A Game Isn't Built in a Day

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: ahuba.6430


Let me draw out a situation for you to understand. You say, one skill of yours equivalent to 20% ok, now it would be fair if we miss one skill we wasted 5% of our skill.
1vs1 Eles using Dagger and Warrior using Snife GS.
First, War spot Eles. He use his Auto attack to get 1 hit in. Eles realize he getting hit, and he spot War near. Eles uses RtL to approach him. (5%) while War (0%). War see RtL coming and he is good, he dodge backward (0% skill wasted), Eles miss (5% wasted and put on 40s CD). Since War is so far away, Eles can not use Lightning Lash to attack. So Eles change to Fire (RtL wasted and on 40s CD, 5%, and put Air Attunement on 10s CD). Meanwhile War still get some free shot at Eles ( 0% wasted). Eles use Burning Foot to approach again (10% wasted, RtL and Burning Foot). War is good that he predict the skill coming, he dodge backward (0% wasted and 2 dodge being used). Eles still can not hit the War due to the range of Claw was too short. More Free shot for War. So far Eles has used 10% of his total skill (RtL and Burning Foot), put Air on 10s CD while dealing no kitteno War. War used 0% of his skill in total and 2 dodge and some free hit on Eles.
Then Eles switch to Earth (put Fire on 10s CD and Air right now say, 5s CD still), using Magnetic Grasp with the pray that please hit him (15% skill wasted and still no dam). War getting hit and being immobolize (0% skill Wasted, while waiting for endurance to refill). Eles approach with Magnetic Grasp and hit War with dams. (15% of total skill being used, Fire and Air put on 10s CD and the result is tinny bit Dam from Magenic Grasp). Eles proceed with Ring of Earth and War get hit and apply Bleeding, then Earth Quake to KD War and Cast CE like normal (in total of 30% skill). War oh no, I am being KD, and his endurance has been refill for at least another dodge. He dodge the CE at the very last second (2.5s when Eles start to cast) cause CE to miss. Eles best burst skill has been missed just like that.
OK War decided to still keep distance with Eles because he know Eles has no more Mobility skill (RtL is on 40s CD, Eles can not switch to Fire due to Fire still in CD), so he start with Cripple Shot. Eles being cripped and start slowing down. Now Eles has two choice, either use Cantrip to clear condition or Tune to Water to clear condition. Eles decide to go to Water (Put Earth on CD while Air is off CD). Then Eles go to Air but because RtL is still on CD and with Switfness from Arcane, he is barely able to catch up to War and War decide to change to GS and use Rush and Whirlwind Blade to keep a distance. Then he switch back to Snifle and keep getting free shot at Eles, not to mention all other skill with Snifle and Aimshot. Eles approach too close, ok here go Snifle 5 to knock Eles back and hey Cripple him, and keep getting free shot hit.
In short, that is what happened. Please tell me if anything in this sencario that I overlooking and that you can not pull off in real fight?So how many skill Eles has to be wasted to be able to hit War just once and not even stratching his armor a bit? (15%) + Free shot from War compare to your 20% skill wasted, I would take over 20% skill wasted + Free shot hit anytime.
Conjure GS, I believe that is what you are talking about. It take 2s to Cast and can not cast while Moving. The only reason Eles pull of the GS like you said is to run away which means Eles already out of option and that is the last resort. But being stay still while low health, any class can finish Eles in just 2s and there you go, Eles never get a chance to get away.

don’t talk to me. All your arguments are made irrelevant by this awesome text you wrote to show cantrip eles were bad against “snifle” warrior.

(edited by ahuba.6430)

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Stealth.9324


Quote from Stealth:

It was your topic? I thought I read it before but can’t remember where :p

It was mine. Yup….It was like 2 months ago, when I am raged for the patch that has RtL nerf in it. I was so rage, upset that until I get crazy and do funny thing LOL

End quote

Cough cough… Guess you miss a few thing here. I will not gonna dig out your old post again. Sorry no time to be childish.

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


How much did arena net pay you to post these things? Can you get me on board? Because trolling the entire pvp population in this game and getting paid to do it sounds amazing.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Poplolita.2638


You have the right to doubt me Ahuba. Tell me this, is there ever in the history there is a post that said Necro is too weak in Conditions and need buff? Or Ranger is so fun because it relies too much on AI to do things, let get more AI? We will talk afterward.

- "We should be the master of condition, arenaNet. We shouldn’t be overshadowed by engineer. We should get burn just like them. " dhuumfire.
- "We only got bleed as a damaging condition. We need some condition diversity. Add "example 1 2 3 4 5 “. Torment
-”Our death shroud bar regeneration is extremely low, (which was, imo, the only real issue with necromancers back then)" They over buffed spectral armor to the point of making it pretty much mandatory. It’s a freaking 6-9 sec pseudo invulnerability. Try to kill a necro with it in death shroud form, and dare calling it the weakest class against focus fire.
-"Weakness freaking suck, please this and that and this got the patern?

Thanks god they didn’t listen to those who wanted necromancers to get an easy access to vigor… and shadowstep for F2 from beta. Almost like a pseudo thief.

At this point, I feel the playerbase should learn to make a difference between a good suggestion and a bad one from a player. And ArenaNet should learn to listen to the right players.

(edited by Poplolita.2638)

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Stealth.9324


Surprisingly, I didn’t know this. I will re-edit my post now. Thank you for showing my naive and how stupid some people can be.. :P

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


HUZZAH! I have arrived! Don’t fear my fair maiden, Guild wars of 2 I have come to protect you! You are so perfect and everyone else is to dumb to see it! Please anet pay me for protecting you!


Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Stealth.9324


“Fear me!!!I am justice! I am the law..Roarrrr…”

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


“Fear me!!!I am justice! I am the law..Roarrrr…”


Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


I think the real underlying cause of all the complaints about sPvP right now directly relate to skill floor/skill ceiling issues.

Many people are devoted to one class or another, and that’s particularly understandable in an MMORPG.

The problem a lot of people have is the complete overhaul Anet has done for some classes.

I prefer playing thief. I used to play necro until the giant buff and it was an interesting class.

Now, I usually stick to my thief except when I get so frustrated with losing to OP FotM builds that I have to hop on my necro.

The fact is: Anyone, anyone at all, can play a necromancer or a warrior effectively right now if they are using a proper build. People are angry because the classes they have learned and practiced are suddenly completely overshadowed by a few braindead builds.

