Warrior or Guardian?
Unless you’re in a really hardcore group, no1 should rely on you as a guardian. Everyone carries their own weight, with the occasional party-wide buff etc.
Not sure why you are even considering rolling a Warrior, if you find them boring. Perhaps you like big, meaty weapons and tough armor?
Cred to Latinkuro
Gw2 is a masterpiece at it’s foundation. Content-wise however…
The guardian is the best in buffing and boosting allies, no doubt bout it, but in the end the amount of healing/buffing you can do is still very limited. The main rule is that there are no healers. When im doing a dungeon as a guardian, I do keep an eye out for the healthbars, so I can cast my heals as tactical as possible, but in the end the win or fail is not depending on how good the guardian is, but how good the team is.
A good guardian can save a bad team, thats ture, but its not the guardians fault the team is bad
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Nobody should be relying on a Guardian to carry the team for survivability. Everyone should be ready to avoid attacks if you miss a defensive skill, for instance. Unless you’re in really hardcore speedclears and can’t afford to have everyone heal up after such an attack (because it takes too much time), I don’t think it’ll be much of a problem.
Play what you think is fun, and trust that you’ll contribute to the group well, because if you play Guardian and learn the class, you’ll be fine.
Roll a Guardian and spec dps. If someone questions it tell them to **** off.
Roll a Guardian and spec dps. If someone questions it tell them to **** off.
Cred to Latinkuro
Gw2 is a masterpiece at it’s foundation. Content-wise however…