hello..runes advices pls
Well, I use Runes of Melandru in the PVT armour sets for all my lvl 80 toons.
Not sure if these will be good for you, but worth a consider.
Also keep in mind all runes will under go changes in the March features patch, so don’t spend loads of gold on runes just yet.
The only place I use my Soldier’s set on warrior is WvW and Teq fights, and Melandru runes are awesome there.
When I played with pvt i used the monk runes.
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
What runes you should use is not really dependent on what armor you equip it on, but much rather what kind of build you use and if you want your character to be more defensive, offensive, supportive and so on…
Cred to Latinkuro
Gw2 is a masterpiece at it’s foundation. Content-wise however…
I use runes of scholar for PvE/dungeons (100% zerker) and melendru for WvW (can’t remember what gear I use there, haven’t played my warr in WvW for a while). I agree build is important and dependent on what you plan to do with it. Do not use the same gear for PvE and WvW. You’ll just be relatively ineffective at both.
For DPS: Scholar, or Ranger, or Ruby Orbs (in that order, most to least effective)
For fun: Lyssa (Superior Runes of Lyssa proc a full boon stack upon casting elite + traited 48 second cool down for Signet of Rage is kitten fun; I play how I want)