Last night I was solo queueing on my thief and a necro on my team was trolling me saying that they’d never win with me on the team. Next game I was like, kitten it, hopped on my necro and straight up won a 4v5 match that we had 4 and they had 5 right from the beginning of the game.

This is what people are upset about… I don’t even have to practice on my necro and I will almost always be more effective than on my thief.

This is my very specific answer.


A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Stealth.9324


“Fear me!!!I am justice! I am the law..Roarrrr…”

Ha ha ha.. Judge Redd. Nice :p. Thank you, I laugh so hard

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


“Fear me!!!I am justice! I am the law..Roarrrr…”

Ha ha ha.. Judge Redd. Nice :p. Thank you, I laugh so hard

Dredd* glad you enjoyed it. Threads like these need to be diffused with humor.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Requiem.8769


HUZZAH! I have arrived! Don’t fear my fair maiden, Guild wars of 2 I have come to protect you! You are so perfect and everyone else is to dumb to see it! Please anet pay me for protecting you!

Ah, now I get it.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Psychogene.6780


To the OP -

This is a forum. Name me one forum out of the countless hundred of thousands that exist on the internet that do not have people complaining about something. Not everyone has the sensibility to post constructively without putting their emotions into it.

You do understand right that if people don’t voice their opinions and give their feedback (however their tone might be) how do the developers know what we (The pvp community) expect and want out of the game? They would be in their right mind to assume all is fine if they receive mostly positive feedback on their game but guess what, the majority of the feedback is negative and its for a good reason.

And thats why we have a forum – to discuss the good and the bad and get an understanding of where they are heading and where we want the game to go. You are never going to stop people saying what they want to say – and thats the way it should be.

Pvp is not what it was promised/where it should be (as spoken by the community at large, not one individual or the developers) and that much is accepted by the majority.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Wow @OP. You must be new or something. A game isn’t build in a day…. Do you have any idea how long this game has been in development? It has been years. Try learning something about game development prior to posting.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


You can’t compare PVP in an MMORPG to a solely-PVP game like Smite or League.


exactly. This game will never be a pvp game of the quality level that a game with an entire focused team on making it a success. It will always just be a gimmicky mode in a mmo that is more of a sidegame. If anyone is wanting a pvp game where the entire team is focused on making it good thus resulting in it being a successful pvp game. Then you are looking in the wrong place. Quit Gw2 and download said game.

On the other hand if you are looking for a fantasy mmo style pvp game then GW2 is the best on the market.

Smite is good, but its just not the same thing, it has no dodge mechanic, the “builds” are MOBA style, it also has balance issues, its has some good game modes but the normal MOBA lane-push is the only serious one.

You are very negative about it. What I see is that GW2 spvp has the closest gameplay (in terms of balance, fun, and level playing field) to a MOBA among all the mmos I have played.

if this is true, why does this game have an incredibly smaller population in its pvp mode than a couple other mmos. I’m curious what other games you’ve played that make you feel this way. If what you were saying is true, it wouldnt have lost the mass majority of its player base within the first 4-6 months. Obviously it isnt as fun as whatever they were playing before (or new pvp mmos that have came out since, or currently letting people beta).

Also, the level of hostility and dissapointment is higher on this forum than any other game i’ve played (cept maybe AoC). Probably because they advertised something they didnt have or the means/desire to make. Either way, your way off on balance/level playing field. This game has the largest amount of nub-traps of any pvp game i’ve ever played and its balance is nearly impossible to obtain due to this.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Divinity.8041


It ain’t built in a year either by the looks of it.

And that’s cute, whipping out the high horse to berate people for being cynical and bitter, despite the fact that people have given tons of feedback, but when the game has stagnated for so long you can only be so hopeful…. so..



How about, as a community, you come together with positive suggestions, critical feedback regarding what, specifically, is the issue with the meta at the moment, and what they can do to change it.

The constant bickering and crying and complaining by the players, those players who simply play the game instead of develop the game, needs to end, and although it won’t, you all should at least realize that what you’re doing is wrong and it isn’t helping.

Mostly, what I’m noticing is a bunch of keyboard warriors who don’t know the first thing about programming, those of you who don’t have a job developing a video game, complaining about the rate of changes that they are making.

You don’t know the first thing about developing a game. They are working hard. They play the game after work, too. They know what’s wrong with it. They know what they need to change, they hear you when you say you want X changed.

Lastly, there are several different teams in Anet regarding different kinds of content. PVP development team, Event development team… Just because a patch came out that you don’t like because it’s PVE doesn’t mean they just ignored you and stopped working on PVP. It just means that the PVE team hit their mark, while the PVP team is still working on changes.

They are working on game modes.

They are looking into the lag, which one of the forum mods said they would talk to the team on monday…. today.

They are working on more skills.

They are working on balance.

It took other MMO’s years to balance their game, and yet, no game is perfectly balanced. The meta will change every patch. There will always be a mass influx of one profession in PvP when it gets buffed. That’s the price you have to pay when you can go into Spvp starting from level 1.

You guys don’t know how to develop a game. Give constructive feedback, and chill the kitten out.

I love how you get on a high horse, and act all pretentious like all the other people on this forum, who think you are “too good” to play other games, or simply look down on people who have already given advice to deves EVERY DAY

If I had a nickel for every thread there was on constructive changes to this game, I would be a millionaire.

You my friend, need to get off your high horse, realize that we have waited a year for not even basic pvp functions

We have 1 game type, after 1 year. This is laughable. I paid $60 for this game, and even if $1 of it went to pvp, I paid something. Other free MMOs or games have all the features we have asked for, and yet require no $ whatsoever. Clearly ANET messed up big time.

Stop defending laziness.

It ain’t built in a year either by the looks of it.

And that’s cute, whipping out the high horse to berate people for being cynical and bitter, despite the fact that people have given tons of feedback, but when the game has stagnated for so long you can only be so hopeful…. so..


It took other MMO’s years to balance their game, and yet, no game is perfectly balanced.

It didn’t take years to actually CREATE the game. Balance is one thing, at least GIVE us something to balance

R40 Mesmer

(edited by Divinity.8041)

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

6 years and released when it’s finished..

yeah..gives me enough reason to start complaining..

1 year after release, and major bug/problems/issues not resolved for 12 months, validates it.

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465



How about, as a community, you come together with positive suggestions, critical feedback regarding what, specifically, is the issue with the meta at the moment, and what they can do to change it.

The constant bickering and crying and complaining by the players, those players who simply play the game instead of develop the game, needs to end, and although it won’t, you all should at least realize that what you’re doing is wrong and it isn’t helping.

