And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
(edited by Lilith Ajit.6173)
Note that I’m doing this service for Help, bit of fun & tips.
Please do not abuse it with requesting anything that just comes through your mind.
@ Alga: Your request is interesting tho, and will consume a lot of time.Sure, no worries.
I am going to create 6 ‘Human gods’ characters, but I am still unsure what kind of armors I am going to give them all.. so I thought this thread might give me some idéas.
I can’t wait to see your idéas about it!! Let me know when you’ve those sets done!Hey Predator/Alga, hope you don’t mind, but I took a stab at the 6 Gods thing…
I used the bottom images as source material. Did my best with the armors we have. Hope you like
Looks really amazing! nicely done!
Although… could you try to make Dwayna as Heavy armor and Kormir as Light armor?
[ It’s because of their unique weapons, like I told you in the PM..]
I’ll try next time I sign on and PM you what I make.
Sorry Predator for disrupting your thread!
Edit: finished:
(edited by Lilith Ajit.6173)
How’s it going for the god collection, RoyalPredator? I’m very excited how you’re going to mix these sets!
[Post it in which ever armor type you wish to.]
For Kormir if Medium, you may try Vigil’s Honor Jerkin instead, with Outlaw Gloves, Viper’s Leggings for skin-showoff aaand Falconer’s oots. The main problem is with the Chest+Leggings & Shoulders. Stalwart shoulder is way agressive for her.
Balthazar is a real deadpoint. You just can’t make it recogniseable.
Rest of Lilith Ajit.6173’s are nice. Well Done!
Did I miss a request ooor it’s school’s weight on players?
i have the zodiac medium armor set on my male asura ranger, can u give me a good color combination ?
p.s (holo dragon wing back)
PM me for details
(edited by Leggendalex.4659)
For my female human (Elonian) mesmer :
I am looking for a top that goes with the embroidered pants.
It should be simple/elegant, befitting a noble traveler. Not too frilly, and not showing too much cleavage if at all possible. Shoulders, gloves and headgear are optional (switched off right now). She’s wearing the embroidered shoes (I dyed them red) with the pants and I quite like that.
As for the colors, vibrant colors will work (anything from orange to turquoise) but I am open to more subdued colors.
But I really really need help with the top!
Hey Predator, love your work so far :-)
How about an armour set to look like Brad Pitt’s Achilles from the film Troy?
If it could be done, it would look great on my human warrior.
Things to make it easier:
I don’t know of any chest pieces that are sleeveless like that, though
Edit: Main weapon set will be the classic Sword and Shield
Google search for “achilles brad pitt troy armour” got the best image results for me.
Thankyou and good luck!
(edited by Helos.3215)
@ Leggendalex.4659: White Gold & Iron, bit of Fog Dye at textiles?
@ Pixelpumpkin.4608: I like it best with Conjurer top, but Aristocrat, Heritage or Vigil goes well with it, maybe even Winged Tunic.
Trickter’s Mantle looks fun with Aristocrat
@ Helos.3215: At points of these we see how few really good authentic warrior armors we have Your setup is;
@ Helos.3215: At points of these we see how few really good authentic warrior armors we have
Your setup is;
- Vigil’s Honor Helmet
- No Shoulder
- Rampart Warplate with your skin colored sleeves
- Militia Gauntlets / Heritage / Tempered
- Pit Fighter Skirt
- Splint Greaves
“Honor of Humanity” Sword & “Shield of the Wing” ?
Whenever its a part that shouldn’t be covered, dye it your skin’s color. It’s a nice little trick.
I’ve used Charred & Sand, could yet use Earthen.
Thankyou so much, it’s perfect! You must have so much knowledge of all the skins in game to come up with these. Motivated to get all these pieces now
You’re welcome Helos
Hi RoyalPredator, I just discovered this thread and absolutely love it so far.
I have a challenge for you, my Norn Guardian is named Myster T (wasn’t fast enough). He is huge, black with a mohawk. Need I say more?
Hi RoyalPredator, I just discovered this thread and absolutely love it so far.
