What to spend Laurels on?

What to spend Laurels on?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jralax.3274


I have been collecting a few laurels and I was just wondering what I should get that would have been a good worth while investment.

What to spend Laurels on?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Baz The Fallen.3627

Baz The Fallen.3627

Save them for ascended trinkets.


What to spend Laurels on?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uvatha.5476


Specifically the ascended amulet since there is no alternate way to get them at the moment. If you run fractals you’ll get more rings than you have fingers and if you’re involved with a guild that runs guild missions you’ll be able to use commendations for the accessories.

If you have long term goals to craft Bifrost you can also save your laurels since it’s a cost effective way to collect 250 unidentified dyes.

My first purchase was the Endless Mystery Cat Tonic and I don’t regret a thing.

What to spend Laurels on?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkyFallsInThunder.8257


Ascended trinkets are the first priority imo, but be mindful of how you go about obtaining them!

First and foremost, do not buy them from the regular Laurel Merchant found in the capitals across Tyria. Instead, go to any WvW map and talk to the Laurel Merchant there. You can buy the same gear with a discount of 10 laurels, but you need to pay 250 Badges of Honor instead. This, however, is no downside since we have been flooded with these from the Achievement Point reward chests.

Secondly, only the Amulets are worth getting with laurels, the rest you can get in other ways:
1. Accesories – the price in laurels is outrageous, especially since the price of ectos has doubled, but you can get them with Guild Commendations from the LA vendor. Each accesory costs 12 Guild Commendations + 5 gold. The Commendations you get from doing the weekly guild missions; if you do them all, you get 6 Commendations per week, so you should have enough for one accesory every two weeks.
2. Rings – you can easily get these from doing Fractals of the Mists. From personal reward level 11 onward you have a good chance to get a random ring from the daily chest at the end of the 4th fractal. You will also start getting Pristine Fractal Relics, one per daily chest, and you can buy rings with 10 Pristine Fractal Relics from the vendor in Mistlock Obervatory. If you are in a hurry or just don’t do FOTM at all, then you can buy the rings from the Laurel Merchant but, again, go to the one in WvW for the awesome 10 laurels dicount. And about not doing FOTM… did I mention that you can get 20-slots bags for the low price of 150 regular Fractal Relics? Or Obsidian Shards for 15 regular Fractal Relics per? Or Ascended armor/weapons from the daily chest? Yeaaaah… FOTM is good all around.

Another use for the laurels is infusions for your ascended gear – see both regular Laurel Merchant and WvW one, since they sell different infusions. And, yes, if you put a WvW infusion into an item, you will get both bonuses from it while in WvW, but you will also get the regular bonus while in PvE (for example, the Mighty WvW infusion which gives +5 Power and +1% Damage to Guards, Lords, and Supervisors).

Another use for laurels is the Ascended weapons recipes. If you plan on crafting them, then you should save up some laurels since each recipe is 5 laurels and some gold.

Finally, if you have all the above and still have some extra laurels that are just lying around, just go through the Laurel Vendors lists and see if anything tickles your fancy. If not and you just want to make some cash, then buy the Heavy Crafting Bag. Each costs 1 laurel and gives you 3 random tier 6 materials. Since these have gone up in price quite a bit and sell for 20-35 silver each, you can expect to get as high as 1g per laurel.

I hope this helps.


What to spend Laurels on?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Space.8053


You could play the t6 lottery but if you want to play it safe you could always use 5 to make 10 unidentified dyes for ~3g

Fat Rob

What to spend Laurels on?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkyFallsInThunder.8257


You could play the t6 lottery but if you want to play it safe you could always use 5 to make 10 unidentified dyes for ~3g

Well, since he would get ~60s per laurel if he gets the worst t6 mats possible as drops (which is unlikely for all 3 slots), I think the t6 bags method is better than the Unidentified Dyes, which give him ~60s per laurel with no chance to get more.

Keep in mind that the only t6 mats that drop from these are the 8 ones used to craft legendaries (Powerful Blood, Potent Venom etc.). You won’t get any Gossamer/Ancient Wood or the likes from these bags.

What to spend Laurels on?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


If by investment you mean making gold then get bags of T6 materials and sell them.

If you mean what is the best value for money than that’s really up to you. I got one of the minis (Chauncy von Snuffles III) first and I don’t regret that at all. I’m currently saving for the other one. I also got the one-time crafting packs basically to get them out the way so I’d stop debating when to get them and got a good chunk of progress on my crafting and a lot of XP from them.

Then I finally got some ascended rings (in WvW so I could save some laurels). I’m planning to get the accessories with guild commendations and I’m working on the Triforge Pendant for my main so that will be it for ascended gear for a while. I’m not sure what I’ll get next, maybe just save them to get ascended gear for my alts.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

What to spend Laurels on?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


If by investment you mean making gold then get bags of T6 materials and sell them.

If you mean what is the best value for money than that’s really up to you. I got one of the minis (Chauncy von Snuffles III) first and I don’t regret that at all. I’m currently saving for the other one. I also got the one-time crafting packs basically to get them out the way so I’d stop debating when to get them and got a good chunk of progress on my crafting and a lot of XP from them.

Then I finally got some ascended rings (in WvW so I could save some laurels). I’m planning to get the accessories with guild commendations and I’m working on the Triforge Pendant for my main so that will be it for ascended gear for a while. I’m not sure what I’ll get next, maybe just save them to get ascended gear for my alts.

There is always the cat tonic.

What to spend Laurels on?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkyFallsInThunder.8257


Hm… The cat tonic and the two minis sure are nice…