Thief or Engineer

Thief or Engineer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ipvrf.7420


So, been a reroller since August 2012 and need some assistance.

I was wondering who is easier to play with the most variety of builds at higher levels for PvE, and some WvWvW.

I enjoyed watching my wife level a warrior to 80 and watch how easy it was for her to do Arah and other dungeons. Clear cut and straight forward skills allowed to her to fly through content and enjoy it. I on the other hand felt like I worked alot harder to accomplish the same end result. My time was spent more on researching builds, key combos.

I do not want to spend so much time following the complicated task of balancing Engineer builds but I also dont want a completely simple playstyle.

Would I be safe to assume the thief is right in the middle?

Thanks all.

Thief or Engineer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HELLruler.4820


You just answered your own question

Thief or Engineer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Miffinator.3046


Go thief. Engineer sucks.

Thief or Engineer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


I beg to differ. My eng isn’t a tank but does have a fair survival in most situations. They are all about utility whereas thief skills seem to revolve around using stealth to win fights. Eng does take awhile to learn however, so you may be better off with thief.

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

Thief or Engineer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rogerwilko.6895


Don`t go eng, go read the eng forums…

Thief or Engineer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Engi is a lot more versatile than a thief- it does take time to learn how to play but I found my Engi a blast and she is now my goto class if I feel like picking a fight.

She was also really easy to level and because of the great utility she is very survivable.
For love of god don’t read the profession forums :P

Gunnar’s Hold

Thief or Engineer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

Engineers require a lot of work and attention to be good. They can be some of the best players in the game, but it WILL require you to work for that reward.

Sounds like you might prefer a thief.

Thief or Engineer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seras.5702


Engi is a lot of fun but a lot of work too. Engi forums read just like every other profession: full of whiners and fanbois alike. Engi are viable in every aspect of the game (pvp, pve, wvw). Thief is easier to play.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Thief or Engineer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mongo.2490


Don’t take advice from the forum seriously. I have come away from this forum many many times just discouraged at the information I got. I, like you, re-roll all the time (haven’t made it past 35 yet due to re-rolling). I think if I were to have done 0 research and just picked something I thought looked fun from the beginning, I’d be rolling as a lv80 engineer right now, happy.

Thief is easier than engineer but both are more complex than others (warrior/guardian come to mind). I wouldn’t say engineer sucks. Some things need work but you can work around them if you want to.

I would pick whatever you think looks fun. Create the character and never return to the forums, otherwise you might change your mind.

Thief or Engineer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


I just like running around with a flame thrower burning up chickens and rabbits. Fast way to get the ambient killer daily task done.

The Burninator

Thief or Engineer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Miffinator.3046


I’m telling you. I have a lvl 80 Eng and truth is running with a thief is 1000x easier and more rewarding. Engi class feels like it was just added in to have an even number of classes.

Most players who claim to love the engineer will play an engi to 80, play for 2 months, then go back to another mainstream class. Engineer is not a good class to roll. At lvl 80 you’ll see why and ask yourself how often do you see engineers compared to thieves. The answer isn’t because it’s harder for them to get to 80. It’s because at 80 they suck.

Thief or Engineer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


I’ve had an engineer as my main since release. I have tried most other classes, but the engineer is still, and by far, the most enjoyable for me.

Thief or Engineer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Penguin.5197


Engie is a complex class, people will try it for a bit then give up quick after assuming they can’t do much at although that is pretty far from the truth. We have some builds that range from decent to near op such as sd (decent dmgoutput), healbomb (super bunker) hgh nades (high dmg output) and flamethrower builds (Jukittenn in pve). Though with most builds you will end up switching kits frequently and to get the most out of your skills you will probably have to set up your own combos with fields and finishers. so if you just want straightforward easier playstyle go thief.

Thief or Engineer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ButterOfDeath.2873


LOL just pick an engineer,the thief is a “one trick pony”…this means a skilled player can destroy you after you reveal your build…with any class.
If you wish to burst someone,and you’re smart to don’t commit sepoku to confusion and retaliation,then for low levels he Thief is perfect,but once people get less dumb-ish you’ll be just a little,useless thief.
I know that by experience: when i started playing thieves just facerolled me,with perma invis and such,now,with any class (necro,guardian,warrior,engineer,mesmer) i easily stomp them,often never going under the 75% hp mark.

Between the two,engineer is the way…and believe me,a nice engineer does very well,don’t be fooled by the forums.

If you want a good suggestion: don’t care about what people say,what are the nerfs and the buffs (if minor,at least) just pick what you’d like to be!
If you like being the tech guy,get the engineer,if you like the dark arts go for necro,if you like the elements then go elementalists and so on…