What keeps you playing?

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Posted by: Gareni.3297


I am only about lv62 and from the jumping puzzle, to playing auctioncraft (lol), having fun crafting stuff via discovery, to simply destroying everything in one big bang (or two or three), looking for them annoying vista (lion arch were prolly some of the most annoying thus far), finding secret areas within maps that aren’t marked on the map (i found a ghost ship that was “friendly” wink wink), collecting all sorts of stuff that require karma ( for cooking), getting all the gems in the world to fully unlock my bank for that sweet 8 slots worth of banks, dungeon crawling with PUGs…

I’ll say my end game is a bit huge: just aim for the bigger picture! (pvp just isn’t for me…as i just simply blow hot smoking hot dogs for everyone to eat on aka im bad T_T)

Know what can not be known. -Whisper Agent

What keeps you playing?

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Posted by: EcoFatalis.5068


Since I can’t transfer to any servers where my friends are since they’re all permanently full and Anet doesn’t seem to care, not a whole bunch. I have no motivation to play. I sort of wish this game had a monthly fee so when I quit when they lock transfers and am still stuck alone it would mean something to them, but they already have my $60, they couldn’t care less.

So you are mad that Anet aren’t kicking some people from the servers you wane transfer to so you can play with your buddies ? How egocentric are you? If your buddies don’t care about you enough to make new toons on a mutual server with you then …………. Who cares ? And why should Anet care? This is like the weirdest thing I read here.

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Posted by: lambofodd.7640


I am kept intrigued by this game due to the plan I conjured from the start. I’ll get a warrior to 80, grind for three months to get one armor set, grind for five days to get the dye I’ll want, grind for god knows how long to get my guild up to stuff, then endeavor to find some Role-play. This may sound incredibly tedious, but grinding is my favorite part of MMOs. I just wish there were reputations again.

He who made kittens put snakes in the grass.

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Posted by: AllAmerDB.2840


The only thing that keeps me interested in WvW. IT is a great concept. However, I do have one complaint. Please implement more waypoints to spawn at. You spend 10 minutes trying to run back to the fight, which probably has moved since, and then requires you to search further.

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Posted by: Notsure.7028


Since I can’t transfer to any servers where my friends are since they’re all permanently full and Anet doesn’t seem to care, not a whole bunch. I have no motivation to play. I sort of wish this game had a monthly fee so when I quit when they lock transfers and am still stuck alone it would mean something to them, but they already have my $60, they couldn’t care less.

You really believe that? Anet cares so much about their customers that they stopped sales of their game so that they can get the time they need to get more servers online. I jsut read today that they are doing that and should have them online soon to compensate for the large population. I havent seen ANY MMO company (Including the giant) care as much about their players as Anet does.

And since lvling is so easy, why didnt you switch to your friends servers day one and not have this problem?

What keeps you playing?

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Posted by: Notsure.7028


crud that didnt post as I had hoped, guess I should preview next time.

The top part is a quote from earlier post if it isnt obvious.

What keeps you playing?

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Posted by: Payne.5062


Hey i just met you, and this is crazy, but here’s an idea, join a guild maybe.

What keeps you playing?

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Posted by: Jamesborg.8906


What keeps me playing is the gameplay.
I have, quite literally, never been bored while playing the game.

What keeps you playing?

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Posted by: Sinner.5064


GW1 did not end up when you reached level 20.

In the same way, once you reach 80, you can go for PvP, dungeons, explorations, achievements, etc.

And by the time you manage to do all of this, we’ll probably have additional content

To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens.

What keeps you playing?

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Posted by: holska.4127


The same things as in other games really except for large group instanced content (raids) and then a lot more added to it because thanks to the downscaling there’s no obsolete lower level content:
Dungeons, pvp, Achievements, getting Legendaries (it is a form of gear progression, in those other games you don’t become more powerful either because you only get a small increase of the same stats and the same applies to all mobs, raid bosses and players so relatively you remain equally powerful in those games and are only doing it to be able to tackle the next content and like in GW2 the cosmetics of the new set), rolling Alts for different story and experience, clearing Content you didn’t do yet, max. all crafting professions etc. until new content is released.

What keeps you playing?

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Posted by: Zoridium JackL.7463

Zoridium JackL.7463

You really believe that? Anet cares so much about their customers that they stopped sales of their game so that they can get the time they need to get more servers online. I jsut read today that they are doing that and should have them online soon to compensate for the large population. I havent seen ANY MMO company (Including the giant) care as much about their players as Anet does.

