.25 Cooldown on Shatters
All i have to do is slide my finger on \zxcvb to do a full shatter burst
I stop read here. Lol.
The change was to stop an exploit which made the shatter do more or less double damage, which it did
as for genuine mesmers, we are fine, this change doesnt nerf anything, don’t be silly c:
All i have to do is slide my finger on \zxcvb to do a full shatter burst
I stop read here. Lol.
Learn to keybind, Example is default asd are unneeded. All you need is QWE and Mouse to move. Free up more space!
this wasn’t aimed on macro users.
This was Aimed to remove possibility of using 2 shatter on 3 same clones which was known possible bug in game.
With this change You have to create next 3 clones for next shatter skill.
All i have to do is slide my finger on \zxcvb to do a full shatter burst
I stop read here. Lol.
Learn to keybind, Example is default asd are unneeded. All you need is QWE and Mouse to move. Free up more space!
It just makes me wonder as at this point you have no keys bound for moving – stepping side so how do you kite and hit someone while running at front and making him chase u ? also turnin around like this with Q E is really stupid move and hard.
“A” and “D” keys for moving left/right are there to help you kite, sliding aside still looking at enemy while they can’t catch you.
Jumper is pro, you can’t argue with him. l2keybind.
On topic, kitten – won’t be able to forcebug the 14k mind wracks and blame the game while people scream for exploit. 1/4 of a second is really nothing, minor change that will affect only the bug.
Funny thing, Anet didn’t fix the bug, they just made it impossible to execute. Always better to add something new instead of fixing the old kitten.
Jumper is pro, you can’t argue with him. l2keybind.
On topic, kitten – won’t be able to forcebug the 14k mind wracks and blame the game while people scream for exploit. 1/4 of a second is really nothing, minor change that will affect only the bug.
Funny thing, Anet didn’t fix the bug, they just made it impossible to execute. Always better to add something new instead of fixing the old kitten.
I think it’s a temporary bandaid until they can actually figure out what the problem is.
It seems they can’t identify what is causing it,so they added a preventing measure.
Better than doing nothing imo.
Jumper is pro, you can’t argue with him. l2keybind.
On topic, kitten – won’t be able to forcebug the 14k mind wracks and blame the game while people scream for exploit. 1/4 of a second is really nothing, minor change that will affect only the bug.
Funny thing, Anet didn’t fix the bug, they just made it impossible to execute. Always better to add something new instead of fixing the old kitten.
Short term it’s easier. Long term is just bad policy.
All i have to do is slide my finger on \zxcvb to do a full shatter burst
I stop read here. Lol.
Learn to keybind, Example is default asd are unneeded. All you need is QWE and Mouse to move. Free up more space!
It just makes me wonder as at this point you have no keys bound for moving – stepping side so how do you kite and hit someone while running at front and making him chase u ? also turnin around like this with Q E is really stupid move and hard.
“A” and “D” keys for moving left/right are there to help you kite, sliding aside still looking at enemy while they can’t catch you.
Q Heal
W Move Forward
E Utility 3
A Strafe Left
S Dodge
D Strafe Right
R Elite
Mouse button side 1 Utility 1
Mouse button side 2 Utility 2
Jumper is pro, you can’t argue with him. l2keybind.
On topic, kitten – won’t be able to forcebug the 14k mind wracks and blame the game while people scream for exploit. 1/4 of a second is really nothing, minor change that will affect only the bug.
Funny thing, Anet didn’t fix the bug, they just made it impossible to execute. Always better to add something new instead of fixing the old kitten.
Oh hai you met my mesmer quite a few time.
My problem is I am used to press Diversion using Illusionary Persona right after a shatter so I daze the target. Its easy to do it in less then .25 seconds even if you press F2 and F3 right after each other nearly together. This band-aid fix does not effect macro users but it effects legit players.
Like I said I have no idea how the bug works or how I do it, so I dont know if this fix will fix the bug.
Yo, care to give a name? Maybe i met you indeed.
