Returning player: guardian or Warrior?

Returning player: guardian or Warrior?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rhaegar.5120


Hello guys, I’m posting here because I can’t decide which class to pick between guardian and warrior [the focus is WvW].

My Role Player story would suggest guardian as I’ve always tended to use holy warrior/Templar like classes. Role playing aside I’m now more interested in facts. A heavy armour char is a must.

I’d like to play a versatile class that can roam well but also survive in zerg vs. zerg. My ideal character is able to deal decent amount of damage whilst being able to access healing skills (remember the warrior priest from Warhammer or the Paladin in wow?). Using group utilities is also a plus!

What I would like to avoid is the classic clunky char that you’re not going to kill but at the same time deals no damage at all.

What would you suggest? Many thanks to anyone who will be able to help!!!!!

(edited by Rhaegar.5120)

Returning player: guardian or Warrior?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: oRx.9584


Guardian, definitely.

I was at the crossroads for a while also, but after I’ve experienced the Guardian at its full potential, I’ve made my call. It is alot more versatile than a Warrior, alot tankier (full bunker Guard can take more damage than a full bunker Warr, and a full zerker Guard can tank more than a full zerker Warr), alot more support (Empower and shouts) for your zerg / guild / group, better lore, nicer weapons (staff, greatsword, mace, focus), etc…

The only thing we’re worse at than Warriors is mobility. But little do I care when Im hitting the enemies from afar and have a leap and a teleport at my disposal on relatively short cooldowns. An immobilize too.

Id roll a Guardian, for more information on the profession or the builds, send me a PM here on the forums, or add me in-game.

Hope I helped.

Regards, oRx

“Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal.”
- Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996)

Returning player: guardian or Warrior?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dante.8456


Both are very viable. But from a practical focus, the Guardian excels in WvW because:

1) staff auto-attack tags multiple enemies giving you maximum loot bags
2) blocks are the Guardians strength and are the most viable way to survive mass zerg damage
3) Guardians have great commander builds if that is something that you would eventually want to pursue
4) Guardians are always wanted in WvW groups because of their survivability and support that they bring to the party
5) Great in zergs but also very viable for roaming (As long as you are able to keep up with your team)


mobility, mobility, mobility – boy are we lacking in it! (and CCs)

Desolation EU
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast