Suggestion for reviving.
Not a bad idea but this would be more for the suggestions section.
I approve of this message, but as was said, better reserved for the suggestions forum!
I will gladly support this. I have been in in that position of heading to a dead person, fighting everything in the way, only to see them teleport as I get in sight range.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
I agree. I posted something similar (but much less detailed) months ago and I still think it would be a good idea.
It’s so frustrating to see people in-game and on the forum complain that they are forced to pay for waypoints when they got killed when I can’t count the number of times I’ve been on my way to someone just as they disappeared.
But from the other side it’s also frustrating to lie dead on the floor waiting when you have no way of knowing if another player is just around the corner or if you’re the only one in that half of the map.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
It is also frustrating to try to come to the aid of someone only to have them wink out just as you get there. If I see someone downed and I am near I try to come to their aid as a rule so this is an excellent suggestion.