Your concern is legit, I myself use this rotation when needed. But the change not in any case was aimed to prevent macros, but to prevent the 3 illusions diversion/MW combo exploit (which could be executed with macro). Doesn’t prevent players from macro-ing the shatters in any way, just prevents the abnormal damage shatters.
So basically it’s taking you less than 0.25 seconds to hit 6 keys, while watching your surroundings on the screen (it would really suck, if you got hit by a stun, right when you were about to to go all Beethoven on them).
I’d go visit a doctor. Though I suggest one that treats mental illnesses, because you’re either lacking any semblance of temporal awareness or suffering from delusions affecting your judgment of others or yourself.
blink your eyelids, thats your global shatter cooldown.
hardly game breaking to one of the best classes in the game.
0.25 seconds. What do you know? the same amount of time to react to the standard cloak-steal-stab combo.
Thank you ANet.
Winner of Curse’s NA Masters Tournament
so what you are saying is before you could just faceroll now you have to pay attention before faceroll. got it.
0.25 seconds. What do you know? the same amount of time to react to the standard cloak-steal-stab combo.
Thank you ANet.
So now I cannot use distorrtion on a cloak steal stab combo if I just pressed F1 or F2 or F3 so you die instantly.
0.25 seconds. What do you know? the same amount of time to react to the standard cloak-steal-stab combo.
Thank you ANet.So now I cannot use distorrtion on a cloak steal stab combo if I just pressed F1 or F2 or F3 so you die instantly.
well you can dodge, you can #2 staff, you can blink
0.25 seconds. What do you know? the same amount of time to react to the standard cloak-steal-stab combo.
Thank you ANet.So now I cannot use distorrtion on a cloak steal stab combo if I just pressed F1 or F2 or F3 so you die instantly.
well you can dodge, you can #2 staff, you can blink
In tPVP you have portal not blink.
You can have no energy and cooldown on weapon swap.
Still I cannot use Diversion to interupt anymore and Distortion when i need. While macro users can use macro with .25 second delay and do perfect shatter and burst everytime.
0.25 seconds. What do you know? the same amount of time to react to the standard cloak-steal-stab combo.
Thank you ANet.So now I cannot use distorrtion on a cloak steal stab combo if I just pressed F1 or F2 or F3 so you die instantly.
well you can dodge, you can #2 staff, you can blink
In tPVP you have portal not blink.
You can have no energy and cooldown on weapon swap.
Still I cannot use Diversion to interupt anymore and Distortion when i need. While macro users can use macro with .25 second delay and do perfect shatter and burst everytime.
i am not saying you are wrong, just giving options.
and still , hoping they will be banned, macros doesn’t give advantages if you need to defend yourself. macro users have also .25 delay so they cannot defend/offend action
0.25 seconds. What do you know? the same amount of time to react to the standard cloak-steal-stab combo.
Thank you ANet.So now I cannot use distorrtion on a cloak steal stab combo if I just pressed F1 or F2 or F3 so you die instantly.
well you can dodge, you can #2 staff, you can blink
In tPVP you have portal not blink.
You can have no energy and cooldown on weapon swap.
Still I cannot use Diversion to interupt anymore and Distortion when i need. While macro users can use macro with .25 second delay and do perfect shatter and burst everytime.
i am not saying you are wrong, just giving options.
and still , hoping they will be banned, macros doesn’t give advantages if you need to defend yourself. macro users have also .25 delay so they cannot defend/offend action
Still macro users have advantage when being offensive. Its common to use Diversion after a shatter to disable the enemy example a guardian using blocks or thief trying to dodge burst with shortbow. A non-macro user can press Diversion to early thus missing the daze while a macro user will never ever take a mistake since he adds exactly .25 seconds delay between the shatter and diversion.
So basically it’s taking you less than 0.25 seconds to hit 6 keys, while watching your surroundings on the screen (it would really suck, if you got hit by a stun, right when you were about to to go all Beethoven on them).
