Struggling to Gather Materials
Firstly, I just want to make sure that you know you can make lodestones from cores. This is the recipe:
2 Charged Cores
1 Bottle of Elonian Wine
1 Pile of Crystalline Dust
1 Crystal
In my opinion, it’s faster to save up gold and buy and convert the cores yourself than it is to farm the lodestones directly. A lot of gold comes from dungeoning, so if you have friends or guildmates who like to dungeon, group up with them and plan on dungeon-blitzing. I really recommend running dungeons with people you know rather than PUGs- it goes much more smoothly and is significantly less stressful.
Charged Cores drop sometimes from CoE, so I’d recommend keeping that dungeon on your list and running at least path 1 (a fairly easy path) once a day if you can, possibly path 2 as well. Both take under an hour with a skilled group. Get used to doing paths in other dungeons as well, and not just CoF P1. Fractals also has a chance of dropping cores and lodestones, though not always the type you’re after.
Above all, be patient, enjoy the game itself, rest when you need it, and reward yourself for hitting little milestones. (And yes, it is very possible to get 250 Charged Lodestones without playing the TP, farming CoF, or converting gems to gold.)
Ember Solace [SOL] – A guild welcoming of newbies and those at the margins.
New Player Outreach Thread
(edited by Falunel.7645)
farming lodestones is not a good idea. I spent a 3 weeks farming charged lodestones and my average was 1-2 pr hour. some ppl even go hours without getting any. much faster to farm 5 gold an hours then buy lodestone/cores (charged lodestone is like 3g or a little less atm )