/autoattack near a larger group of enemys can and will get annoying.

hope it helps

[EU/GER]Elona’s Reach: Aerrith: Lv80 Ranger / Sephirra: Lv80 Mesmer
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kodesh.2019


First, I would like to thank you all for the encouraging words. I will have to look you guys up! For anyone in a similar situation add me in game, ask me questions. I have tested different ideas and toyed with a few things. That goes for anyone. I am always up for meeting people! I am on Blackgate, you can see my competitiveness come out eh? Nah.. I just found a good guild and we enjoy pvp’ing and are pretty good at it imo.

righthand only:

i’m certain that GW2 could be very well played with a mouse only. with 4 buttons on the left side (=WASD), easely clickable with the thumb.
needs some practice, tho.

left hand only:

good ol’ keyboard.
but tab cycling/autoattack near a larger group of enemys can and will get annoying.

hope it helps

These work in a slow pve scenario like grinding and leveling. But when you are trying to solo a champion or a couple veterans you need to be always moving, turning the camera and always dodging. These leaves little time for clicking skills, though I haven’t been much of a clicker so maybe a pro-clicker may disagree.

The WASD on the mouse I have tried I think it could really work if the “s” was dodge instead of walk backwards but where would your jump be? :P I love JPs.

As I play now it’s all forward motion. If I need to move backward fast I drop the run and stomp on dodge or spin the camera quick. I really miss strafing!

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: wauwi.9162


i completely forgot about the camera movement on keyboards.

jumping could be on your MB3 button (click on the mousewheel).

my mouse (first attachment), for instance, got 4 buttons around the mousewheel. i like to link backwards-dodging or a back-dodging skill, like “lightning reflexes” to the button under the wheel.

edit: i just googled for “excessive mouse” and found a company called “3DConnexion”, producing expensive mouses (correct plural?) for people wanting to interact even better with 3D models. so it’s more a thing for scientists, medics and 3D model designers. (second attachment)
but 400+ bucks… :/


[EU/GER]Elona’s Reach: Aerrith: Lv80 Ranger / Sephirra: Lv80 Mesmer
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”

(edited by wauwi.9162)

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kodesh.2019


edit: i just googled for “excessive mouse” and found a company called “3DConnexion”, producing expensive mouses (correct plural?) for people wanting to interact even better with 3D models. so it’s more a thing for scientists, medics and 3D model designers. (second attachment)
but 400+ bucks… :/

Yea I saw that mouse right away on my search for solution and I also got hung up on the price. As you mentioned, it’s a mouse designed for navigating through 3D environments in programs like AutoCad. I read an article where someone was using one to play WoW and they enjoyed it… though they also had a separate hand for keyboard.
I was thinking that if you wanted a 3-Axis mouse for gaming you are better off with a 3 Axis Joystick because it has tons of buttons at the thumb and can have multiple triggers. That paired with foot pedals would be a pleasant adventure learning how to play mmos all over haha.

(edited by Kodesh.2019)

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: wauwi.9162


on classic tab-cycler mmorpg’s (yeah, thanks to GW2, TERA, etc. i’ll call such “stiff” rpg’s “classic” now), like AION, i rarely used my keyboard, even tho i have both hands/arms working most of the time (got a huge lack of vitamine D).
if i ever used the keyboard, it was just only for skill 1-5 or chatting.

such mmorpg’s are mostly point and click anyways, so you (and anyone with the same limitations) should be able to play such games just fine.
also, such games mostly allow macros or have a macroeditor in-game, so it’s easy to put your common skill-rotations on extra mouse buttons.

foot pedals? how about a dance-dance-revolution pad? not for serious gaming, but it should add more than just fun to each game needing “wasd”.
imagine dancing that fool aldiun of the sky of skyrim. (if you have cool neighbours living under your room.)

