i wanna play but i want help :(
Feel free to add me in game. I don’t really roll with guilds but If I’m not farming ascended mats I’m leveling characters + would be happy to help.
The “only one there” problem should be less of an issue with megaserver.
We have a guild going on, for new players and for veterans!
I think you’d like it!
Give me a poke in-game, if you’re up.
You should say if you play on an European or American server, because the regions cannot play with each other.
The “only one there” problem should be less of an issue with megaserver.
I’ve recently started leveling a few more alts and have noticed that certain areas feel a lot more full than they did pre-megaserver. Also there always seem to be down-leveled people in the lower areas doing any number of things from farming mats, to events, to world completion.
i’m in an american server
Feel free to add me. If you happen to catch me on, hit me up.
i’m in an american server
Legion of Honor / Operation Union is a great newbie-friendly / leveling guild. There’s guild missions and all the perks of a large guild, but we welcome anyone who wants to hang out and have a good time. Here’s the website: http://operationunion.enjin.com/
and here’s the forum thread: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/players/Operation-Union-Bringing-Players-Together-2
Feel free to add me as well.