Mostly, what I’m noticing is a bunch of keyboard warriors who don’t know the first thing about programming, those of you who don’t have a job developing a video game, complaining about the rate of changes that they are making.

You don’t know the first thing about developing a game. They are working hard. They play the game after work, too. They know what’s wrong with it. They know what they need to change, they hear you when you say you want X changed.

Lastly, there are several different teams in Anet regarding different kinds of content. PVP development team, Event development team… Just because a patch came out that you don’t like because it’s PVE doesn’t mean they just ignored you and stopped working on PVP. It just means that the PVE team hit their mark, while the PVP team is still working on changes.

They are working on game modes.

They are looking into the lag, which one of the forum mods said they would talk to the team on monday…. today.

They are working on more skills.

They are working on balance.

It took other MMO’s years to balance their game, and yet, no game is perfectly balanced. The meta will change every patch. There will always be a mass influx of one profession in PvP when it gets buffed. That’s the price you have to pay when you can go into Spvp starting from level 1.

You guys don’t know how to develop a game. Give constructive feedback, and chill the kitten out.

Gw2 was pitched to me whilst playing gw1 5 years ago. Pre release it was stated that pvp was developed along side Pve from day 1. We were promise all the things we loved about gw1,but more in gw2…

I admire that you’d like to see the hate levels turned down on forums, But these forums provide information about where the game currently is, and how far it is from the mark as far as its players are concerned. The latest login video of a year in review directly quotes, “….a game based around what players want…” A lot of this is happening in PvE, especially with RnG packs now being sold on TP etc, but in terms of PvP, players want more than constant conquest, tournaments starting where both teams may not even have full slots, paid events where every player can enter, not just those over 18 who happen to live in the right region of the world and the diversity gw1 that with its 2 profession build types. As much as you say, “Not in a day.” there is also the statement, “Chickens coming home to roost.” That’s what we’re seeing here. The chickens are home, and a lot of them ain’t happy with PvP for multiple reasons.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


You can’t compare PVP in an MMORPG to a solely-PVP game like Smite or League.


exactly. This game will never be a pvp game of the quality level that a game with an entire focused team on making it a success. It will always just be a gimmicky mode in a mmo that is more of a sidegame. If anyone is wanting a pvp game where the entire team is focused on making it good thus resulting in it being a successful pvp game. Then you are looking in the wrong place. Quit Gw2 and download said game.

On the other hand if you are looking for a fantasy mmo style pvp game then GW2 is the best on the market.

Smite is good, but its just not the same thing, it has no dodge mechanic, the “builds” are MOBA style, it also has balance issues, its has some good game modes but the normal MOBA lane-push is the only serious one.

You are very negative about it. What I see is that GW2 spvp has the closest gameplay (in terms of balance, fun, and level playing field) to a MOBA among all the mmos I have played.

if this is true, why does this game have an incredibly smaller population in its pvp mode than a couple other mmos. I’m curious what other games you’ve played that make you feel this way. If what you were saying is true, it wouldnt have lost the mass majority of its player base within the first 4-6 months. Obviously it isnt as fun as whatever they were playing before (or new pvp mmos that have came out since, or currently letting people beta).

Also, the level of hostility and dissapointment is higher on this forum than any other game i’ve played (cept maybe AoC). Probably because they advertised something they didnt have or the means/desire to make. Either way, your way off on balance/level playing field. This game has the largest amount of nub-traps of any pvp game i’ve ever played and its balance is nearly impossible to obtain due to this.

1) What other games are you talking about and how do you know the spvp population of this or any other game?

2) These forums are actually very mild.

3) I laugh when people complain about class balance in this game because it is obviously so much better than in other mmos and the devs are much more responsive and intelligent about adjusting balance.

4) Balance is impossible in any mmo, but it is much easier to balance GW2 than other mmos which are almost all gear-based games.

5) What the hell is a nub-trap?

6) I agree that the focus on making the game an esport probably led to disappointment.

I’m not saying the game is perfect. I left GW2 for several months because I got bored with doing conquest over and over. But I have to play it because there is nothing else out like it, and its actually a lot of fun.

I’m looking forward to some of the upcoming mmos as well, but I don’t think they have as big a focus on pvp as GW2 and I think they are of the gear-grind variety not the skill-grind variety. But they are not yet released anyway; I don’t see the logic of saying “GW2 sux because some unreleased, unnamed mmo might have better pvp”.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Caine.8204


This thread blew up rather quickly, so let me recap on a few of the things that are getting mentioned:

1) They didn’t release a full game.

Unfortunately I don’t agree. They made statements before release saying that these dominion-style pvp matches would be the only type of PvP at release. They also stated that the maps they had at release would be the only maps AT RELEASE, and they stuck to what they said. In addition, they have added, I think, three new maps to the pool, each with a different gimmick that can throw a game.

*They also had hot join, which they stated would be just for casual players to toss each other around. This is what it is. They had tournaments, which didn’t work out all that well, so they were split into Solo and Team arenas. Whether or not they have something in the works that’s different, we don’t know, but to me it seems like Solo and Team arenas were just a temporary fix to a bigger problem. Something bigger may be on the way.

They released far more content for PvP on release day than MMO’s in the past.*

2) Their internal balancing was flawed.

Although the balance was flawed, you can’t expect them to perfectly balance the game right from the start. No game is perfectly balanced, and Guild Wars 2 went as far as making sure every class was viable, and if they weren’t, giving them builds that were. Every class has a few builds that work – it’s up to the players to find the “best” builds, to number crunch, and to game the system in any way they can.

3) Blanket Statements.

In no way, shape, or form, do comments that state that “everyone” wanted THIS, or “no one” wanted THIS, help the discussion, and they are simply wrong. Focus more on what you have done specifically, what you have specifically asked for which didn’t come to fruition. You don’t know what “everyone” wants, stop speaking for the whole of the community.

I’ll get to the point. This game has far more than other MMO’s did on their release day, and updates take time. Feel free to PM me examples of games that had more release content than GW2 did, and I will eat my words. However, the point of the discussion was to keep things civil, to calm down, and realize that they are working, and have been working, to fix things since day 1.

They have new game types in the works.

They have new maps in the works.

They have Elementalist balance updates in the mid-October patch.

They buffed classes that were under-performing since the start.

Claiming they did nothing is ignorant at best.