[EU/GER]Elona’s Reach: Aerrith: Lv80 Ranger / Sephirra: Lv80 Mesmer
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”

(edited by wauwi.9162)

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: Mag Li.2581

Mag Li.2581

Thanks for this post! I’m glad to know you did not give up even when life throws a curve ball. Thanks for sharing your experience!

Mag Li [Oxy]
Part 1/2 of a dynamic duo

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: schizandra.4587


Hi Kodesh, this is a really great thread. You’ve been very resourceful in finding ways to keep your favorite hobby, which is admirable.

I have a suggestion. An earlier poster mentioned the 3dconnexion SpaceMouse Pro, and I know you said the price was a little too steep for you. There is another 3d mouse by the same company called SpaceNavigator, which is basically just the knob part. It has no buttons so obviously the Naga works better than the SpaceNavigator for your hand, but what if you were to use the SpaceNavigator with your foot? The joystick motions can all be mapped to all keystrokes, so that would give you plenty more options than pedals.

I’m on an iPad right now and I’m having trouble linking video, but if you go to YouTube and search “SpaceNavigator World of Warcraft”, the first video that comes up will be a demo of this 3D mouse. At about 5:15 is when the reviewer starts talking about mapping controls for gaming applications. Best part is, it’s 1/3 the price of the SpaceMouse Pro.

Now, I’ve never tried this myself, for all I know the SpaceNavigator might need more finesse than a foot can handle. But it’s just something to think about.

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kodesh.2019


I have a suggestion. An earlier poster mentioned the 3dconnexion SpaceMouse Pro, and I know you said the price was a little too steep for you. There is another 3d mouse by the same company called SpaceNavigator, which is basically just the knob part. It has no buttons so obviously the Naga works better than the SpaceNavigator for your hand, but what if you were to use the SpaceNavigator with your foot? The joystick motions can all be mapped to all keystrokes, so that would give you plenty more options than pedals.

Haha! I love it! I hadn’t thought of incorporating axis controls with a foot… It’s genius. I also knew about the cheaper versions of that 3d mouse but I hadn’t thought of using the most basic version with your foot. It would take a bit of construction to utilize all three axis. It would need a heavy base (if you want it portable) or it needs to be stuck to the ground (suction cup?) I was also thinking some along the lines of a slipper, shoe or sandal to be mounted to the top. (There is an up/down axis as well as the forward/back and left/right) @ $99 I may need to investigate this… it still leaves a foot for other things. Better yet… for those people who may not have access to fingers on a hand but can move their arm could mount this to their prosthetic or a glove to put their hand into and gain that extra up/down axis.

The practical application of this is that it frees up movement from you mouse (which is my situation right now). Using axis’ to activate skills is possible… but takes a lot of work using AutoHotkey and I could see it being buggy until you set up the right thresholds.. which could take hours.

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: cybel.9538


I can’t say that I know what it’s like to re-learn how to play MMO’s after losing a limb but I can attest to learning how to play them all over again after losing most of your sight. (I had a massive ischemic stroke that left me nearly blind for the first year of recovery.) The razer naga mouse and the razer pro gaming headset saved my gaming career. You know……….. we should get together and write the razer team and maybe suggest that they make a few products JUST for folks with disabilities to help them keep gaming. Without their products I doubt I would have continued.

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kodesh.2019


Here is software that appears to be free like AutoHotkey and is simple like Pinnacle Game Profiler from Brothersoft

Looks like a simple interface. It doesn’t say it works on Windows Vista or higher…

Here is another.

Apparently Logitech has some good software for their devices as well.

A new friend read my post and PM’d me sharing his situation and he basically must game with one hand as well. He uses and says it works great. Thanks Dave for this suggestion!

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kodesh.2019


I can’t say that I know what it’s like to re-learn how to play MMO’s after losing a limb but I can attest to learning how to play them all over again after losing most of your sight. (I had a massive ischemic stroke that left me nearly blind for the first year of recovery.) The razer naga mouse and the razer pro gaming headset saved my gaming career. You know……….. we should get together and write the razer team and maybe suggest that they make a few products JUST for folks with disabilities to help them keep gaming. Without their products I doubt I would have continued.