I’d go visit a doctor. Though I suggest one that treats mental illnesses, because you’re either lacking any semblance of temporal awareness or suffering from delusions affecting your judgment of others or yourself.
Its takes less then .25 seconds to hit Cry of Frustation and Diversion in a row. It takes about .018 for me (I did record it)
0.25 seconds. What do you know? the same amount of time to react to the standard cloak-steal-stab combo.
Thank you ANet.So now I cannot use distorrtion on a cloak steal stab combo if I just pressed F1 or F2 or F3 so you die instantly.
dodge like every other class has to
0.25 seconds. What do you know? the same amount of time to react to the standard cloak-steal-stab combo.
Thank you ANet.So now I cannot use distorrtion on a cloak steal stab combo if I just pressed F1 or F2 or F3 so you die instantly.
dodge like every other class has to
Thief can spam Disabling shot
Ranger can use 1h Sword to dodge
Necro can use Death Shroud
Ele can use Armor of Earth of Mist form
Guardain can use one of the 4353453453425345 blocks he has
Warrior can use shield block or endure pain.
0.25 seconds. What do you know? the same amount of time to react to the standard cloak-steal-stab combo.
Thank you ANet.So now I cannot use distorrtion on a cloak steal stab combo if I just pressed F1 or F2 or F3 so you die instantly.
dodge like every other class has to
Thief can spam Disabling shot
Ranger can use 1h Sword to dodge
Necro can use Death Shroud
Ele can use Armor of Earth of Mist form
Guardain can use one of the 4353453453425345 blocks he has
Warrior can use shield block or endure pain.
mesmer can blink or staff 2 or sword 2, your point?
0.25 seconds. What do you know? the same amount of time to react to the standard cloak-steal-stab combo.
Thank you ANet.So now I cannot use distorrtion on a cloak steal stab combo if I just pressed F1 or F2 or F3 so you die instantly.
dodge like every other class has to
Thief can spam Disabling shot
Ranger can use 1h Sword to dodge
Necro can use Death Shroud
Ele can use Armor of Earth of Mist form
Guardain can use one of the 4353453453425345 blocks he has
Warrior can use shield block or endure pain.mesmer can blink or staff 2 or sword 2, your point?
sorry but Sprawl is right this time. and btw, .25secs you must wait between F4 and combo is so short i dubt it wil have any relevance in the game.
0.25 seconds. What do you know? the same amount of time to react to the standard cloak-steal-stab combo.
Thank you ANet.So now I cannot use distorrtion on a cloak steal stab combo if I just pressed F1 or F2 or F3 so you die instantly.
dodge like every other class has to
Thief can spam Disabling shot
Ranger can use 1h Sword to dodge
Necro can use Death Shroud
Ele can use Armor of Earth of Mist form
Guardain can use one of the 4353453453425345 blocks he has
Warrior can use shield block or endure pain.mesmer can blink or staff 2 or sword 2, your point?
Cooldowns and weapon swap?
0.25 seconds. What do you know? the same amount of time to react to the standard cloak-steal-stab combo.
Thank you ANet.So now I cannot use distorrtion on a cloak steal stab combo if I just pressed F1 or F2 or F3 so you die instantly.
dodge like every other class has to
Thief can spam Disabling shot
Ranger can use 1h Sword to dodge
Necro can use Death Shroud
Ele can use Armor of Earth of Mist form
Guardain can use one of the 4353453453425345 blocks he has
Warrior can use shield block or endure pain.mesmer can blink or staff 2 or sword 2, your point?
sorry but Sprawl is right this time. and btw, .25secs you must wait between F4 and combo is so short i dubt it wil have any relevance in the game.
i just dont get what his point is. earlier in the thread he’s complaining well what if i have no endurance or my weapon swap is on cooldown. Seriously? What does every other classes do in the same instance? Get 1 shot by the thief, so why should mesmer be any different. Welcome to part of the reason casuals hate this game so much when you have 2-5 glass thief running around per team, you only have so many ways to avoid it.