I have a challenge for you, my Norn Guardian is named Myster T (wasn’t fast enough). He is huge, black with a mohawk. Need I say more?
Mr. T is a Head & 250 kilos of Gold necklace
Hi RoyalPredator, I just discovered this thread and absolutely love it so far.
I have a challenge for you, my Norn Guardian is named Myster T (wasn’t fast enough). He is huge, black with a mohawk. Need I say more?
Mr. T is a Head & 250 kilos of Gold necklace
- Vigil Helm (if he needs one at all)
- Dolyak Spaulders
- Pit Fighter Chestguard
- Claws of Koda
- Stag Chausses
- Heritage Warboots / Phalanx / Gladiator
- Back: Elegant Armorsmith’s Backpack
- Dyes: Whatever, just get the gold chain stuff
I pity the foo’!
I pity the foo’!
S M A S H ! !
can you give me some advice for the dyes on my new thief, I would like to make it look like a thief light instead of the usual shadow thief then with the prevalence of light colors that resonate with the theme of the zenith kris
@ Pixelpumpkin.4608: I like it best with Conjurer top, but Aristocrat, Heritage or Vigil goes well with it, maybe even Winged Tunic.
Trickter’s Mantle looks fun with Aristocrat
Thank you for your suggestions! It took me a little while to log on Taika and try them all out.
I really like the Heritage top, but of course it’s unavailable to me
Your other suggestions do all work very well with the pants, the only problem being that Taika is supposed to be a wealthy traveling saleswoman and not an exotic (in the sense of the word) dancer. For example, the Winged Tunic would be absolutely perfect on another character, but shows wayyyy too much skin for this particular one. I did however find the Magician, Stately and Student ones, and I’m not sure which I will go with yet, I think probably Stately Garb for now.
I will continue to wait for new armor sets, maybe one day there will be the understated blouse that I’m waiting for and whose bottom seam works with the pants.
Thank you for your suggestions! They did help!
(edited by Pixelpumpkin.4608)
@ Leggendalex.4659: Hmmm I don’t really get what you’re aiming at “Thief light”.
These are really good looking dyes IMO: Gold, Butternut, Honeybutter, Iron, Steel, Charred, Abyss, Gunmetal, Sand.
@ Pixelpumpkin.4608: Ah, you didn’t palyed GW1 :/ I’m awaiting for REAL Medium armors, like the AC gear.
@ Leggendalex.4659: Hmmm I don’t really get what you’re aiming at “Thief light”.
These are really good looking dyes IMO: Gold, Butternut, Honeybutter, Iron, Steel, Charred, Abyss, Gunmetal, Sand.@ Pixelpumpkin.4608: Ah, you didn’t palyed GW1 :/ I’m awaiting for REAL Medium armors, like the AC gear.
i mean a white thief
I really like the Link style you designed earlier in this thread, but I don’t have a festive hat or witch hat. Is there still a way to get those in game anywhere or any other satisfying replacement?
Just checking back in after requesting the Achilles looks a couple of weeks ago, thought Predator might want to see some results from his ideas.
Only level 50 on my warrior so far, so I haven’t unlocked the Vigil Helmet or the Honor sword, other than that it’s already looking great
I’m always happy to see people backing up their own screenshots
Thank you Helos, you look nice!
I’ll post some of the “Secret Requests” pics in the future.
I don’t really like when someone PMs me instead of posting here, but some “exclusive client”, let’s call them like this, don’t want any footprints.
@ Leggendalex.4659: If you want a white thief with the Zodiac set, then paint it with white dyes. If Celestial is too mutch, there is Dust, Fluff, Fog, Mate, Mithril, Frost Dye. (bluish)
I’m horrible at fashion in game and IRL so my friend directed me to this thread and seeing all the creations your seemed to have a talent for fashion.
My request so for my Human Female Elementalist. I want a like a rouged/corrupted looked for her. Preferably with midnight fire and some hue of dark red. The weapon I use is an staff. Thanks in advance
(edited by flasbang.5102)
Hello RoyalPredator,
Once again asking for help and input.
