“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
(edited by RoyalPredator.9163)
A quick reference for a buddy who asked for help:
Pic1: More elegant, “flowing look”
Pic2: LotR Elven
Pic3: Canthan Look (~Shiro Tagachi)Feel free to play with dyes.
Abyss, Black, Emerald, Midnight Rose, Midnight Fuchsia, Gold, Wrath, Charred, etc.
(edited by RoyalPredator.9163)
Um…seriously? You’re looking to get paid to try out different styles?
Um…seriously! I’m looking to get paid by helping anyone who can’t find his way of look.
There are plenty of people. I’m helping them. Problem?
right right……….
tbh, I think most people know how to use preview..and farm some charges. (easy enough to come by, I think asking money for this….just seems wrong.)
People helped with creating costumes all the time in Champions Online, but never did anyone wanted money for that.
Also that “Elven” Design is plain ugly and you should pay people to wear that
That’s the most interesting concept I have ever seen on these forums. 10/10 for innovation.
So people are going to pay you to look through the wiki (or a fan site gallery) for them?
Sure, I guess if someone is really struggling to find a use for all their gold they might go for it.
C’mon people, don’t be so negative. There are people looking for advice sometimes. They will most likely open their own thread and get help for free, but the OP never named an outrageous price – he simply said “tip jar”. Don’t burn and stake him just yet
Not everyone has an artistic eye, or strong sense of fashion. I freely admit that I’m one of them. I can make looks that I’m content with for my characters, but then I see other people do so much better. I’ve seen armors and thought “What is that armor? I want it!” and then realized it was an armor that (I thought) I hated, but with a really good dye job that made me actually like it.
I’m thinking that the OP is also going to give his clients the recipe for the look so that they can duplicate it on their own character.(right?)
RoyalPredator, I would (with permission) put up before and after pics in this thread, so people can see more of how you can help them. Looking at the pics you’ve posted, I can see you have a good technique. But a before pic, with an explanation of what the client wants, and an after pic would help illustrate exactly what you can do for people.
This is what Gw2 is severly missing. A player outlet for a creative venture.
I really wish you luck. I wish Gw2 can have more opportunities like this.
Much love.
Let’s clear it up a little
Before-after pics, good idea! I’ll put down my my own last change this time;
I was wearing a demon-hunter like outfit not long ago – then decided to go more elegant, noble and armored:
That’s one of the most innovative ideas I’ve ever met. Really, I love the idea as it’s true that some people just don’t have sense of fashion. It’s not always like you will copy-paste other’s look, because it may not fit your character sometimes. I don’t know why there is so much hate..
I was going to stay this was a great idea, but just the fact you said you’d want tips for this is pathetic. It is not hard to go into your own wardrobe and do this yourself. But then again the idea itself is fine, but don’t expect or even consider payment.
It’s about something different I think. It’s like in the real world – you can furnish you room by yourself, there are tons of possible room set ups in the Internet, but there are people, whom you pay money for furnishing your room in a specific way. Why? Just because some people cannot do it by themselves – not because they don’t want to, but no matter how hard they try – they will always end up with awfully room.
A Room is a poor analogy. Some people PHYSICALLY cannot do it, so they pay people. My only complaint is he simply asked for money as “tip” for it. These kind of things should be a kindness of heart type of thing. Other than that fantastic idea, and I like the screenshots he posted.
Hmmmm did anyone saw here a price or missed the “no pay required → TipJar” reply of mine? Services usually costs. Maybe I’m the only one who didn’t even said a price…
FYI: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tip_jar
@ Room: There are both ways. Stylists and Designers exist for a reason.
But the fact you bothered putting it there is the problem within itself. accept tips as they are given, not reference wanting a tip.
On the other hand how could he mention that people may give tips for service, I’m 100% sure noone would pay him if he didn’t wrote it, not because they don’t want to, but they wouldn’t think of the idea of paying. If he’d wrote: ‘2g per service’ it would be strange, but you don’t have to pay, it’s up to you. I’m not defending or offending anyone, so forgive me if it sounds like that.
You’re right Hattoni. I wrote it because otherwise most people would just go along, even if found the “droid” he was lookin’ for
So, bring on the matchup suggestions
Well, I for one think this is a great idea. While I love trying new armor on my characters, there are days when I’d rather not. Some players don’t want to
fool with this coat, those pants, etc. AND: the OP DID say tips. So what. It’s
a game, relax and enjoy. I certainly have to give credit for the idea. Never
heard of anything like this, but I’m for anything that will enhance the game
experience! Good Luck with your service!
A customer who wanted to remain Anonim, asked me to make a GoT Night’s Watch setup for Warriors and share it freely for anyone. He’s a Role Player.