(edited by Caine.8204)

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Caine.8204



How about, as a community, you come together with positive suggestions, critical feedback regarding what, specifically, is the issue with the meta at the moment, and what they can do to change it.

The constant bickering and crying and complaining by the players, those players who simply play the game instead of develop the game, needs to end, and although it won’t, you all should at least realize that what you’re doing is wrong and it isn’t helping.

Mostly, what I’m noticing is a bunch of keyboard warriors who don’t know the first thing about programming, those of you who don’t have a job developing a video game, complaining about the rate of changes that they are making.

You don’t know the first thing about developing a game. They are working hard. They play the game after work, too. They know what’s wrong with it. They know what they need to change, they hear you when you say you want X changed.

Lastly, there are several different teams in Anet regarding different kinds of content. PVP development team, Event development team… Just because a patch came out that you don’t like because it’s PVE doesn’t mean they just ignored you and stopped working on PVP. It just means that the PVE team hit their mark, while the PVP team is still working on changes.

They are working on game modes.

They are looking into the lag, which one of the forum mods said they would talk to the team on monday…. today.

They are working on more skills.

They are working on balance.

It took other MMO’s years to balance their game, and yet, no game is perfectly balanced. The meta will change every patch. There will always be a mass influx of one profession in PvP when it gets buffed. That’s the price you have to pay when you can go into Spvp starting from level 1.

You guys don’t know how to develop a game. Give constructive feedback, and chill the kitten out.

Gw2 was pitched to me whilst playing gw1 5 years ago. Pre release it was stated that pvp was developed along side Pve from day 1. We were promise all the things we loved about gw1,but more in gw2…

I admire that you’d like to see the hate levels turned down on forums, But these forums provide information about where the game currently is, and how far it is from the mark as far as its players are concerned. The latest login video of a year in review directly quotes, “….a game based around what players want…” A lot of this is happening in PvE, especially with RnG packs now being sold on TP etc, but in terms of PvP, players want more than constant conquest, tournaments starting where both teams may not even have full slots, paid events where every player can enter, not just those over 18 who happen to live in the right region of the world and the diversity gw1 that with its 2 profession build types. As much as you say, “Not in a day.” there is also the statement, “Chickens coming home to roost.” That’s what we’re seeing here. The chickens are home, and a lot of them ain’t happy with PvP for multiple reasons.

Thank you for being constructive.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Divinity.8041



How about, as a community, you come together with positive suggestions, critical feedback regarding what, specifically, is the issue with the meta at the moment, and what they can do to change it.

The constant bickering and crying and complaining by the players, those players who simply play the game instead of develop the game, needs to end, and although it won’t, you all should at least realize that what you’re doing is wrong and it isn’t helping.

Mostly, what I’m noticing is a bunch of keyboard warriors who don’t know the first thing about programming, those of you who don’t have a job developing a video game, complaining about the rate of changes that they are making.

You don’t know the first thing about developing a game. They are working hard. They play the game after work, too. They know what’s wrong with it. They know what they need to change, they hear you when you say you want X changed.

Lastly, there are several different teams in Anet regarding different kinds of content. PVP development team, Event development team… Just because a patch came out that you don’t like because it’s PVE doesn’t mean they just ignored you and stopped working on PVP. It just means that the PVE team hit their mark, while the PVP team is still working on changes.

They are working on game modes.

They are looking into the lag, which one of the forum mods said they would talk to the team on monday…. today.

They are working on more skills.

They are working on balance.

It took other MMO’s years to balance their game, and yet, no game is perfectly balanced. The meta will change every patch. There will always be a mass influx of one profession in PvP when it gets buffed. That’s the price you have to pay when you can go into Spvp starting from level 1.

You guys don’t know how to develop a game. Give constructive feedback, and chill the kitten out.

Gw2 was pitched to me whilst playing gw1 5 years ago. Pre release it was stated that pvp was developed along side Pve from day 1. We were promise all the things we loved about gw1,but more in gw2…

I admire that you’d like to see the hate levels turned down on forums, But these forums provide information about where the game currently is, and how far it is from the mark as far as its players are concerned. The latest login video of a year in review directly quotes, “….a game based around what players want…” A lot of this is happening in PvE, especially with RnG packs now being sold on TP etc, but in terms of PvP, players want more than constant conquest, tournaments starting where both teams may not even have full slots, paid events where every player can enter, not just those over 18 who happen to live in the right region of the world and the diversity gw1 that with its 2 profession build types. As much as you say, “Not in a day.” there is also the statement, “Chickens coming home to roost.” That’s what we’re seeing here. The chickens are home, and a lot of them ain’t happy with PvP for multiple reasons.

Thank you for being constructive.

How much is ANET paying you? Stop defending a broken, poorly sustained game. The blatant disregard for pvp was acceptable for a few months. But a year later, with no real changes?

You mention new maps, yet none of the core mechanics that both professional and casual gamers alike have been telling devs through the forums have yet to be implemented.

Most of the pvp world has left this game, and most likely for good.

Thanks for being constructive? Stop using such a blanket statement for your own QQing to others. You sound so pretentious and vain right now, as if you are better than everyone else. Disgusting.

Get off you high horse, it is sad, and repulsive how much you are defending them right now.

You know what the worst part about this forum is? Most of the gamers are not young, including myself, and try to pretend like they can somehow write more coherent statements and deserve to be treated differently or something.

With your nose in the air, go somewhere else, your comments are not needed here.

R40 Mesmer

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Stealth.9324


Cool story, so let me ask you do you know when they will release stuffs that you listed? 1 yrs-2 yrs or never? Give us a deadline and we will happy to shut up and chill kitten our head off. “Coming soon, on the horizon, on the radar, yada, yada…” , if you have someone always say promises like that, how much trust would you put in that person? Get real, men. At pre-leased, they promised us an E-sport game, after 1 year, what do we get? FAR FAR AWAY AND KEEP GOING FAR FAR AWAY.

Have you watched the leak-note yet? Well, if what it is listed in there being called as Buff Elementalist, then I don’t know what you should call a bug fix…

New game modes: After 1 years, we have not seen it. Let see how much longer they need to get to release new game modes.

New maps: It is the LEAST we need right now. And if they do release it, not broken map like Skyhammer or Sprit Watch. Otherwise, I have no words to describe their effort.

They buff class that under-performing from the start: Alongside they nerf class that has been perform well to oblivion. Nice work there.

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

(edited by Stealth.9324)

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Gandarel.5091


You can’t compare PVP in an MMORPG to a solely-PVP game like Smite or League.


