Wasn’t sure if this should go in Warrior forums or here, as it is a question relating to warrior’s… but not really asking after builds or such.
What I am wondering about is why do I keep reading from ppl about how easy Warrior’s are in PvE, how OP they are, best survivability, etc – when in my limited experience I have not found that at all.
And yes, I know I am discussing low level gameplay – but it’s all I have to work with/on right now. Also, I take a fair amount of time to level… so just getting to 80 to get all traits, etc to compare… is not really that feasible. So at the level I’m talking about… skills are limited & no traits available.
What got me really question this is the experiences I recently had in leveling 2 human characters and how vastly different they were. One was a guardian and the other was a warrior – I leveled both up to lvl 20 by doing Queensdale low level hearts & DE’s, mapping all the cities and working on other race’s starting area’s.
At this point I went back to finish Queensdale off, and this is probably the biggest point where I noticed how different things were. On my guardian I had little troubles doing the final hearts on the map, while on my warrior I was struggling to stay alive doing the exact same fights – this is doing the heart around where the Shadow Behemoth (sp?) event happens, so is a lvl 15 heart.
- My guardian was wearing lvl 10 white +power armor (ie npc shop bought)
- My warrior was wearing lvl 20 white +power/precision armor (npc shop bought)
- Both were using npc shop bought lvl 20 weapons
- I was using Mace/Shield on my guardian (yes, it’s the self-healing setup)
- I tried sword/shield, axe/shield/ axe/mace & 2-handed hammer on my warrior
- I did have regen shouts on guardian, but never used them
- Warrior was mainly signets… I did use FGJ (the perma-might shout)
- I tried both healing sig & the starting heal on my warrior.
It just seems to baffle me somewhat, as I keep reading how great Warrior’s are in PvE, and how survivable, etc… yet I can’t say I have experience that. My guardian with worse gear & lower health dealt much better with both normal & vet mobs than the Warrior did.
Yes, I understand that the guardian has 2 sources of constant healing – mace heals and virtue-of-healing compared to Warrior’s 1 source of healing (skill #6)… but the difference has been so vastly different – guardian mowing through fights with me hardly having to worry about death, compared to the warrior which was constantly getting knocked to low health or dying.
Does the increased passive healing the guardian get with mace make that huge of a difference? As it seems the F2 healing virtue is not that much, but then again.. Healing Signet on warrior doesn’t seem to heal for all that much either (either passively or when actively used.. in fact it wasn’t even getting me back to half health when used when I was nearly dead).
I’ve continued on with my warrior & guardian in mapping out the starter zones… and my experience has been consistent – my warrior struggles in fights, constantly looses lots of health, I have to dodge roll everything and run around in circles either waiting for passive healing or healing skill to get off cd vs my guardian who face-tanks everything with no trouble. Guardian only has issue’s vs groups really…
To be honest, it’s been fairly frustrating and annoying to play my warrior. Both heavy armor classes with melee options… yet the one ppl seem to say is so good and easy, is the one I am struggling the most with.
Maybe this means Warrior is just not for me? Would be a shame, as I actually really like warrior longbow vs guardian scepter… but longbow is really only good vs ranged enemies or when in a group and others can keep the melee enemies occupied. Well, at least imo… seems a bit silly to use bow when enemies right in your face.