acquiring level 80 gear
As far as I know, anything that is Exotic (orange name) level 80 all have the same amount of stats and there is nothing better but legendaries.
You can buy exotic level 80 from Orr. At every god temple, there is zone final events where if you win, a vendor spawn with theses items for 42k karma a piece.
Other then that, you can craft them or buy them from trading post.
so the exotic gear from Orr are better then the T3 culture sets in the main city?
Arn’t the T3 only rare? (Yellow names) If yes then yeah they are better.
The cultural armor is bought with gold not karma anyways. And you can’t buy weapons from Orr. While the cultural weapons cost karma.
So basically
Cultural armor = Rare armor bought with gold.
Cultural weapon = Rare weapon bought with karma.
Orr armor = Exotic armor bought with karma.
Exotic weapon??? Except from crafting I dunno where to find them.
(edited by snaplemouton.1294)
the orr sets cost less Karma and are gold (exotic, so the best in the game)
All lvl 80 gear is the ‘same’ as in the same stat spectrum (say, 90 / 64/ 64 for 1h wep). What differs is the actual stats and the looks. There are 10+ lvl 80 exotic 1h swords, all with same dmg (960-1010 i belive), but they have diff stats. power/pre/crit, power/condi/vit, etc.
This same rule applies for all lvl 80 gear. Same base stat (defence / damage) and amount of stats given, but different variations of stats. The key is to pick the ones that suit your playstyle the best.
The Brotherhood – Warlord
watter is wrong all level 80 green gear is the same as other green, and blue is the same as blue, but yellow and than gold are above the others.
Once you hit your gold set though, well….. i hope you have other goals my friend
thank you very much all of you! makes so much more sense now