And since lvling is so easy, why didnt you switch to your friends servers day one and not have this problem?

you really truly believe the only reason they did that was because they care about you? not because it would reflect extremely poorly on the game if a large number of paying customers couldn’t play the game, or any number of other issues that would affect future sales if they continued to sell more copies than they could accommodate.

it’s like airlines that over sell plane tickets, howkitten would you be if you showed up to catch your flight and they said "sorry but we oversold the flight because we were hoping some people who bought tickets wouldn’t show up).

I’m sure the player bases experience was one of the reasons they did it. but actually genuinely caring was a very minor part of an already small part of the reason.

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Posted by: Ceallach.8740


I think they would do well to add “collecting” aspects beyond recipes and minis, the latter being something you just buy which doesn’t really add playtime.

In Pokemon, most people didn’t consider stopping after beating the elite for even on Red and Blue because, dude, there were so many more pokemon to go back and collect and that would keep you busy long enough for them to come out with another game.

Same goes with games like Morrowind – you can finish the “main story” but still enjoy the world and find stuff to do to entertain yourself for dozens of hours.

These simple, sometimes silly things really add value and playtime to a game.

What keeps you playing?

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Posted by: Old Timer.1953

Old Timer.1953

Awesome friends
No grinding
The concept of never ending world events
The different classes and races
You can level just by playing the game

Enhanced Daily Living Through Superior Pharmacology

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Posted by: Baddestchica.2348


This is all that needs to be said.

Best Answer!

Lolz to the OP.

The gaming Madre

What keeps you playing?

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Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


Probably the same reason I played the first game on and off for seven years. Because it never felt like work. Because Just getting top end stats on my gear didn’t guarantee winning. Because the hard content was actually hard. Because I worked toward the gear I wanted because I wanted it, not because the game said I had to have it. Because there was always a new build to try. Because there was always more content that I hadn’t done yet and I always got something useful out of that content. Because the numbers on my stat sheet and those of my party were less important than how good we were at the game.

GW2 isn’t a numbers progression game, just like its predecessor it’s a game that wants you to play content because that content is fun, not because you have to, and it wants to reward you with gear that proves you’ve done something awesome rather than requiring you to have gear to do something awesome.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

What keeps you playing?

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Posted by: Dokem.2634


I’ll answer your question OP: Yes, you are wrong.

Yak’s Bend
Coalicion [GWH]

What keeps you playing?

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Posted by: vann.4297


Just stopped playing..
Got sick of smash buttons of same old skills. What ruined the game for me is to discover this game have zero character progression on top that learning that the skills i had in the first day will be basically the same ones you ill be using once you hit 80. Game leveling is meaningless other than exploring the terrain . Those traits you unlock change nothing of the way you play.. just a small improvement of the same skills you began in day one. thats blows.. On top that the combat system seems so simple and repetitive.. using different weapons helps with the variety but in many cases kills the concept of your class. For example Ranger using great swords ,swords ,Spears and knives. Gw1 combat/skill system is far better that what arenanet did in GW2.. which seems targeting very casual players ,like nintendo wii players.. who do not mind much -game-realism- (ie.. Pets jaguars fighting underwater like a fish ,melee classes using rifles.. and so on) .. and just play things for the fun of it. When you have a game that is designed with no logic ,but just for the fun of it. kills the interest and seriousness of it.. you identification with you character. Online Game developers need to be sure to make their games in the same way Holywood make their movies.. Believable so people can be immersed in the story. it didn’t need to be a simulator of combat but at least have something of logic its design.

(edited by vann.4297)

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Posted by: Elendhriel.1280


I think the game had so much potential and I was really looking forward to play it, hoping not to have to play Pandas.

Looks like I do have to go play Pandas after all though, the character development or better said the total lack of it is totally disappointing. After the first few levels you got all your skills and that is it. Playing Ranger for example I spend 90% of my time just auto attacking.

It is totally lacking the motivation to reach a certain level to get a new kickkitten ability. I really do hope that the developers will change something there but as it is right now, it is just boring. I know several people that did not even bother to play past 20 because they got so bored of their characters, personally I want to reach 80 at least but I kinda do have to force myself to play.

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Posted by: grebber.5916


I think the game had so much potential and I was really looking forward to play it, hoping not to have to play Pandas.

Looks like I do have to go play Pandas after all though, the character development or better said the total lack of it is totally disappointing. After the first few levels you got all your skills and that is it. Playing Ranger for example I spend 90% of my time just auto attacking.

