(edited by Kageseigi.2150)
A Friendly Request from a Thief
Why should they try harder in carrying 2 teefs while you don’t give a kitten about team comp?
And this is coming from a thief main player.
So it gives them the justification to be rude?
They have no idea what the skill level of the Thieves are nor the opposing team.
It’s common decency to ask politely.
Don’t try harder. Just give it their best… as they should be doing anyway.
And please don’t tell me what I do or do not care about. My goal is to win, and I’ll do my best to do so. And believe me when I say that me playing the Thief is my best shot at doing so.
(edited by Kageseigi.2150)
If you find yourself on a team with more than one Thief, please don’t tell us you’re going to sit in spawn if we don’t change. Please either disconnect or try to win, and at least wait until after you lose before you throw a tantrum. Some of us are actually on winning streaks… even when multiple Thieves have been our teams.
Politely requesting is quite fine. But threatening is quite immature.
Thank you! :-)
I agree with this. That attitude is quite disgusting and extremely arrogant. if there are too many thieves then why don’t they switch? Why should everyone else have to follow to their whims?
So it gives them the justification to be rude?
They have no idea what the skill level of the Thieves are nor the opposing team.
It’s common decency to ask politely.
Don’t try harder. Just give it their best… as they should be doing anyway.
I’m not saying that they are justified in being rude.
I’m just saying that if I see two teefs in my team comp, I ask in chat “can one teef swap pls?”. If both teefs answer “no” (or worse, they don’t answer at all), then that’s as rude as saying “omg 2 teefs u scrubs reroll or I’ll afk”, cause you’re both gimping your team not wanting to swap class.
I’m just saying that if I see two teefs in my team comp, I ask in chat “can one teef swap pls?”.
Yes, that’s asking politely :-)
I’m just saying that if I see two teefs in my team comp, I ask in chat “can one teef swap pls?”.
Yes, that’s asking politely :-)
However, I shouldn’t even be asking. :-P
The problem is the good thief will be the one who switches.
Thief is lacking and would appear to need an aoe buff or a damage buff. They tried with the dagger auto’s but it still isn’t enough to take down some bunkers using full glass thief. I would personally prefer a huge sustain reducing passive like one that makes thief able to hit though invulnerability, block or be unbridgeable just for 3 attacks or so.
Example, a mesmer if about to be hit by damage can just use f4 to distort. If this is on CD it can use decoy or blink. If it see’s a charge coming it can just blurred frenzy. thus it is 100% impossible for a pure damage specked character to take down a mesmer unless they bring SA, Acrobatics, or plenty of dodges. Thief one shotting people was bad but it used to be the only way to punch though a Mesmer defenses. This is one class example. There are many more. Something needs to change I’m not sure what the best method of change is though.
Furthermore, The healing reduction on poison is great but we need a vulnerability condition buff so power can deal with tanks. thief should be able to take down a target in 5 seconds unless they have fast reaction speed. The is the GW1 style of a spike.
Without the ability to deal quick damage, all power is pointless and everyone may as well play a sustain damage/condition hybrid because, glass or not glass, your character won’t take the target down quickly either way regardless of player skill level.
I only speak because I have defended mesmer and other classes when they needed help. It is the thief’s turn to receive help.
I usually dont ask thieves on my team to switch unless the other team got double DH or double rev….that wont ever work unless they are bad
I try not to ask specifically thieves to switch since it sometimes backfires when the good one is the one to make the switch and/or what they switch to a class they are not proficient with.
I also understand that playing thief must be stressful with everything but reapers hardcountering them, teams nowadays not knowing how to play with a thief on board and having to deal with displeased teammates when they see you are a thief/warrior.
Just adapt, fight on and hope for the best
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
Man i swear this apologetic behavior from most people is freaking getting on my nerves.
“Oh whaa … he told me to switch in a rude manner Q_Q i am offend”
Well you better be. The world is not a happy place, people get hurt, physically, all the time. We don’t have time for your nonsense, literally.