I fired a heartfelt thanks to Razer’s public relations on our behalves. I have my doubts they will expand their product line to accommodate gamers with different disabilities just because there is such a wide range of injuries. I think they could add a few pieces like flight control equipment or simple things like foot pedals but their target seems to be fps’s, rts’s and mmo’s where the bulk of the gamers are.

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: wauwi.9162


i’ve found an intresting kickstart project while watching “mindblow#60” on the youtube channel “vsauce2”.
it’s a small mouse kind of thing, that you put on your index finger:

it’s not ready yet and probably just another way to make PC users even more lazy, but it could also come in handy for people with certain limitations.

[EU/GER]Elona’s Reach: Aerrith: Lv80 Ranger / Sephirra: Lv80 Mesmer
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”

(edited by wauwi.9162)

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kodesh.2019


That’s pretty sweet imo. Though, I have my doubts it could help one handed people because it pulls your hand away from buttons and into the air.

Because it is mainly geared towards 3D environments, it’s best luck in gaming will probably be FPS’s

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kodesh.2019


Hey All – Tech Update

I mentioned that Razer has not released any more information concerning the Left Handed Razer Naga but I did stumble up their Ouroboros Mouse. It’s ambidextrous and has 11 programable buttons… looks really awesome too!

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: trendal.8319


Thank you for telling your story, Kodesh!

I, too, am trying to play GW2 with only one hand (my left). I had a stroke about 5 years ago that left me with some fairly significant right-side paralysis. I was right handed, too. My right hand is completely useless for games, now.

I have learned how to play using the keyboard primarily, with my mouse as backup (it sits only inches from my left hand). I know I need to rebind my keys, as I have yet to do that, but I have already progressed to the average level!

I miss my FPS

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: Tranquilnelf.1258


One of the most heartening and personal experiences I’ve read.

I’m glad to have encountered your thread and also the experiences shared by everyone else..

I commend you sir, and your spirit.

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: Grappler.2389


how long did it take you to write that with one hand

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: Donari.5237


Absolutely amazing. I’m going to link this to my old WoW guild because we have a guildie there who is awesome as a left handed only gamer, his right arm/hand being disabled to the point of being a blunt instrument only. Apparently his left hand looks like a demented spider dancing over the keys as he runs a druid very effectively in PvE and PvP and even types chat lines at speed while he does it.

Still I bet these various hardware ideas could be great for him if he gets the money together for them.

-applause for Kodesh-

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: trendal.8319


how long did it take you to write that with one hand

About a minute…you get kind of good after a few years of it

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: LameFox.6349


As I play now it’s all forward motion. If I need to move backward fast I drop the run and stomp on dodge or spin the camera quick. I really miss strafing!

You don’t use ‘about face’?

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: Donari.5237


If you have multiple mouse buttons perhaps you can designate some keys for movement. I strafe with my HEX. Of course I’m still using my left hand on the keys but I read comments all the time from people that have everything bound to a mouse or keypad controller including full movement.

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Posted by: Khyber.2693


I know there are people who play league of legends with no use of their hands or arms. You’re awesome sir, never give up what you love no matter what.

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: Graywind.8324


Awsome work. I have knowen a few 1 handed players and this has never stoped them doing what they enjoyed.

Something to take a look at :

Would allow you to use motion capture to do things in game…

Relden Stormborn – Engineer- Trust me!
Danonia – Mesmer – I’m over here!

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: Donari.5237


Oh, that looks awesome but makes me wonder how one would manage a lengthy gaming session. I like to rest my forearms on my chair arms and have thick pads for my wrists on the desk. I’d think having to hold my arms in the air to gesture would kill my neck in short order.

Maybe it could be a supplemental thing, off to the side, so Kodesh and others in his situation could wave fingers for certain situations but not for an entire session?

