Warrior or Thief ?

Warrior or Thief ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shadows.4829


I was wondering what is better Warrior or Thief for PVE only?
And witch do ppl play most and why?
It will really help me to see what character should i continue develop.
I only have Warrior and thief lvl 20

(edited by Shadows.4829)

Warrior or Thief ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xbon.9086


all characters are good at their own thing and equally as viable in pve… that’s why balance patches keep coming out to ensure no class trumps another. thief requires more skill and may have a better time overall if you can master it though.

Warrior or Thief ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Matt Stacey.7415

Matt Stacey.7415

Warrior is by far the most boring class. If you want to play something that doesn’t require thought, go warrior. Thief requires much more skill

Warrior or Thief ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Plazar.8946


It depends: do you want to play something that is easy to get in any party? If yes go play warrior, but if you prefer to play a fun class and not a boring one, go play thief ^^ but beeing thief is hard so dont be suprised when you experiance Thief hate

Warrior or Thief ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: El Psy Congroo.7965

El Psy Congroo.7965

Big question here is are you talking about solo pve or group pve (dungeons, fractals, raids, etc).
For solo pve both are good and you won’t have any problems at all,
for group pve tho, although both can be equally viable, people will always prefer the warrior on their party, specially phalanx build.
I have a Thief Lv80 and a Warrior Lv80, I play all gamemodes on the Thief and mostly WvW on the Warrior, I find the Thief to be much more fun to play.

Warrior or Thief ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: cyberzombie.7348


Personally i’d say theif for PvE. The stealth mechanic helps the opinions between passive and agressive play.

What good is a medic w/o a patient?

Warrior or Thief ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shadows.4829


Thx for answers guys, that give me stuff to stink about.

Warrior or Thief ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Oldirtbeard.9834


I’m not an expert but I play one on TV. With that said I’ve read through out numerous forum posts that if you want to raid you’re better off with a Warrior. A Thief though will be welcome in all 5 Man content, and has a lot more viability in PVP than a Warrior which I’ve heard gets kited.

Personally I think you should play both to lvl 20-30 and pick the one you love.

Warrior or Thief ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Plazar.8946


You can raid with thief too but it’s hard or nearly impossible to get a party. I myself main thief and I can tell you from my experiance that it’s best to just command yourself and make a group or you can search for a group as thief all week long

Warrior or Thief ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Balkarrie Legacy.9175

Balkarrie Legacy.9175

One ignores all the damage / condis you give it, the other has permanent evasions and constant stealth , both way op

Warrior or Thief ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: abaddon.3290


One ignores all the damage / condis you give it, the other has permanent evasions and constant stealth , both way op

for pve? are you mad or something?

im bad at sarcasm

Warrior or Thief ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AliamRationem.5172


For PvE? Warrior. But it does depend on your playstyle. Even so, a warrior can take on things that would kill a thief instantly . . . if done right.

I would definitely give the edge to warrior prior to unlocking the elite spec. After that? I think daredevil is easily one of the best solo open world classes. High speed, high damage, and high survivability with the right build and strategies. But what is “survivability” exactly?

I’m the sort of player that wants to be very self-sufficient. Survivability for me goes a little beyond not dying during large group events. I frequently go after champions and group events solo and it would frustrate me if I didn’t feel I had much of a chance of surviving in those situations. Obviously, not all champions/events are equal in this sense, however.

So, examples of some recent solo work on my thief to give you an idea of what makes the list for “survivability” in my book?:

Taking on two veteran karka at once
Soloing the chak assault on SCAR camp
Soloing champion Vic the iron
Soloing the bloodstone crazed Whispers agent in BF

Maybe these are or aren’t impressive feats to you, but if I can take on these types of challenges solo with a class I consider it “survivable”. And for me, thief is the best at it.