I need a look for my Sylvari Thief. (Female)
Sort of Nightmarish/Elegant.
I want Mawdrey as the Backpiece and the Colour-sheme should also fit to Mawdrey
Please use plant-armor skins but if it fits you can use other skins aswell
-Sorry for my english gibberish im kind of tired and my eyes hurt Tip is waiting
@ flasbang.5102: You wasn’t really clear about what you want, but I’ve came up with a fire-dragon corrupted look, mostly ragged-alike, started from old-school designs.
@ nichol.3810: I have no sylvari character, so you may should wait for a topic reader to help you out, or check all the plant-armors and try mixing them to a shape you like, then use the right dyes that matches Mawdrey. Good Luck
Another VIP request revealed.
Hey Predator, requests seem to have dried up a little recently so I though I’d ask for another
I have a female Charr necro, and I’d like an outfit that has no elements of skulls/death/green/black/evilthings in it. I’d like it to look almost sexy, classy and dignified, only please stay away from typical girly pinks + purples
I’m sure Predator will outdo me on this but here’s my Charr elementalist (her tail swished as I snipped the shot, but she is a she). She’s in cultural Invoker, with Student Shoes and Seer Gloves. I don’t know about sexy, but I’ll go with classy and dignified. The colors are what I chose to set off her fur and eyes.
I must admit, you’re pretty good with the dyes. Good job.
I’ve gotta say that I am impressed by your work.
Request: Elementalist with Ponytail, nothing skimpy
PS: As a sign of respect here are all the armour set designs for my Thief main. Tell me what you think!
(edited by TheFirelinist.7605)
Been following and enjoying your work for a while now, and I’d like to ask you for help.
- Human male Ranger (Medium armor) -
Request: “Wind Master” -esque outfit
- For use with the Tempest Longbow
- Preferably with use of the Zephyrite Wind Helm and Catcher back item.
Thank you!
Hey Predator, requests seem to have dried up a little recently so I though I’d ask for another
I have a female Charr necro, and I’d like an outfit that has no elements of skulls/death/green/black/evilthings in it. I’d like it to look almost sexy, classy and dignified, only please stay away from typical girly pinks + purples
It’s just my bit of arrangement while RoyalPredator isn’t here
I went with an opulent, courtier theme and a rich jewel palette.
@ Helos.3215: Sorry, I have no charr char. Cultural armors?
@ Donari.5237: Same.
What I can use is this gallery
Acolyte & similars would bring classy look, whatever does which has decals and little metal parts. I can’t take part on making a charr sexy…. you furries
@ TheFirelinist.7605:
1) The most elegant & not-mutch-fantasy one is the Heritage Light set. Use that with Reading Glasses & maybe Apprentice Pants or whatever you like.
2) “Something elegant and sleek.”: Bit of Steampunk, but definitely ladiesman & stylish :P
Ps.: They’re very far from my style, and in my opinion, a Thief looks really lightweight & shadey.
@ lerak.5286: “Wind Master” – Interesting concept
I’ve aimed for a really lightweight look that feels like hussssh ^^
Thank a lot! I did switch out the coat for Priory and shoulders for Stalwart due to budgetary reasons, but it turns out great too!
You’re welcome!
Just wanted to say great work with the stuff you’ve done on this tread! Keep up the great work!
Thank you Thanatos!
Just a small remark..I really appreciate seeing that players find satisfaction in “out-of-the-box” stuff to do (besides all choices of wvw,pvp,pve,trading,gathering,crafting,etc,etc
Good work!
Hey id just like to ask if u could do one for my female asura mesmer
Id like it to go with a mesmer look as i have the Vision of the Mists, the anonamly and whisperblade but id like the main dye colors to be either a light theme or dark theme
Another VIP request revealed.
This looks is amazing!
Thanks for this thread RoyalPredator, some great ideas here to take inspiration from.