“Oh whaa … he told me to switch in a rude manner Q_Q i am offend”
It’s really not even the rudeness nor the offensiveness. That can be played through and overcome. It’s the the sheer gall of saying that if you don’t play my way, I’m just going to sit here and do nothing. The old “take my ball and go home” attitude.
No matter what one’s personal opinion may be, having two Thieves on a team is infinitely better than having only four players.
“Oh whaa … he told me to switch in a rude manner Q_Q i am offend”
It’s really not even the rudeness nor the offensiveness. That can be played through and overcome. It’s the the sheer gall of saying that if you don’t play my way, I’m just going to sit here and do nothing. The old “take my ball and go home” attitude.
No matter what one’s personal opinion may be, having two Thieves on a team is infinitely better than having only four players.
I’m assuming you are an adult. As an adult you are obligated to not give a single flying kitten.
P.S: Yeah i guess it sucks to have games thrown buuut that’s not on the people. That’s on ANet. Better report system is needed and a better balance in games is needed.
If you find yourself on a team with more than one Thief, please don’t tell us you’re going to sit in spawn if we don’t change. Please ask nicely, and if that fails, either disconnect or try to win, and at least wait until after you lose or are refused before you throw a tantrum. Some of us are actually on winning streaks… even when multiple Thieves have been on our teams.
Politely requesting is quite fine. But threatening is quite immature and spoils the fun for all… not to mention lowering morale and the likelihood of victory.
Thank you! :-)
I think we all see what you’re saying but with all due respect, it’s a competitive environment and people generally get angry when they see that “you” know better than to do what you’re doing but you’re doing it anyway. Typing smileys, being polite and asking that other players be “nice” to you as you make the ignorant choice to play a comp with two thieves seems to me as a mask to the fact that your behavior is as anti-productive to the win as the griefer’s griefing.
- #1 – No one will ever be happy when you choose to play a two thief comp.
- #2 – We all know that two thieves in this meta lowers win rate, drastically.
- #3 – Even Toker doesn’t play thief in this meta.
- #4 – All thief players need to do everyone a favor and learn an alt class to swap to in the event a bad roll with two thieves on the team.
Hallelujah, goodnight
…you’re both gimping your team not wanting to swap class.
Everyone that does not queue as a 5 man on TS with a complimentary composition, who does not have great internet connection, who is not using a good mouse, who is of an age where their reflexes / hand eye co-ordination is past their peak, who is a fat out of shape tub of lard and so on is “gimping their team”.
But guess what, it is a casual low skilled MMO, you are not playing a DOTA 2 tournament for a million dollars, so the purpose of playing is ‘fun’, now some people may only find a certain class fun, this is not unusual in an MMORPG, why should they play a class they don’t find fun just because you don’t like it, that was rhetorical by the way, because the answer is they shouldn’t.
There is an easy solution to your issue, go queue as a 4 or 5 man and you will never have to see double thief or any other comp you don’t like again, but I guess whining about some guy playing a certain class is easier than taking responsibility for yourself.
(edited by zinkz.7045)
The things that topic starter mentioned in his posts are very relevant actually. And I’m talking not only about the thieves.
There are so many arrogant, toxic players (especially on ranked arenas)… Funny thing is that usually they are the most useless members of team that basically cause the defeat.
And it’s not about being\not being adult. If you like to play in company of jerks and kittens just to get another victory – go ahead, but not everyone are like that. Some people prefer to loose the match, but get some fun rather than win the match with poker face while being covered in someone’s bullkitten.
It’s ok to be a bad player, but it’s not ok to be a jerk and kitten.
Some people simply need to think about it.
It’s Irish for, “you’re kittened”.
I cant believe how you can claim the moral high ground when telling others to change their class.
A good thief will swap in certain situations out of decency, the will to win or other reasons.
But if a thief player chooses to play the class the like in a game they paid for.
It is none of your business.
