Starting biography items
I seriously doubt that as the starting gear isn’t that good, if your necro is a high enough level you can buy a better circlet or find one at about level 14
The technique people have suggested is making a new character with the same options. Then you obtain a white headpiece item, transmute the skin of the starting item to the white headpiece. This new headpiece can then be transferred back to your original necromancer.
Since the biography items are soulbound initially it can’t be traded immediately.
Nefaria, thank you so much! It worked and I am so happy, thanks so much!
Did it really work? I tried it as well for my guardian shoulderpads but after transmuting the item became soulbound. So how was I suppose to transfer it to my main guardian?
It reads as soulbound in the tooltip but it is in reality account bound. You can transfer it via the bank.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.