Now to start getting myself some nice dyes…
I have a Humen male Thief, and I’m trying to go for a Buccaneer look. What do you think would look the best? I have The Dreamer and soon to have the Incinerator.
I have a male Norn Thief and I’m looking for a nice permanent look to him. I want his armor to look Raven-like, but I haven’t the money to purchase the shoulders as the gold is going towards Ascended and Legendary. If you could please make a low cost (10-50g, maybe a bit higher) Raven-like appearance for my male norn I would much appreciate. If you require any information, such as what armors or dyes I have I’d be glad to post ’em here. Thanks!
I would pay a substantial amount of money to figure out what Mergath Flarekin is wearing for gloves and legs. I’m 99.9% sure it’s not in the game, because I clicked on every single item in the gloves/boots category on my charr and nothing yielded the results I was looking for. I know the top is Magus and shoulders are Ascalonian.
If you want to give a run and try to create something similar (or find the exact ones), feel free. I’m just lost on this one. I was thinking, “I would love that as an elementalist.” – So after immediately finishing the quest, I visited the wardrobe and clicked…and clicked…and clicked some more. I found nada.
Maybe it’s part of an outfit or town clothes that are no longer possible?
@ Bazlemon.1372: I don’t have female Asura. Sadly I’m not likely able to browse race+gender combinations that I don’t have, aaaand I don’t even have a free character slot to make a dummy for it. With some crowd founding, maybe…
@ ima kongkittenninja.3052: Buccaneer? With Dreamer? Seriously?? Well it’s your call…
But to help you out, the answer is – as always -; “Whatever you like!”
If you aim to make a bit of fancy, bit of elegant one, you may use Duelist or Scout “coat”. Noble also a good catch if mixed with a nice headgear, shoulders and boots.
@ MrWubzy.3587: Don’t go for low-cost just by hurry. The progress of polishing your character is supposed to be one if not The main goal of the game.
However, I’ll help you out
@ Cuddy.6247: There are NPCs that use mixed armor weights (both light&medium, for example… which we players cannot do when customization is the endgame WTFFfffffff?!), or just using a special “hidden” skin which Mergath Flarekin wields.
Can you show me a pic about it’s boots please?
Thanks for getting back to me RoyalPredator —- What armor combo would you do to match the Incinerator/ The Dreamer?
@ ima kongkittenninja.3052: If you want to wield both, then it will be hell of a mess, they’re very different. + you want a Raven-ish thief look.
If you wish to, I can make the proper mix, yet it won’t fit well for the Dreamer.
@ Cuddy.6247: There are NPCs that use mixed armor weights (both light&medium, for example… which we players cannot do when customization is the endgame WTFFfffffff?!), or just using a special “hidden” skin which Mergath Flarekin wields.
Can you show me a pic about it’s boots please?
It’s kind of hard to get a good picture of him. He appears during a Personal Story segment and turns into a flame effigy, which kind of makes taking a picture impossible. Any boots would work within reason, I suppose – I just saw the gloves and the “belt” and thought it looked extremely neat and wanted to see what I could do to make it work. Probably not so much a hidden skin or mix-n-matching, as I’ve skimmed over multiple different weights.
I think the gloves are part of a cultural town clothes that ANet didn’t make available to players and the legs are…well, I’m not sure what they are – I was thinking maybe part of an outfit or some town clothes pants that were removed (and since I don’t have any of the tonics I can’t check those myself).
@ ima kongkittenninja.3052: If you want to wield both, then it will be hell of a mess, they’re very different. + you want a Raven-ish thief look.
If you wish to, I can make the proper mix, yet it won’t fit well for the Dreamer.
Hey Thanks for getting back to me!
I’m fine with it not fitting well with The Dreamer, do whatever you think looks the best!
Need to know Colors\ armor used. As well body height and style please.
Will send tip
Thanks so much.
Need to know Colors\ armor used. As well body height and style please.
Will send tip
Thanks so much.
I doubt he will tell you if he made that for someone else. I also don’t get why you want to copy someone else’s look. Make your own look, make it YOUR character.
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