If someone decides to ruin your team comp and therefore their teams chances they may act selfish, but trying to dictate to other players what they should and should not play…thats just being an kitten.
I swap to my ranger to do my team a favour, not because anyone thinks I should.
@ Trevor
If you think you can tell me what to do – uninstall the client. People play game to get fun.
It’s Irish for, “you’re kittened”.
Didn’t say anything about telling you what to do bud. Just pointing out some facts.
If you are trying to win 2 thieves is fail. So I agree with OP and I’ll will politely ask 1 of them to switch.
Now this also goes for necros, rangers, DH, warriors, and sometimes ele. So for me it’s not just a thief thing but overall composition to win thing.
Well, I didn’t say “I like to lose”, of course I don’t. I myself always reroll and do anything that could help my team to win. But still, victory isn’t the only prime goal. At least for some people.
I could understand this kind of attitude if we were talking about some groovy tournament with high rewards or ESL pro stuff, but c’mon, it’s not the case.
It’s Irish for, “you’re kittened”.
The problem is the good thief will be the one who switches.
Sad, but true.
Why should they try harder in carrying 2 teefs while you don’t give a kitten about team comp?
And this is coming from a thief main player.
Just politely ask then to swap, if both Thieves decline then man up and play the match, you’re not guaranteed to lose unless you AFK at spawn. I’ve had more than a few matches where dual Thieves have more than pulled their weight in a match.
Seriously, if you feel that strongly about it then stop pugging ranked.
Well, I didn’t say “I like to lose”, of course I don’t. I myself always reroll and do anything that could help my team to win. But still, victory isn’t the only prime goal. At least for some people.
I could understand this kind of attitude if we were talking about some groovy tournament with high rewards or ESL pro stuff, but c’mon, it’s not the case.
And you have unranked play and hot join play to play w/out worrying about winning.
One could actually make the case you are griefing your team with those statements. You can stand behind “I’m playing how I want too”, but you are causing your teammates to lose pips/ruin their gaming experience……..
How the hell the fact that I’m not cryin’ like a kitten in case of losing the match and not insulting any of my teammates will ruin their game experience\make ’em lose pip ?
It’s Irish for, “you’re kittened”.
How the hell the fact that I’m not cryin’ like a kitten in case of losing the match and not insulting any of my teammates will ruin their game experience\make ’em lose pip ?
Because you are knowingly playing a losing comp and refusing to actually try to win.
You have to look at all sides of the story, and if you willing play a losing comp b/c you feel like you don’t have to win…..sorry but that’s griefing the players who are dedicated to winning.
Because you are knowingly playing a losing comp and refusing to actually try to win.
You have to look at all sides of the story, and if you willing play a losing comp b/c you feel like you don’t have to win…..sorry but that’s griefing the players who are dedicated to winning.
That’s funny. Accidentally or intentionally you are ignoring the things that I’ve written in the beginning of my post:
I myself always reroll and do anything that could help my team to win.
But unlike many others, I do realise that I have no right to demand anyone play the way I want.
It’s Irish for, “you’re kittened”.
I think I was in this match. Statement was not phrased in a way that encouraged action. It wasn’t just one player but two of the team that went and sat on home from the start. Never moved. They were even telling the other team that the way was clear for a lord kill. Other team left them alone since they now had a 3v5 or more every where else. The two thieves were rotating well. Funny thing is after a few of the encounters I think this would have been a solid win if it wasn’t 3v5.
A little courtesy might have gone over better and wouldn’t have costed anything so why not try that way first.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
If people could just take a step back and be decent human beings overall, not only would PvP be a lot more pleasant, but games would be much more competitive.
If people could request things without making personal attacks:
– Compromises could be reached instead of rage quits.
– People would be willing to take constructive feedback.
– Players would actually work with each other.
And really…games would be a lot more competitive/rewarding.
