My points of view
Through a series of questions & answers
Q: Ultimately, what is wrong with the current balance in spvp?
A: Since the release of HoT, we have a game where only 6 out of the 9 classes are able to be played competitively and only 1 build for each class is viable. Some things are too good and most other things useless. This is limiting the player’s options to be able to play the way they want to play. They are getting bored and they are leaving the game.
Q: Where did the critical problems within the current spvp balance begin?
A: 9/10 older players who have been avid players, would agree with me when I say that the problems began on 6/23/2015, when traits became specializations, condis began stacking and the power creep was unleashed. These were good changes but there was not enough balancing to the core game after these changes before releasing HoT. When HoT was released, this made the already existent balance issues, just that much more complex.
Q: What is wrong with HoT?
A: HoT specializations are too powerful and they are too narrow in job role offered. Between these 2 problems, it funnels players in to a situation where they must use the new powerful specializations to keep up competitively and they must design their build archetype around that new specialization to optimize it’s purpose. Since the new specializations encourage very particular job roles, this ends up in situations such as:
- Druids needing to play team support, DPS Peel roles no longer viable.
- Dragonhunters needing to play ranged DPS trap role, team support no longer viable.
- Ect.. Ect.. There are plenty of other threads explaining these issues that I’m sure you are aware of.
Q: What else is wrong with HoT?
A: HoT lead us out of the realm of “balance issues” and in to the heartland of “critical balance issues”. Forum users are no longer complaining about small balance issues. They are complaining about huge differences in the distribution of power between weapon skills, utility skills, trait selections and even class choices as a whole. I need give only 1 example: Why play a Warrior/Berserker when you can play Revenant/Herald? The Revenant/Herald does everything a Warrior/Berserker can do and more but it does it literally, twice as effectively. This isn’t just an issue with a utility vs. a utility or a weapon choice vs. weapon choice “of which many problems exist”. No, this is an entire class that can’t even begin to compare to the natural power & utility that another class possesses. These sorts of gaps in raw power need to be eliminated.
Q: What can be done about these problems?
A: Take a step back, balance the core game first and make sure it’s solid. Then take a look at HoT. Though if the design team insists on direct patching to HoT, here are my suggestions for what needs to happen to achieve a more balanced competitive scene with more viability. It’s a quick fix but I believe it would be somewhere in the right direction:
- Leave Warrior/Berserker the way it is. Slightly buff the heal skills. It seriously needs it after the power creep.
- Leave Thief/Daredevil the way it is.
- Slightly nerf both Revenant side and Herald side specializations. “Slightly”
- Raise Guardian/Dragonhunter’s vitality up 1 step.
- Elementalist/Tempest can stay the way it is.
- Mesmer/Chronomancer can be kept the same but Moa needs 2 changes: Lower the duration from 10s to 8s “10s is too long after the power creep” and program it in so we can jump as a Moa.
- Ranger can be kept the same. Turn down the rate in which celestial force is gained on a Druid through regeneration and healing. Turn up the rate in which celestial force is gained through dealing damage and taking damage. This is huge – If you did this, it would enable Druids to play DPS roles again and be able to access celestial avatar often enough to survive. As of now, the celestial avatar class feature is impractical to use unless you stat for enormous heal factor. This change would also still allow the bunker Druids to do what they do now so long as they are actually attacking to make up for the loss of gain from raw heal. You get the picture, balance the numbers so DPS is viable but the bunker doesn’t become over powered.
- Necromancer/Reaper’s main imbalance is still in my opinion, chill. The damage or duration still needs a slight nerf. It’s the AoE chilling that puts the OP in to the Reaper.
- Engineer weapons need a slight buff. Scrapper needs a nerf to the boon duration department. All of it’s boons.
~ Just my broad opinions without too much detail.
Q: Anything else to add?
A: Just a few things:
- I understand that balancing a game such as Guild Wars 2 is not an easy task but we really need a heavy balance patch, next time around.
- The point of this thread was to help produce positive, constructive and concise feedback from avid users, in one spot.
- To those who post feedback here, consider the difference between suggesting “game balances” and “game overhauls”. The objective is to suggest well thought out game balances. Also, when making suggestions/comments, try to consider the big picture of how one thing effects everything when changed.
~ And please keep the discussion clean.