0.25 seconds. What do you know? the same amount of time to react to the standard cloak-steal-stab combo.
Thank you ANet.So now I cannot use distorrtion on a cloak steal stab combo if I just pressed F1 or F2 or F3 so you die instantly.
dodge like every other class has to
Thief can spam Disabling shot
Ranger can use 1h Sword to dodge
Necro can use Death Shroud
Ele can use Armor of Earth of Mist form
Guardain can use one of the 4353453453425345 blocks he has
Warrior can use shield block or endure pain.mesmer can blink or staff 2 or sword 2, your point?
Cooldowns and weapon swap?
what does necro do at start of match with no life force to death shroud? what does thief do if he’s not sitting in SB? Rangers run around in sword a lot? loving the hypocrisy. Deal with it the same way every other class does when they get caught with no defensive CDs, get 1 shot like a man or use a more balanced build, knight amulet, whatever.
btw mesmer is my main but i dont run shatter and slot decoy, blink, portal in tourny
(edited by Sprawl.3891)
0.25 seconds. What do you know? the same amount of time to react to the standard cloak-steal-stab combo.
Thank you ANet.So now I cannot use distorrtion on a cloak steal stab combo if I just pressed F1 or F2 or F3 so you die instantly.
dodge like every other class has to
Thief can spam Disabling shot
Ranger can use 1h Sword to dodge
Necro can use Death Shroud
Ele can use Armor of Earth of Mist form
Guardain can use one of the 4353453453425345 blocks he has
Warrior can use shield block or endure pain.mesmer can blink or staff 2 or sword 2, your point?
Cooldowns and weapon swap?
what does necro do at start of match with no life force to death shroud? what does thief do if he’s not sitting in SB? Rangers run around in sword a lot? loving the hypocrisy. Deal with it the same way every other class does when they get caught with no defensive CDs, get 1 shot like a man or use a more balanced build, knight amulet, whatever.
btw mesmer is my main but i dont run shatter and slot decoy, blink, portal in tourny
Phantasm mesmers suck in tourney and condition work the same kittenter just different rune and confusion lasts longer trait.
Jumper, you’re being silly ^^’
Jumper is pro, you can’t argue with him. l2keybind.
On topic, kitten – won’t be able to forcebug the 14k mind wracks and blame the game while people scream for exploit. 1/4 of a second is really nothing, minor change that will affect only the bug.
Funny thing, Anet didn’t fix the bug, they just made it impossible to execute. Always better to add something new instead of fixing the old kitten.
I think it’s a temporary bandaid until they can actually figure out what the problem is.
It seems they can’t identify what is causing it,so they added a preventing measure.
Better than doing nothing imo.
We have a winner! This was an especially bad problem so we did what we had to do given the resources we had to solve this while the studio was closed for the new year/holidays.
Jumper is pro, you can’t argue with him. l2keybind.
On topic, kitten – won’t be able to forcebug the 14k mind wracks and blame the game while people scream for exploit. 1/4 of a second is really nothing, minor change that will affect only the bug.
Funny thing, Anet didn’t fix the bug, they just made it impossible to execute. Always better to add something new instead of fixing the old kitten.
I think it’s a temporary bandaid until they can actually figure out what the problem is.
It seems they can’t identify what is causing it,so they added a preventing measure.
Better than doing nothing imo.We have a winner!
This was an especially bad problem so we did what we had to do given the resources we had to solve this while the studio was closed for the new year/holidays.
Would you please enlighten the community on what your stance is on this thread? Please, an acknowledgement from arenanet on this post will be a huge thing for the community.
Jumper is pro, you can’t argue with him. l2keybind.
On topic, kitten – won’t be able to forcebug the 14k mind wracks and blame the game while people scream for exploit. 1/4 of a second is really nothing, minor change that will affect only the bug.
Funny thing, Anet didn’t fix the bug, they just made it impossible to execute. Always better to add something new instead of fixing the old kitten.
I think it’s a temporary bandaid until they can actually figure out what the problem is.