Someone never played GW1 I guess.

Captain Deutschland, Ozzy The Insane, Hanz Limbchewer – r40+ mes/nec/engi Desolation
Fear The Crazy [Huns]

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Jesiah.2457


This thread is ridiculous … of course a game isn’t made in a day, and if you realistically look at it … they’ve had several years to work on it.

Enough said. For what time they’ve had, they sure did blow it when it came to PvP.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: silvermember.8941


You can’t compare PVP in an MMORPG to a solely-PVP game like Smite or League.


Someone never played GW1 I guess.

Actually, gw1 started out as a PvP game with PvE tagged on later. The PvE was originally intended to be a sort of training ground for PvP, but it turned out that PvE became more popular (it generated more money for them), which is why gw2 is in the direction it is now.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


This thread blew up rather quickly, so let me recap on a few of the things that are getting mentioned:

1) They didn’t release a full game.

Unfortunately I don’t agree. They made statements before release saying that these dominion-style pvp matches would be the only type of PvP at release. They also stated that the maps they had at release would be the only maps AT RELEASE, and they stuck to what they said. In addition, they have added, I think, three new maps to the pool, each with a different gimmick that can throw a game.

*They also had hot join, which they stated would be just for casual players to toss each other around. This is what it is. They had tournaments, which didn’t work out all that well, so they were split into Solo and Team arenas. Whether or not they have something in the works that’s different, we don’t know, but to me it seems like Solo and Team arenas were just a temporary fix to a bigger problem. Something bigger may be on the way.

They released far more content for PvP on release day than MMO’s in the past.*

2) Their internal balancing was flawed.

Although the balance was flawed, you can’t expect them to perfectly balance the game right from the start. No game is perfectly balanced, and Guild Wars 2 went as far as making sure every class was viable, and if they weren’t, giving them builds that were. Every class has a few builds that work – it’s up to the players to find the “best” builds, to number crunch, and to game the system in any way they can.

3) Blanket Statements.

In no way, shape, or form, do comments that state that “everyone” wanted THIS, or “no one” wanted THIS, help the discussion, and they are simply wrong. Focus more on what you have done specifically, what you have specifically asked for which didn’t come to fruition. You don’t know what “everyone” wants, stop speaking for the whole of the community.

I’ll get to the point. This game has far more than other MMO’s did on their release day, and updates take time. Feel free to PM me examples of games that had more release content than GW2 did, and I will eat my words. However, the point of the discussion was to keep things civil, to calm down, and realize that they are working, and have been working, to fix things since day 1.

They have new game types in the works.

They have new maps in the works.

They have Elementalist balance updates in the mid-October patch.

They buffed classes that were under-performing since the start.

Claiming they did nothing is ignorant at best.

they launched with no spectator and no mm.

ill agree, balancing at launch? I mean there was some obviously not balanced stuff, but what does it really matter? But…

the thing you just arent getting, because you werent there for the beginning of gw1…

gw2 launched with more pvp than most mmos do. sure, i’ll give you that, but that’s not the standard to which they were held. they were held to gw1 launch, and you just dont know how far under that mark they hit.

this game is kitten, the pvp is utter kitten. its not fun, and it isnt even inspired by guild wars 1.

So now it IS compared to other mmos pvp, and if we were talking ‘at launch’ then ya, its doing pretty well. but if were talking overall? Its meh. Not that fun, Its got the whole 0 grind thing going for it but thats really about all that can be said for it.

So, were dissapointed, and were not impressed with the piddly changes theyve made. We expected an 8’ giant of a leader and we got some 5’ punk, who is growing sure but he’s obviously never going to get past 6.

kittening let down

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518



How about, as a community, you come together with positive suggestions, critical feedback regarding what, specifically, is the issue with the meta at the moment, and what they can do to change it.

You haven’t been here long have you?

You say the community is the issue…
There have been dozens of EXTREMELY well written threads detailing out and thoroughly discussing just that…
Anet has ignored every one.

Anyone in Alpha who critiqued Anet’s vision of the gam was kicked from the kittening group…

It’s not a problem with the community… this game has had one of the best, most supportive, passionate communities I have ever seen… for the few months it was alive.

(edited by garethh.3518)

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: fugazi.5139


You must be new here.

Exactly. I have come to the conclusion. All the people saying we need to give constructive criticism and stop whining are obviously new to the PvP community. They just have not been in long enough to realize how stale and unproductive this PvP dev team is.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: silvermember.8941



How about, as a community, you come together with positive suggestions, critical feedback regarding what, specifically, is the issue with the meta at the moment, and what they can do to change it.

You haven’t been here long have you?

You say the community is the issue…
There have been dozens of EXTREMELY well written threads detailing out and thoroughly discussing just that…
Anet has ignored every one.

Anyone in Alpha who critiqued Anet’s vision of the gam was kicked from the kittening group…

It’s not a problem with the community… this game has had one of the best, most supportive, passionate communities I have ever seen… for the few months it was alive.

Not to interupt you, since you seem to enjoy hearing yourself talk but people say crap all the time. I find it more likely they got kicked out of alpha for something other than what they claim. People do this all the time especially with the “I got banned for blah blab…” usually turns out that they were lying just to get internet points.

also even if they were in alpha, I doubt ARenanet was going to be stupid enough hold the game because the least significant part (population and in MONEY) of it wasn’t up to par to some random poster PoV. part of a successful product is all about timing, and the game seems fine without the PvP being great (if you look at the profits and content).

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

(edited by silvermember.8941)

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: PetricaKerempuh.7958


only one thing to say. if u make suggestion, anet’s gonna do the exact opposite. i think it has something to do with “we want to be different” thing.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Gandarel.5091


only one thing to say. if u make suggestion, anet’s gonna do the exact opposite. i think it has something to do with “we want to be different” thing.

That’s totally how I’ve been feeling since release. They could do awesome and logical things people are happy with. Or they could be ‘special’.

Captain Deutschland, Ozzy The Insane, Hanz Limbchewer – r40+ mes/nec/engi Desolation
Fear The Crazy [Huns]

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Not to interupt you, since you seem to enjoy hearing yourself talk but people say crap all the time. I find it more likely they got kicked out of alpha for something other than what they claim. People do this all the time especially with the “I got banned for blah blab…” usually turns out that they were lying just to get internet points.

also even if they were in alpha, I doubt ARenanet was going to be stupid enough hold the game because the least significant part (population and in MONEY) of it wasn’t up to par to some random poster PoV. part of a successful product is all about timing, and the game seems fine without the PvP being great (if you look at the profits and content).