Codes: [&AgHfDQAA][&AgGDEAAA][&AgFVsgAA][&AgE5FQAA][&AgE7FQAA][&AgF7DAAA][&AgE+mgAA][&AgGsOwAA]
Set parts of these or similars can be used for variations
(edited by RoyalPredator.9163)
That is pretty good. This might actually be useful, as I may have a look in mind but no knowledge of the in-game styles. If you have already done the work to figure this out, it could be useful
I logged in just to tell you that I think this is an amazing idea and I would gladly tip you if I ever felt like I needed some help. I don’t understand why people have such a negative attitude towards your service. I mean, it’s a tip-jar, people can pay whatever they can spare. I hope you continue to offer your service to people who need help.
A customer who wanted to remain Anonim, asked me to make a GoT Night’s Watch setup for Warriors and share it freely for anyone. He’s a Role Player.
(Codes soon, I’m very tired now)
Nice design there. Can you design one for the Asura Warrior ?
Preferences :
- No cultural armor parts
- Light colors ( Dark makes it hard to see the details )
- Headgear must be able to show the ears and hairstyle
I’m posting just to tag this thread for later reference. I like the idea of helping those without fashion/dye sense create great looks. I love spending time in my wardrobe trying to create mix-n-match looks, and I’m glad to see someone else who does too, and, moreover, is willing to offer their skills to the public. Kudos.
I have no problem with the OP mentioning tips. From the sounds of it, if he/she receives exactly zero gold, he/she will still be content knowing that help was given. Regardless, it’s not tacky to express thanks by mailing a few silvers/gold as a thanks.
Can you design one for the Asura Warrior ?
Preferences :
- No cultural armor parts
- Light colors ( Dark makes it hard to see the details )
- Headgear must be able to show the ears and hairstyle
GoT Night’s Watch you mean?
By your rules, here it is:
Code: [&AgEwvwAA][&AgE7lQAA][&AgFVsgAA][&AgHsKQAA][&AgFNFQAA][&AgE+EgAA][&AgGSGQAA][&AgGFTwAA][&AgEdowAA][&AgEBUAAA]
(Chat codes are hard to mine, some displays other tier or named variation)
Err.. I am sorry for not being clear .. actually I meant a new armor design. X(
Can you try again with the preferences above for a lvl 80 Asura Warrior ?
There are only a few sets that’s realistic enough to suit “Night’s Watch” role.
Those are medium armors tho, not heavy. All the other armors in GW2 are very different, most are free fantasy like.
The best if you mix the mentioned sets for your taste, otherwise, you won’t get this style of look.
Yet I can design you a ~Wildling style outfit if you wish. (That’s medium too, but can try.)
A clear description always helps, but in this case there isn’t mutch I can help.
Hello. :-) I’m looking for a sort of steampunky set for my Asura Engineer.
I’m not fussed on the dyes particularly, but something that goes with the steampunk-ish feel, like brown hues and such would be cool! Show me what you think looks best though.
Also, i don’t know why people are bashing you for this thread, I think it’s a very nice idea!
You’re not really accurate Joshua ^^
There are a few armor sets that can be mixed well for steampunk look:
Steampunk-fit Dyes: Charred, Choc, Chocolate, Oil Slick, Walnut, Gold, Bronze, Copper.
There are only a few sets that’s realistic enough to suit “Night’s Watch” role.
Those are medium armors tho, not heavy. All the other armors in GW2 are very different, most are free fantasy like.
The best if you mix the mentioned sets for your taste, otherwise, you won’t get this style of look.
Yet I can design you a ~Wildling style outfit if you wish.(That’s medium too, but can try.)
A clear description always helps, but in this case there isn’t mutch I can help.
Well.. my Asura just threw himself off Rata Sum’s cliff , wailing “Whyyy???”. =l The ACME krewe offers 5 Gold to anyone who first PM me the truth regarding his mysterious self-destruction. I think it has something to do with this thread.
Anyway , thank you RoyalPredator for your time and effort in replying my posts. Please keep up the good work.
All of those appearances are great, thanks! I’ll send a tip your way when I’m next in-game.
Here are some sets for “Wildling” look.
Most naturalistic and savage style skin can be used.
Dyes: Charred, Choc, Chocolate, Oil Slick, Walnut, Iron, Bronze, Copper, Ivory & all natural brown hoe.
Just realised that I didn’t used the Strider’s gloves, try that too
I still support this idea and I’ll gladly use it. As I’ve just reached lvl 80 on my first toon I’d like to get some help making him look awesome. It’s a Norn male guardian and I’d like to get three different looks. I’d like the first one to look like a hero/titan with big armor (non-spikey) in silver/gold. The second one should be more of a evil villain/dark lord (like Sauron or whatnot) with darker dyes. I’d like the third one to be a surprise.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Let’s clear it up a little
- No paying required! It’s TIPJAR as you see.
- This service is for advices.
- You may not like “Elven” matchup, others do. Honestly, I don’t like the most of skins, yet people think they’re sooo coool. We’re not the same, after all
- Whenever I made a matchup, I’m getting PM’d a lot to ping in, because they like it. So I’ve decided to help others get their own look, before they just equip a full set or copypaste someone else, or even worse, throw up everything that seems like more than a disco ball than an actual gearset.