It seems they can’t identify what is causing it,so they added a preventing measure.
Better than doing nothing imo.We have a winner!
This was an especially bad problem so we did what we had to do given the resources we had to solve this while the studio was closed for the new year/holidays.
Can you kindly confirm that the .25 second GCD is temporary and will be removed when you fix the exploit?
Jumper is pro, you can’t argue with him. l2keybind.
On topic, kitten – won’t be able to forcebug the 14k mind wracks and blame the game while people scream for exploit. 1/4 of a second is really nothing, minor change that will affect only the bug.
Funny thing, Anet didn’t fix the bug, they just made it impossible to execute. Always better to add something new instead of fixing the old kitten.
I think it’s a temporary bandaid until they can actually figure out what the problem is.
It seems they can’t identify what is causing it,so they added a preventing measure.
Better than doing nothing imo.We have a winner!
This was an especially bad problem so we did what we had to do given the resources we had to solve this while the studio was closed for the new year/holidays.
Can you kindly confirm that the .25 second GCD is temporary and will be removed when you fix the exploit?
That was the plan but fixing it for real is going to take some time so no timeframe right now.
Jumper is pro, you can’t argue with him. l2keybind.
On topic, kitten – won’t be able to forcebug the 14k mind wracks and blame the game while people scream for exploit. 1/4 of a second is really nothing, minor change that will affect only the bug.
Funny thing, Anet didn’t fix the bug, they just made it impossible to execute. Always better to add something new instead of fixing the old kitten.
I think it’s a temporary bandaid until they can actually figure out what the problem is.
It seems they can’t identify what is causing it,so they added a preventing measure.
Better than doing nothing imo.We have a winner!
This was an especially bad problem so we did what we had to do given the resources we had to solve this while the studio was closed for the new year/holidays.
Can you kindly confirm that the .25 second GCD is temporary and will be removed when you fix the exploit?
Lol, without the 1s gcd , eles would be able to combo in a correct manner, you complain for a miserable 1/4 s delay on your main mechanic…..hey WHY ELES MUST BE ONLY ONES TO HAVE A GCD OF 1S ON THEIR MAIN MECHANIC?
Because your MM give you 5 skills, our gives one single effect and needs clones.
Jumper is pro, you can’t argue with him. l2keybind.
On topic, kitten – won’t be able to forcebug the 14k mind wracks and blame the game while people scream for exploit. 1/4 of a second is really nothing, minor change that will affect only the bug.
Funny thing, Anet didn’t fix the bug, they just made it impossible to execute. Always better to add something new instead of fixing the old kitten.
I think it’s a temporary bandaid until they can actually figure out what the problem is.
It seems they can’t identify what is causing it,so they added a preventing measure.
Better than doing nothing imo.We have a winner!
This was an especially bad problem so we did what we had to do given the resources we had to solve this while the studio was closed for the new year/holidays.
Can you kindly confirm that the .25 second GCD is temporary and will be removed when you fix the exploit?
Lol, without the 1s gcd , eles would be able to combo in a correct manner, you complain for a miserable 1/4 s delay on your main mechanic…..hey WHY ELES MUST BE ONLY ONES TO HAVE A GCD OF 1S ON THEIR MAIN MECHANIC?
Switching attunements is like switching your weaponset (Which has a much higher cd than 1 second, mind you), shattering an illusion is like using an attack.
Having a gcd on shatter skills is like having a gcd on your weapon skills.
How would you feel about that one?
I don’t see how sliding your finger over buttons is any different from using a macro? In fact, if anyone was to see you doing your 0.25 second combo in the game, they would probably think you were using a macro.
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope
Jumper is pro, you can’t argue with him. l2keybind.
On topic, kitten – won’t be able to forcebug the 14k mind wracks and blame the game while people scream for exploit. 1/4 of a second is really nothing, minor change that will affect only the bug.
Funny thing, Anet didn’t fix the bug, they just made it impossible to execute. Always better to add something new instead of fixing the old kitten.