You seem to be trying to justify why its OK to make bad PvP.
I mean it happened so it was caused by something.
But that’s doesn’t mean it’s worth failing in.
Ideally the devs would have made outstanding PvP and that’s what they were aiming for… for their actions, with regards to PvP, to be on point to creating a more enjoyable game…. yet what they released didn’t do that.

What we are discussing is why their attempt failed.
It wasn’t because a lack of constructive criticism on the forums, there have been waves and waves of well written content on here….

I mean, no, the devs shouldn’t take the advice of every person critiquing their game.
But no one ever expected them to…
But that is entirely different than ignoring most every critique.

(edited by garethh.3518)

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Seazen.7415


Arenanet is a BUSINESS….. NOT YOUR mom. They make these games to make MONEY.

Normally, if a business line doesn’t profit, it will be phased out. Would they rather please 80% of the paying population in PVE or the whining 20% in PVP.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Rieselle.5079


The reality is, mmos are big ships that turn slowly.
But another reality is, competitive games these days need a responsive and nimble developer or they simply fail.

Regardless of his other problems, if someone like Steve Jobs was in charge of this game (and wanted good pvp), then Things Would Get Done. Even if he has to fire half the company and wake up an entire factory of Chinese sweat shop workers in the middle of the night for 24 hour shifts.

The problem is, Arenanet doesn’t have the focus, drive, and vision to make good pvp happen. (it’s doubtful that anet/ncsoft management are even interested in pvp.)

We have no idea what’s going in inside anet (although there is that website that hosts anonymous feedback from employees, which seems to indicate that management culture in anet is quite dysfunctional) but ultimately the results are clear to see: pvp is not moving at a satisfactory pace.

I’m sure the pvp team is giving their all, but that’s simply not good enough. Something needs to change at anet, whether it’s resource allocation, internal processes, company focus, or management structure, before we can get acceptable progress on pvp.

That doesn’t sound likely, so I’m pretty pessimistic about the future of pvp here.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Rieselle.5079


Arenanet is a BUSINESS….. NOT YOUR mom. They make these games to make MONEY.

Normally, if a business line doesn’t profit, it will be phased out. Would they rather please 80% of the paying population in PVE or the whining 20% in PVP.

There are good game companies and bad ones. The bad companies make player unfriendly decisions in order to squeeze out every last dollar of profit.

The good companies try to be profitable to survive, but they devote their efforts to making great games that have ambition and vision.

There was once a time when anets vision seemed to be making a great competitive rpg.
Either they have abandoned their vision in favor of chasing extra profit, or their vision has devolved to spamming low quality theme park content. In either case, there’s little hope for pvp unless something changes.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


Arenanet is a BUSINESS….. NOT YOUR mom. They make these games to make MONEY.

Normally, if a business line doesn’t profit, it will be phased out. Would they rather please 80% of the paying population in PVE or the whining 20% in PVP.

YOUR RIGHT! Arenanet is a business! AS soon as i bought this game and gave them my money i became part of that business too. We have every kittening right to complain about a game WE PAYED FOR. Who the kitten are you to tell us we have no right to complain?

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Stealth.9324


Arenanet is a BUSINESS….. NOT YOUR mom. They make these games to make MONEY.

Normally, if a business line doesn’t profit, it will be phased out. Would they rather please 80% of the paying population in PVE or the whining 20% in PVP.

YOUR RIGHT! Arenanet is a business! AS soon as i bought this game and gave them my money i became part of that business too. We have every kittening right to complain about a game WE PAYED FOR. Who the kitten are you to tell us we have no right to complain?

White Knights :P and go back to PvE, where you belong. Also, he has no idea what us feedback either obviously.

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

(edited by Stealth.9324)

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


Arenanet is a BUSINESS….. NOT YOUR mom. They make these games to make MONEY.

Normally, if a business line doesn’t profit, it will be phased out. Would they rather please 80% of the paying population in PVE or the whining 20% in PVP.

YOUR RIGHT! Arenanet is a business! AS soon as i bought this game and gave them my money i became part of that business too. We have every kittening right to complain about a game WE PAYED FOR. Who the kitten are you to tell us we have no right to complain?

White Knights :P and go back to PvE, where you belong. Also, he has no idea what us feedback either obviously.

No joke. At least we know they are reading this thread I had 5 of my posts removed from this thread last night =P.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Zodian.6597


lol i think someone from the pvp dev team got their hands on an alt account to use on the forums ;p
Look we know you guys are trying, don’t beat yourselves up about how the forums have been lately, like 90% of the pvp playerbase that actually has a valid opinion is on hiatus since pax cas condi+warrior meta isn’t fun to play. We still love you though!


A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


only one thing to say. if u make suggestion, anet’s gonna do the exact opposite. i think it has something to do with “we want to be different” thing.

quote for truth my god. they want so badly to be unique flowers

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Psychogene.6780


only one thing to say. if u make suggestion, anet’s gonna do the exact opposite. i think it has something to do with “we want to be different” thing

That about sums up the player/developer interactions we get on this forum. We identity some problems, we might not have the best solutions but give some ideas/opinions/feedback from personal playing experiences, anet acknowledges its a problem and then comes up with their own fix which for the most part either don’t fix the problem at its core, create even more problems or shifts the progressively worst balance in a different direction.

I guess that can’t be helped – balancing a game like this is probably a nightmare. However they seem to be making the same mistakes when it comes to balancing over and over. A year after release and has the progress of balance/game modes been better then when it first came out?

Its one thing for them to acknowledge the many faults/bugs in the game but if they don’t have an adequate fix it just gets progressively worst. I think its at the stage now where they fix one thing, they break another and that vicious cycle continues. Just browse through the forums and there are people who put alot of time into thinking of ideas to improve the game – don’t discredit their efforts, and don’t pretend to acknowledge the problem and then do a 180 degrees turn and offer some band aid fix.

Even if its baby steps some meaningful progress after a year of release is desperately needed. If GW2 PVP was a stand alone game, after a year it would have either been shutdown or gone F2P. This kind of tells you whether it was a success or failure, of which the answer is pretty obvious.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465



How about, as a community, you come together with positive suggestions, critical feedback regarding what, specifically, is the issue with the meta at the moment, and what they can do to change it.

The constant bickering and crying and complaining by the players, those players who simply play the game instead of develop the game, needs to end, and although it won’t, you all should at least realize that what you’re doing is wrong and it isn’t helping.