Wouldn’t that be a dream…
If you are in ranked play it’s p2w
If you aren’t there for that play unranked. I’ve nicely asked asked people to switch only to have them refuse, ignore me, and be rude….I’m sorry but these people should be banned just as fast as the toxic players.
if u want to blame someone, blame Anet. They made thief and warr complete useless class in this & previous meta. Personally i wont carry 2 thieves that dont wat to reroll to something not useless. When i say that u have to know that i played thief in pvp since the first day of gw2 and now im playing revenant. I reached legendary twice, in this seasson and in the previous playing revenant cause why u will play thief when reve is more strong, has more dps, more survival, more team suport, has teleports, perma dodge & boons. Thief will be out of this meta until the revenant gets a huge nerf in Shiro’s teleport, well sry let me change the last sentence, until the revenant gets a huge nerf in all cause is broken.
if u want to blame someone, blame Anet. They made thief and warr complete useless class in this & previous meta. Personally i wont carry 2 thieves that dont wat to reroll to something not useless. When i say that u have to know that i played thief in pvp since the first day of gw2 and now im playing revenant. I reached legendary twice, in this seasson and in the previous playing revenant cause why u will play thief when reve is more strong, has more dps, more survival, more team suport, has teleports, perma dodge & boons. Thief will be out of this meta until the revenant gets a huge nerf in Shiro’s teleport, well sry let me change the last sentence, until the revenant gets a huge nerf in all cause is broken.
You can’t change what they did to those classes. It’s out of our control, and I honestly don’t ask 1 thief or 1 warr to switch. It’s 2 thieves or a busted comp when i asked war to switch.
And yes rev needs a nerf BAD
If you find yourself on a team with more than one Thief, please don’t tell us you’re going to sit in spawn if we don’t change. Please either disconnect or try to win, and at least wait until after you lose before you throw a tantrum. Some of us are actually on winning streaks… even when multiple Thieves have been our teams.
Politely requesting is quite fine. But threatening is quite immature.
Thank you! :-)
I agree with this. That attitude is quite disgusting and extremely arrogant. if there are too many thieves then why don’t they switch? Why should everyone else have to follow to their whims?
Why every thief should follow everyone’s whims? We play this game for fun and not for someone’s else pleasure. There is no rule in game that says we can’t play thieves if other players don’t want us to.
I got legend in both season purely playing thief (besides games for prof achieves), in fact in season 1 i played only core build w/o elite because i refuse to support this garbage we got for 50 bucks that Anet calls class balance. I have won plenty of games with double thief and even enemy team said we (thieves) did good.
People who complain about having thief on team are the same people who got thief in such crappy state on first place by QQing 24/7 to Anet of how OP thieves are. EAT WHAT YOU ASKED FOR.
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
Why every thief should follow everyone’s whims?
Because, again, it’s a kittening team game. And with 2 thieves you’re gimping the probabilities of winning the match vs any half-brained enemy team.
Except if you’re bad on any other class except thief.
Guys…there is no discussion here. Playing multiple thieves is a selfish decision, but telling players what they can and can not play is far worse.
Just because you are right doenst mean you cant be wrong.
Guys…there is no discussion here. Playing multiple thieves is a selfish decision, but telling players what they can and can not play is far worse.
Just because you are right doenst mean you cant be wrong.
False pretenses. Not everyone has a non-thief character to switch to and even if they do, they may not be experienced enough at playing it to outweigh the disadvantage of 2 thieves.
Regardless of how selfish someone is or isn’t it still doesn’t justify raging like a angry rich kid who didn’t get the ipad they wanted for xmas and it doesn’t justify AFKing the game either.
Whether you think someone is selfish or not, just put on your big boy pants and play the game as well as you can.
Why every thief should follow everyone’s whims?
Because, again, it’s a kittening team game. And with 2 thieves you’re gimping the probabilities of winning the match vs any half-brained enemy team.
Except if you’re bad on any other class except thief.
it become’s a “grp” game when people solo Q. this is the risk you take when you do not play 5 man premades and people get upset when they have to work harder for there win.
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
[This discussion has become rather negative. Thread closed, thank you.]