I think it’s a temporary bandaid until they can actually figure out what the problem is.
It seems they can’t identify what is causing it,so they added a preventing measure.
Better than doing nothing imo.We have a winner!
This was an especially bad problem so we did what we had to do given the resources we had to solve this while the studio was closed for the new year/holidays.
Can you kindly confirm that the .25 second GCD is temporary and will be removed when you fix the exploit?
Lol, without the 1s gcd , eles would be able to combo in a correct manner, you complain for a miserable 1/4 s delay on your main mechanic…..hey WHY ELES MUST BE ONLY ONES TO HAVE A GCD OF 1S ON THEIR MAIN MECHANIC?
Switching attunements is like switching your weaponset (Which has a much higher cd than 1 second, mind you), shattering an illusion is like using an attack.
Having a gcd on shatter skills is like having a gcd on your weapon skills.
How would you feel about that one?
Attunements are not weapon set..-_-
-they don’t change your range
-they don’t change the style
We change attunements because…that’s our main and only mechanic, shatters is your mechanic so the gcd is justified
Jumper is pro, you can’t argue with him. l2keybind.
On topic, kitten – won’t be able to forcebug the 14k mind wracks and blame the game while people scream for exploit. 1/4 of a second is really nothing, minor change that will affect only the bug.
Funny thing, Anet didn’t fix the bug, they just made it impossible to execute. Always better to add something new instead of fixing the old kitten.
I think it’s a temporary bandaid until they can actually figure out what the problem is.
It seems they can’t identify what is causing it,so they added a preventing measure.
Better than doing nothing imo.We have a winner!
This was an especially bad problem so we did what we had to do given the resources we had to solve this while the studio was closed for the new year/holidays.
Can you kindly confirm that the .25 second GCD is temporary and will be removed when you fix the exploit?
Lol, without the 1s gcd , eles would be able to combo in a correct manner, you complain for a miserable 1/4 s delay on your main mechanic…..hey WHY ELES MUST BE ONLY ONES TO HAVE A GCD OF 1S ON THEIR MAIN MECHANIC?
Switching attunements is like switching your weaponset (Which has a much higher cd than 1 second, mind you), shattering an illusion is like using an attack.
Having a gcd on shatter skills is like having a gcd on your weapon skills.
How would you feel about that one?Attunements are not weapon set..-_-
-they don’t change your range
-they don’t change the style
We change attunements because…that’s our main and only mechanic, shatters is your mechanic so the gcd is justified
That’s not true, every attunement has different ranges and uses. You basically have 5 weapon sets.
That’s not true, every attunement has different ranges and uses. You basically have 5 weapon sets.
Herpa derpa. You’re wrong. Each weapon has different ranges. Each attunement has exactly the same range as the other three attunements do on a single weapon. Also, when did Ele’s get that 5th attunement? My Ele doesn’t seem to have it unlocked yet.
It’s called brain attunement. If you argue that 1 shatter = 1 attu switch then ye, you didn’t unlock it yet.
That’s not true, every attunement has different ranges and uses. You basically have 5 weapon sets.
Herpa derpa. You’re wrong. Each weapon has different ranges. Each attunement has exactly the same range as the other three attunements do on a single weapon. Also, when did Ele’s get that 5th attunement? My Ele doesn’t seem to have it unlocked yet.
0.25 seconds. What do you know? the same amount of time to react to the standard cloak-steal-stab combo.
Thank you ANet.So now I cannot use distorrtion on a cloak steal stab combo if I just pressed F1 or F2 or F3 so you die instantly.
dodge like every other class has to
Thief can spam Disabling shot
Ranger can use 1h Sword to dodge
Necro can use Death Shroud
Ele can use Armor of Earth of Mist form
Guardain can use one of the 4353453453425345 blocks he has
Warrior can use shield block or endure pain.mesmer can blink or staff 2 or sword 2, your point?