Mostly, what I’m noticing is a bunch of keyboard warriors who don’t know the first thing about programming, those of you who don’t have a job developing a video game, complaining about the rate of changes that they are making.

You don’t know the first thing about developing a game. They are working hard. They play the game after work, too. They know what’s wrong with it. They know what they need to change, they hear you when you say you want X changed.

Lastly, there are several different teams in Anet regarding different kinds of content. PVP development team, Event development team… Just because a patch came out that you don’t like because it’s PVE doesn’t mean they just ignored you and stopped working on PVP. It just means that the PVE team hit their mark, while the PVP team is still working on changes.

They are working on game modes.

They are looking into the lag, which one of the forum mods said they would talk to the team on monday…. today.

They are working on more skills.

They are working on balance.

It took other MMO’s years to balance their game, and yet, no game is perfectly balanced. The meta will change every patch. There will always be a mass influx of one profession in PvP when it gets buffed. That’s the price you have to pay when you can go into Spvp starting from level 1.

You guys don’t know how to develop a game. Give constructive feedback, and chill the kitten out.

Gw2 was pitched to me whilst playing gw1 5 years ago. Pre release it was stated that pvp was developed along side Pve from day 1. We were promise all the things we loved about gw1,but more in gw2…

I admire that you’d like to see the hate levels turned down on forums, But these forums provide information about where the game currently is, and how far it is from the mark as far as its players are concerned. The latest login video of a year in review directly quotes, “….a game based around what players want…” A lot of this is happening in PvE, especially with RnG packs now being sold on TP etc, but in terms of PvP, players want more than constant conquest, tournaments starting where both teams may not even have full slots, paid events where every player can enter, not just those over 18 who happen to live in the right region of the world and the diversity gw1 that with its 2 profession build types. As much as you say, “Not in a day.” there is also the statement, “Chickens coming home to roost.” That’s what we’re seeing here. The chickens are home, and a lot of them ain’t happy with PvP for multiple reasons.

Thank you for being constructive.

How much is ANET paying you? Stop defending a broken, poorly sustained game. The blatant disregard for pvp was acceptable for a few months. But a year later, with no real changes?

You mention new maps, yet none of the core mechanics that both professional and casual gamers alike have been telling devs through the forums have yet to be implemented.

Most of the pvp world has left this game, and most likely for good.

Thanks for being constructive? Stop using such a blanket statement for your own QQing to others. You sound so pretentious and vain right now, as if you are better than everyone else. Disgusting.

Get off you high horse, it is sad, and repulsive how much you are defending them right now.

You know what the worst part about this forum is? Most of the gamers are not young, including myself, and try to pretend like they can somehow write more coherent statements and deserve to be treated differently or something.

With your nose in the air, go somewhere else, your comments are not needed here.

In fairness, i didn’t take this small statement in response to what i have said as any sort of affront or laden with disdain. I think they was just more appreciative that my response didn’t have kitten every 2nd word. I do still stand by my statement. I think PvE is beyond impressive, and Pvp just doesn’t match up considering they were both developed in parallel with each other. I would happily see 50% of the great moments I’ve had in PvE decreased to increase the great moments in PvP by 50%.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Divinity.8041



How about, as a community, you come together with positive suggestions, critical feedback regarding what, specifically, is the issue with the meta at the moment, and what they can do to change it.

The constant bickering and crying and complaining by the players, those players who simply play the game instead of develop the game, needs to end, and although it won’t, you all should at least realize that what you’re doing is wrong and it isn’t helping.

Mostly, what I’m noticing is a bunch of keyboard warriors who don’t know the first thing about programming, those of you who don’t have a job developing a video game, complaining about the rate of changes that they are making.

You don’t know the first thing about developing a game. They are working hard. They play the game after work, too. They know what’s wrong with it. They know what they need to change, they hear you when you say you want X changed.

Lastly, there are several different teams in Anet regarding different kinds of content. PVP development team, Event development team… Just because a patch came out that you don’t like because it’s PVE doesn’t mean they just ignored you and stopped working on PVP. It just means that the PVE team hit their mark, while the PVP team is still working on changes.

They are working on game modes.

They are looking into the lag, which one of the forum mods said they would talk to the team on monday…. today.

They are working on more skills.

They are working on balance.

It took other MMO’s years to balance their game, and yet, no game is perfectly balanced. The meta will change every patch. There will always be a mass influx of one profession in PvP when it gets buffed. That’s the price you have to pay when you can go into Spvp starting from level 1.

You guys don’t know how to develop a game. Give constructive feedback, and chill the kitten out.

Gw2 was pitched to me whilst playing gw1 5 years ago. Pre release it was stated that pvp was developed along side Pve from day 1. We were promise all the things we loved about gw1,but more in gw2…

I admire that you’d like to see the hate levels turned down on forums, But these forums provide information about where the game currently is, and how far it is from the mark as far as its players are concerned. The latest login video of a year in review directly quotes, “….a game based around what players want…” A lot of this is happening in PvE, especially with RnG packs now being sold on TP etc, but in terms of PvP, players want more than constant conquest, tournaments starting where both teams may not even have full slots, paid events where every player can enter, not just those over 18 who happen to live in the right region of the world and the diversity gw1 that with its 2 profession build types. As much as you say, “Not in a day.” there is also the statement, “Chickens coming home to roost.” That’s what we’re seeing here. The chickens are home, and a lot of them ain’t happy with PvP for multiple reasons.

Thank you for being constructive.

How much is ANET paying you? Stop defending a broken, poorly sustained game. The blatant disregard for pvp was acceptable for a few months. But a year later, with no real changes?

You mention new maps, yet none of the core mechanics that both professional and casual gamers alike have been telling devs through the forums have yet to be implemented.

Most of the pvp world has left this game, and most likely for good.

Thanks for being constructive? Stop using such a blanket statement for your own QQing to others. You sound so pretentious and vain right now, as if you are better than everyone else. Disgusting.

Get off you high horse, it is sad, and repulsive how much you are defending them right now.

You know what the worst part about this forum is? Most of the gamers are not young, including myself, and try to pretend like they can somehow write more coherent statements and deserve to be treated differently or something.

With your nose in the air, go somewhere else, your comments are not needed here.

In fairness, i didn’t take this small statement in response to what i have said as any sort of affront or laden with disdain. I think they was just more appreciative that my response didn’t have kitten every 2nd word. I do still stand by my statement. I think PvE is beyond impressive, and Pvp just doesn’t match up considering they were both developed in parallel with each other. I would happily see 50% of the great moments I’ve had in PvE decreased to increase the great moments in PvP by 50%.