It is totally lacking the motivation to reach a certain level to get a new kickkitten ability. I really do hope that the developers will change something there but as it is right now, it is just boring. I know several people that did not even bother to play past 20 because they got so bored of their characters, personally I want to reach 80 at least but I kinda do have to force myself to play.

i dont think they are going to change much at all. this is how they want it and thats fine i guess. im having fun. but will be buying a new mmo when something else comes along. really wish i didnt have to buy any more wow expansions tho :-/
it does suck that you pretty much learn everything at low levels. on the other hand you can concentrate on getting better with what you have. BUT this keeps me from wanting to play other toons too. im going to stick with 1 and play the game through all the levels or until i get bored. then move one to kung foo pandas lol. i think i threw up in my mouth just typing that last sentence.

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Posted by: vann.4297


Will have been awesome if they just add Features on top of Guildwars1 , i mean if its not broken why fix it? They changed the skills system just to make something more easier FOR THEM to balance.. at the expense of removing things players really enjoyed to play.. Who cares if few pro players farm solo bosses..People loved that system and on top that in GW1 weapons didnt made much difference regardless if they were Gold or blues. IF GW2 was a copy paste of GW1 but with the graphics of their new engine ,with many more skills for each class and the new event quest system.. then will have been amazing. To have at least some sense of character progress..But now Gw2 feels like a very different game. There will be expansions for sure.. but uff.. Seems Anet just added features and features " just for the fun of it"..and better marketing but nothing that could interest more that casual players.. that wants games that requires more thinking and more tactics not just auto attacks smash buttons. really Anet though they new all about developing MMOs ,but now is clear that they not.. I agree with their views on PVP ,so you don’t have a game that sponsor hostilities between players. However they completely missed the boat when it comes to character development.. This Feature is the most important one of ANY RPG game..even more important than its story. if a game have a bad story and a classic quest grind leveling system.. but with a solid character development, people will still be playing it.. they will complain for the grind but still they will continue in the game. If you have the opposite no goals or development ,no much progress, they will get bored very fast of the game and stop playing it.

(edited by vann.4297)

What keeps you playing?

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Posted by: Kuthix.2015


I just want to start out by saying that I love this game, and I especially love the devs that made this game. Thank you ArenaNet for TRYING to reinvent the way we look at MMOS. You guys worked your butts off trying to produce something that was as different as you could possibly make. I have only one regret with this game, and that is that I wish this was my first mmo. The sad truth a lot of us that are bored need to face is the fact that it’s not the mmos that we hate so bad. It is the whole genre itself. In my humble opinion, there is not much new that can be brought to the genre without turning it into another genre of game. These guys at least tried to do different things, but I just don’t think there is anything that can be done. I face some sort of grind in every mmo I play, and I absolutely hate it. I seriously have more fun playing League of Legends and Minecraft. I love playing with other people, and that is the important thing for me when it comes to gaming. I just don’t like playing with other people like this. I don’t like MMOs anymore. I made a vow that if I got bored of this game then I would be done with MMOs forever. I’m still extremely happy and proud to say that this genre died for me with Guild Wars 2 and not World of Warcraft. Once again, thank you ArenaNet for at least trying to breathe new life into this genre that I thought I loved for so many years.

What keeps you playing?

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Posted by: amradio.2513


No gear to get once 80.
No rewards for pvp or pve
You basically just play, hit 80, then what? Do the same thing you been doing since lvl 1.
I’m gonna play my toon to 80 to get my money’s worth. So far it is fun but I’m worried it’s going to get boring fast. With nothing to shoot for then why bother?
I would play just to mess with the dungeons but I hear they are so hard it isn’t even fun. I’m holding judgment on that since I haven’t been in one myself yet..
I’m not a hard core player by any means so when I get a chance to play I need to make it worth my time. Just seems there’s no goals to be met in this game tho.
Am I wrong?

Lol umm…play for fun? Does no one play for fun anymore? I remember back in the days where ppl would plunk money into an arcade game for HOURS just so they could get that #1 spot on the leaderboards. That was the only reward in it, but that was enough to plunk down 20-30 dollars just to get there.

I remember all the Street Fighter/MK tournaments where the only point was to win, even though you didnt get anything special for it. Ppl just genuinely loved to play and loved to win. I don’t get where this “no reward=no fun” mentality comes from. It boggles my mind.