Cooldowns and weapon swap?
what does necro do at start of match with no life force to death shroud? what does thief do if he’s not sitting in SB? Rangers run around in sword a lot? loving the hypocrisy. Deal with it the same way every other class does when they get caught with no defensive CDs, get 1 shot like a man or use a more balanced build, knight amulet, whatever.
btw mesmer is my main but i dont run shatter and slot decoy, blink, portal in tourny
Phantasm mesmers suck in tourney and condition work the same kittenter just different rune and confusion lasts longer trait.
what does that have to do with your fail argument? Mesmer has equal ability to avoid a thief burst compared with every other class, if not more. The fact that you are even saying “well what do i do if i have no endurance or defensive CDs left” is just laughable. WTF does every other class do in that situation? Why do you think there are 5 posts about QQ thief burst every day lol, amazing.
Jumper is pro, you can’t argue with him. l2keybind.
On topic, kitten – won’t be able to forcebug the 14k mind wracks and blame the game while people scream for exploit. 1/4 of a second is really nothing, minor change that will affect only the bug.
Funny thing, Anet didn’t fix the bug, they just made it impossible to execute. Always better to add something new instead of fixing the old kitten.
I think it’s a temporary bandaid until they can actually figure out what the problem is.
It seems they can’t identify what is causing it,so they added a preventing measure.
Better than doing nothing imo.We have a winner!
This was an especially bad problem so we did what we had to do given the resources we had to solve this while the studio was closed for the new year/holidays.
Can you kindly confirm that the .25 second GCD is temporary and will be removed when you fix the exploit?
That was the plan but fixing it for real is going to take some time so no timeframe right now.
Thank you for answering.
This patch really made my mesmer unplayable due to how I perform my shattering combo. Guess I have to take a break from mesmer until the exploit is fixed.
I also hope you are banning exploiters. There are also thief exploit which allows them spam heartseekers while still invisible.
I don’t see how sliding your finger over buttons is any different from using a macro? In fact, if anyone was to see you doing your 0.25 second combo in the game, they would probably think you were using a macro.
I guess you can say that using different keybinds is not different from using macro?
Yes I was called macro user during tPVP and my team kept laughing at it since you can hear my key strokes during burst XD
Jumper is pro, you can’t argue with him. l2keybind.
On topic, kitten – won’t be able to forcebug the 14k mind wracks and blame the game while people scream for exploit. 1/4 of a second is really nothing, minor change that will affect only the bug.
Funny thing, Anet didn’t fix the bug, they just made it impossible to execute. Always better to add something new instead of fixing the old kitten.
I think it’s a temporary bandaid until they can actually figure out what the problem is.
It seems they can’t identify what is causing it,so they added a preventing measure.
Better than doing nothing imo.We have a winner!
This was an especially bad problem so we did what we had to do given the resources we had to solve this while the studio was closed for the new year/holidays.
Can you kindly confirm that the .25 second GCD is temporary and will be removed when you fix the exploit?
Lol, without the 1s gcd , eles would be able to combo in a correct manner, you complain for a miserable 1/4 s delay on your main mechanic…..hey WHY ELES MUST BE ONLY ONES TO HAVE A GCD OF 1S ON THEIR MAIN MECHANIC?
Switching attunements is like switching your weaponset (Which has a much higher cd than 1 second, mind you), shattering an illusion is like using an attack.
Having a gcd on shatter skills is like having a gcd on your weapon skills.
How would you feel about that one?Attunements are not weapon set..-_-
-they don’t change your range
-they don’t change the style
We change attunements because…that’s our main and only mechanic, shatters is your mechanic so the gcd is justified
just curious, if it’s not the same as weapon swapping then why everytime we switch attunements do we get the benefits of a weapon sigil that states it works on weapons swap?
for me 0,25s is fine. dont see why people are complain a lot about it
for me 0,25s is fine. dont see why people are complain a lot about it
Because .25s is enough time to be reacted to. Puts it on par with Thief/Warrior.
Winner of Curse’s NA Masters Tournament