Warrior or Thief ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tarasicodissa.7084


Warrior has better passive defenses (high armor and health), thief has better active defenses (dodges). As a thief you have the option to heal yourself with your attacks (a trait), which will basically make you immortal unless you get stunlocked by enemy.
In group play, warrior focuses on buffing the party (banners, might, EA), while thief focuses pretty much only on DPS. Both classes have pretty good CC and the BEST mobility in the game (with thief’s mobility being partially reliant on having targets to shadowstep to). And of course thief has good access to stealth, which can make parts of the game really easy.
So I’d say that thief would be better for solo play and warrior if you mostly do group content, but both can be very good at either. Ultimately it comes down to which playstyle suits you the best.

Warrior or Thief ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nerovergil.5408


play what u like, not what is op

Warrior or Thief ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lexander.4579


just make rev its like warrior+thief

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

Warrior or Thief ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Excelvior.8520



Our warrior guild “Headbutt press 2 kkthxbye” would like to welcome you to our ranks!
Do your daily chores bore you and you need time relaxing? Say no more! Just grab a greatsword and unleash death upon the poor mobs by pressing 2.

But wait, there’s more!

If you own HoT you can specialize to the class only a warrior can master, the Berserker!
Now you can press your elite skill and like a ram from hell destroy your enemies by smashing your skull against theirs! And no one has a thicker skull than a Berserker! Don’t forget to press 2 right after that! And they thought that class was easy to play, HAH!

Warrior or Thief ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AliamRationem.5172


For PvE? Warrior. But it does depend on your playstyle. Even so, a warrior can take on things that would kill a thief instantly . . . if done right.

I would definitely give the edge to warrior prior to unlocking the elite spec. After that? I think daredevil is easily one of the best solo open world classes. High speed, high damage, and high survivability with the right build and strategies. But what is “survivability” exactly?

I’m the sort of player that wants to be very self-sufficient. Survivability for me goes a little beyond not dying during large group events. I frequently go after champions and group events solo and it would frustrate me if I didn’t feel I had much of a chance of surviving in those situations. Obviously, not all champions/events are equal in this sense, however.

So, examples of some recent solo work on my thief to give you an idea of what makes the list for “survivability” in my book?:

Taking on two veteran karka at once
Soloing the chak assault on SCAR camp
Soloing champion Vic the iron
Soloing the bloodstone crazed Whispers agent in BF

Maybe these are or aren’t impressive feats to you, but if I can take on these types of challenges solo with a class I consider it “survivable”. And for me, thief is the best at it.

Everything you said is true. But keep this in mind: Everything you said was true for thief—at level 80 with the HoT expansion. Everything you said is also true for a warrior . . . without the elite spec, without HoT, and at much lower levels.

Just something to consider.


Warrior or Thief ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AliamRationem.5172


In other words, he doesn’t have to wait until level 80 to have fun or feel powerful. He can play warrior now and do all the things you described.

And just to be clear?

I hate both warrior and thief. But if I had to choose? Yes, warrior. If I had to choose one of those two.

Cool opinion, bro. But I liked mine better.

Warrior or Thief ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkyFallsInThunder.8257


A lot of trolls in this thread, and a lot of vitriol against warriors. I guess some people need to make themselves appear better by making others appear less. Ah, well.

The 2 classes are fairly different and each has a different strong advantage: warrior can soak up damage and passively heal with signet, while the thief avoids taking damage by stealth, evading and throwing blinds. This does not mean that a warrior will not be melted down in seconds if he just stands idly by, positioning and evading are crucial. That last part mostly applies to HoT mobs, as the core ones have grown old and weak and barely scratch you regardless of the class you are playing.

Both classes have excellent mobility, the best in the game in fact, but I think the thief has a slight advantage here since he only needs shortbow+1 utility skill (shadowstep) to increase his speed, aside from his F1 which needs a target, while a warrior would have to run greatsword/sword+warhorn and have a dedicated utility skill for bull’s charge if he wants to keep up, thus sacrificing his second weaponset just for mobility and have no ranged damage.

Thief also benefits greatly from stealth and this can help A LOT in the open world with skill points and exploration.

In the end, my recommendation is to take both to 80+elite spec. Along the way you will maybe decide which one you like best.

But if you are just starting playing and find GW2’s combat system a bit odd, maybe warrior is a better first choice due to how forgiving it can be when you make mistakes.