- I’m sharing a full chatcode to ctrl+V, then you can make your final adjustments.
- Also helping all the way until it’s 100% done with the decision.
- Thanks Rouven, Domino & Arnaas!
Before-after pics, good idea! I’ll put down my my own last change this time;
I was wearing a demon-hunter like outfit not long ago – then decided to go more elegant, noble and armored:
the second picture looks almost exactly with what i had in my mind for a battle thief (and by battle i dont mean the wannabe Assassins Creed guy). Can you please tell me the items’ names? And if possible could you please make a second battle outfit for medium class? Thanks in advance
Hmmm I like this challange KaptenLajjan
First, sorry for “slow” response, I’m a dev myself and have to work a lot.
But here they are:
Titan (Optional Cultural pieces, Ancient Silver & Gold, Gold, Silver, some leather color would be nice too)
Evil Lord (Optional Armageddon and CoF parts) Abyss, Black, Heirloom/Wrath Dyes
Guild Guardian (lol this looks nice IMO)
P.s.: Forgot to note the parts, sorry :S
@ PanteonGR.7620: Determination Headband, kitten shoulder/gloves/leggings, Asc chest and boots. Gold, wrath and midnight rose dyes.
(edited by RoyalPredator.9163)
Alright, here’s a challenge for you.
I got a couple requests for my Sylvari Mesmer. You ready?
First request:
Cultural armor look – however, not something with all the leafy-flowery-dressy looks. I don’t know if it’s possible, but I actually want her to look more sturdy than what the cultural light armor reflects. Most of it looks like the armor would snap off like twigs. And I want something that would cover her up. It doesn’t have to be restricted to cultural armor – if you can use non-planty armor, but pass them off as planty designs, go for it. But, she has to wear a mask.
Second request:
An outfit that would look more like medium/heavy armor, to compliment a sword fighting mesmer sylvari. I’m tired of all the dresses! I’m not going to the ball, I’m going out in the harsh unforgiving landscape to kick butt.
Third request:
Let me see if you can improve on one of my own designs. I went for a legit robe-like outfit, and it took me a long time of mix and matching to accomplish that. However, I am searching for more intricate gloves and shoes (and possibly shoulders) that can stand out.
You are free to use anything, including ascended armor. (I will say that I do not like the ascended leggings, because it makes my sylvari look…chubby). I like the colors pink, purple, red, and gold. She’s an evening bloom, so I try to keep her with darker tones, as opposed to lighter ones.
Let me see what you come up with.
I really like this idea/the thread!
@ Arikyali: I have no sylvari, but will try to make one on human female tomorrow.
Until that, here is yesterday’s hot request. All she had is the Lovestruck Sword and Desert Rose back – asked me to match-up a femine guardian armor set that bases on silver, elegant but stylish, ~slim and no mutch nude parts, gem ok, no ascended, show hair.
So, here is our new beauty
Uh, misread. I don’t know, most of human female light skirts make butts chubby, illusionist doesn’t, so used that. Maybe the set hides it well, or it is just your body type?
Anyway, cound not help you with cultural set, nor with your glove-boots finding – due to lack of sylvari char.
The “Heavy/Medium” Variant on pic below. Alternatives:
Try Koda, Flame Legion, Deathly or Embriodered shoulders too!
Alternative chest: Aether, Profane, Illusionist, Phoenix, Seer, Trickster, Whisperer
Alternative leggings: Vigil, Seer, Kodan, Acolyte, Council, Forgeman, Profane, Zodiac
Hey there,
I would like to make a request for the battle outfit of Rita Vrataski (ref.). I’m smitten with her and looking for an inspiration of not only outfit but also hair style and weapon skins to produce an image as close to her as possible.
For reference, this is how all of my characters (minus necromancer) look currently: http://imgur.com/a/ITOI2. I’m willing to modify either my human warrior or norn necromancer for this project.
Thank you in advance.
This is not really a clothing request. More of a “can you identify the dyes?” request
If you could do that for both of these pictures for male and female outfits I will send you a tip
@ Iris Ng.9845: Your ref. link is broken. Please be specific about race, gender & affordability / dislikes.
@ AJP.8610:
First pic: Abyss/Black, Gold, Wrath/Brick, Fog Dye
Second pic: Black/Iron?, Wrath/brick, Gold/Brass/Root, Taupe
I guess. Dyes differ mutch on different armor sets.
For the new update, I created a look for my main fashioned after Fremen outfits (Dune).
I’m only 90% satisfied with the look and am looking for further inspiration. If you have time and this speaks to you, I would like to see if you can come up with something I like better than my own.
Human female engi. The spice must flow.
Bring it on!
Awesome, I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ve got for me!
@ Iris Ng.9845: Your ref. link is broken. Please be specific about race, gender & affordability / dislikes.
You want an exosuit or what? I just don’t get it. :/
Exo suit would be nice, but anything that evokes her image is fineee…
You need a makeover kit, not an armor matchup.
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