What would you do?

What would you do?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rob.4081


Hello fellow players!! XD

I have a quick question for you all.

I recently got my first Birthday Gift and it had an Experience Scroll, which levels up to 20 any character I choose; which is quite convenient for me given that I just decided to roll a new Ranger, who is currently at level 2.

On the other hand, from the LA releases, I was able to get 20 Tomes of Knowledge, that give me 1 level each.

My question for you is this: Would you use all of these items on the new ranger to have her on level 40; or use the Tomes of Knowledge on a level 52 Warrior to bring it up to 72 and leave the ranger at 20?

I hope that was not too confusing… I know I type a lot.. XP

Let me know your thoughts and why you decided to do that?


What would you do?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Liet Talen.7284

Liet Talen.7284

I would use the Experience Scroll on the Ranger. The Tomes of Knowledge I would probably save until my characters were within range of hitting level 80, e.g. waiting until both are level 70 or using all when a character hits level 60.

A third option would be to use the Tomes of Knowledge only when achieving a level or skill point is a Daily or Monthly Achievement.

What would you do?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SkyFallsInThunder.8257


This is a strictly subjective question. It depends on what you like more and want to get to level 80 ASAP. However, I’d say that using the Tomes on the Warrior is better since you can get him to 80 pretty fast and then make a proper build for him and see how you like it. If you do like him, you can play warrior and have fun; if you don’t, you can focus fully on ranger.

What would you do?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Personally I would get the warrior up level 72, or level normally up to level 60 then use the scrolls to get to level 80. Having one character at level 80 is more valuable to you than 2 characters at mid level. You can do dungeons and do the meta events (dragons, temples, etc.) and get level 80 rewards as well as having access to the high level zones for farming T6 mats.

What would you do?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rob.4081


Hey all!!

Thank you for your thoughts; I think you’re right, and I will save the Tomes for my warrior and get him to lv 80 so I can farm high level zones.

Thanks you for your opinions!! Really helped me to make a decision.