Imagine if pvp got a 50% increase…that would be the day! shudders

R40 Mesmer

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


anyone else remember whe ele downed state was awful, and most of the forum asked them to nerf other downed states to be just as bad. So they made ele’s the best.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Duran.3196


the thing you just arent getting, because you werent there for the beginning of gw1…

gw2 launched with more pvp than most mmos do. sure, i’ll give you that, but that’s not the standard to which they were held. they were held to gw1 launch, and you just dont know how far under that mark they hit.

this game is kitten, the pvp is utter kitten. its not fun, and it isnt even inspired by guild wars 1.



A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: KarlaGrey.5903


Oh, ignorance! How we miss bathing in thy blessing.

RIP ‘gf left me coz of ladderboard’ Total views: 71,688 Total posts: 363

(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813



How about, as a community, you come together with positive suggestions, critical feedback regarding what, specifically, is the issue with the meta at the moment, and what they can do to change it.

The constant bickering and crying and complaining by the players, those players who simply play the game instead of develop the game, needs to end, and although it won’t, you all should at least realize that what you’re doing is wrong and it isn’t helping.

Mostly, what I’m noticing is a bunch of keyboard warriors who don’t know the first thing about programming, those of you who don’t have a job developing a video game, complaining about the rate of changes that they are making.

You don’t know the first thing about developing a game. They are working hard. They play the game after work, too. They know what’s wrong with it. They know what they need to change, they hear you when you say you want X changed.

Lastly, there are several different teams in Anet regarding different kinds of content. PVP development team, Event development team… Just because a patch came out that you don’t like because it’s PVE doesn’t mean they just ignored you and stopped working on PVP. It just means that the PVE team hit their mark, while the PVP team is still working on changes.

They are working on game modes.

They are looking into the lag, which one of the forum mods said they would talk to the team on monday…. today.

They are working on more skills.

They are working on balance.

It took other MMO’s years to balance their game, and yet, no game is perfectly balanced. The meta will change every patch. There will always be a mass influx of one profession in PvP when it gets buffed. That’s the price you have to pay when you can go into Spvp starting from level 1.

You guys don’t know how to develop a game. Give constructive feedback, and chill the kitten out.

Seriously, the fact Anet haven’t locked this thread is a joke. This thread, ironically, is not productive at all. “State of the community” posts from someone like this on their soapbox are just drama bombs from self important individuals. Nothing in this thread gives any feedback on the game whatsoever.

It chimes in with anets moaning about the negativity on the forums over recent weeks. So no surprise they haven’t locked this thread. It is because they agree with it. They think we are all whining pricks who should be thankful for awful meta forced down our throat for the sake of 10 people at a tournament. Broken features which dont work. Maps which are released with dozens of massive bugs which then never get fixed. Bugs to other game mechanics which never get fixed.

Really makes you wonder about the game doesn’kitten We are being told by this guy to accept kitten work. Well you guys can accept kitten work but I wont. If it doesnt improve we quit. End of story. Is it the devs fault? maybe not. But I dont give a kitten about the process. All anyone should care about is the end product.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


Show me a post that has improved the community and has had a real result in change of anykind for spvp.

How about all the ones pushing for a dedicated solo queue? Many of them were well-reasoned and constructive—GW2 PvP has an emphasis on positioning so premades have a large advantage over pug, lack of meaningful leaderboard without solo/premade split, etc. A few of them became hateful or bitter, but most remained calm while making a good case for PvP dev priority.

Implementing a dedicated solo queue was a huge step in the right direction (I’m not afraid to be honest—yes, it should have been in at launch, but the game released a bit early for the PvP side). It was accomplished through reasonable people making reasonable posts about what would changes would be reasonable for the devs to focus on first. These days, it seems all we post is “re-design PvP from the ground up!” and “the devs hate my profession!” Both of those are unreasonable and unconstructive.

ok posts asking for features standard to the industry, that the game should not have launched without don’t really count. You even admit that.

The truth is that the gameplay has always been crap and the devs have always kicked those who have suggested major changes, even in alpha.

Here we are today with a crap game, and the devs cant fix any of the issues because

1) Theyre too deep
2) The PvP team is tiny, because its size was dictated by the theory that PvP requires little maintainance once a meta cycle starts rolling
3) anet doesnt seem to be re-enforcing its pvp team as they strugle to impliment fundamental features that should have been in sooner. The pvp team cant fix the game when they havnt finished the game yet. You cant properly balance when youre still in early beta, and with no match make, solo que, spectator, leader boards etc, thats where they were.

A Game Isn't Built in a Day

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


Show me a post that has improved the community and has had a real result in change of anykind for spvp.

How about all the ones pushing for a dedicated solo queue? Many of them were well-reasoned and constructive—GW2 PvP has an emphasis on positioning so premades have a large advantage over pug, lack of meaningful leaderboard without solo/premade split, etc. A few of them became hateful or bitter, but most remained calm while making a good case for PvP dev priority.

Implementing a dedicated solo queue was a huge step in the right direction (I’m not afraid to be honest—yes, it should have been in at launch, but the game released a bit early for the PvP side). It was accomplished through reasonable people making reasonable posts about what would changes would be reasonable for the devs to focus on first. These days, it seems all we post is “re-design PvP from the ground up!” and “the devs hate my profession!” Both of those are unreasonable and unconstructive.

ok posts asking for features standard to the industry, that the game should not have launched without don’t really count. You even admit that.

The truth is that the gameplay has always been crap and the devs have always kicked those who have suggested major changes, even in alpha.

Here we are today with a crap game, and the devs cant fix any of the issues because

1) Theyre too deep
2) The PvP team is tiny, because its size was dictated by the theory that PvP requires little maintainance once a meta cycle starts rolling
3) anet doesnt seem to be re-enforcing its pvp team as they strugle to impliment fundamental features that should have been in sooner. The pvp team cant fix the game when they havnt finished the game yet. You cant properly balance when youre still in early beta, and with no match make, solo que, spectator, leader boards etc, thats where they were.

The truth is the game is awesome and the devs have responded at a reasonable pace to the various and often conflicting community feedback.

There are things that could be improved and basic features that other pvp focused games (with what I assume was a much lower budget than for GW2) seem to have had in since day one, but we are slowly getting there. Will it be an esport? I frankly don’t care.

(edited by Yasha.5963)