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Posted by: marnick.4305


I’m very strongly left handed myself which is also a form of disability. I didn’t lose my right arm, but it is pretty much useless unless coordinated by the left arm. I can type, I can game, I can barely do anything else with right hand.

If I’d lose my right arm, there’d be no Naga (although promised release in 2013). There’d be no scissors, no bottle openers, no screwdrivers. Losing my left arm would be even more disastrous. What use is a bottle opener if I can’t even hold it properly with my right hand… I would pretty much be out of luck.

But just like you, I’d manage it somehow. Whining is easy, fixing something like that is an achievement worth more than #1 on the leaderboard. I respect you for that!

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: LameFox.6349


Well you’d just hold the bottle between your knees of course.

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: marnick.4305


Well you’d just hold the bottle between your knees of course.

I could, but my right hand can’t operate a bottle opener properly. I lack the dexterity.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

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Posted by: LameFox.6349


Well you’d just hold the bottle between your knees of course.

I could, but my right hand can’t operate a bottle opener properly. I lack the dexterity.

What if you aligned it to the cap with your mouth first?

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Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


Thanks for sharing your experience. It was interesting to read how you’re adapting available technology. You might want to take a look at the Logitech G600 series mice. They have the thumb buttons like the Nagas, but the also have an extra button under your ring finger that can shift the mouse to a completely different mapping. I’m still trying to get the hang of it, but it does give you a lot of hot keys under one thumb.

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

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Posted by: Alethia.3597


I really appreciate not only the story behind this, but the links for everyone else with issues to follow up. Often it can take a lot of research for us all to find different equipment and software to help us out with our different challenges. I’m not an amputee, but had to relearn a lot of things earlier in life when I had an incident similar to a stroke.

Another piece of tech that I am watching with interest (maybe it could be adapted for use with a leg if there is not enough muscle movement for it) is the Myo.

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Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


This thread deserves all the +1s.

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Posted by: lynspottery.6529


Kodesh, my hat’s off to you. BTW, you mentioned foot pedals…so I thought you might be interested in what I found today. I was looking into a set for myself and found “Stinkyboard” start up.

Here is the webpage:

I have actually contacted them asking about this product and it appears a lot of gamers have actually tried this product out. Maybe it might be of interest to you if your current foot pedals don’t work as you need them to.

You have given me hope that I can eventually use my feet for my straffing and such in game freeing up my need to use my mouse all the time for movement.

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: akamon.2769


thanks for sharing. : )) this was a great read and i love how passionate you are about gaming and the innovation you had to get back in the game. but more importantly, how you remained so positive and seemingly able to overcome what you had to go through!

props to you, good sir. hope you figure out better ways of playing and approaching life as it, and enjoying the hell out of it.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


I would like to reiterate what a lot of people have already said:

You sir, are an awesome person!

Not only for persevering, but for having the desire to help others and share your exploits with other so that they might overcome similar issues. I am also very impressed with your ingenuity. Have you considered mice with game boards, such as this logitech board:

It has a thumb-controlled joystick that could give you the cursor movement, with access to all of the keys you need in one package. Pedals would probably still help, and I can recognize this would be really hard to get used to, but its just a thought.

Regardless of what happens, keep on being awesome!!!

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


A potential problem with the Logitech G13 is I do not think they make it for someone who can only use their right hand. If most tech companies would only make their products to be changed from left to right use, this would not cause an issue.

I have tried this G13 and, although it is way too big for my hand, it was designed for me to use it with only my left hand if I needed to use the joy stick.

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seras.5702


Just wanted to chime in with big ups to you Kodesh for perservering. An uplifting story that challenges us all to not let anything get in our way. Well done, well done indeed.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

One Handed Gaming - A guide and story of...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: OmniPotentes.4817


Hi Kodesh. Thanks for posting. You are an inspiration to all gamers. Please go easy on me should we ever happen to encounter eachother as rivals in Wv3