Accepting you're not as good as you think

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

People need to reflect on their own gameplay instead of blaming their shortcomings on their teammates and the match making. People will blame everything else but themselves because they believe they can do no wrong. It is absolutely hilarious when the same 5 people who each complain about how their “MMR” is so low and how they get matched with bad teammates are put on the same team and when they lose, those same 5 people complain about each other. See how that works? This is not an issue of bad teammates or match making being rigged. This is an issue of YOU not being as good as you think you are. In the pictures below, you can see my win % in ranked PvP isn’t even close to 50%. You can also see that I didn’t even make it to legendary last season.

In one of my matches, I am matched with not 1 but 2 thieves making it a total of 3 thieves on my team. You can also see that we were 4 Rubys and 1 Diamond and the other team had 4 diamonds and 1 Ruby. You can also see that this game came down to the wire. So based on many individuals assumptions that MM favors one team over the other, my team should not have won this game right? Well we won because we outplayed them. Simple as that.

Now I’m currently in Diamond with a 73% win rate. And you can see from my match history that my matches are not complete blowouts.

It’s time to stop making excuses and blaming teammates or the matchmaking for your losses. It’s time to accept that you are not as good as you think you are. It’s been 3 seasons and you’re still crying about bad teammates and bad matchmaking. When it’s been that long, you have no one else to look at but yourself.

Common complaints I here about PvP:

“My teammates are bad, they don’t know how to rotate”
- It’s been 3 seasons, if you’re telling me you are being match with people who truly and honestly do not know how to rotate, that says a lot about YOUR skill level.
- Maybe they did rotate, but the other team rotated too. The opposing team is not a robot, they know how to rotate too.

“I’m always being matched with bad teammates”
- Again, this goes back to the whole “accepting you are not as good as you think you are” Because those “bad” teammates could be calling YOU a bad player.

“Matchmaking favors one team over another”
- Who tf cares what the MM favors!! Outplay the competition and you will be fine. And if they out play you, IT IS OK. Nobody wins every game. And when you lose, learn from it.


(edited by Shovel Face.4512)

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Uncle Dalty.8327

Uncle Dalty.8327

-_- here we go again

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


Long term win rate of 47.9% /thread

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


MMR is treating me well this season too.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Starts to queue when most good players are already in higher divisions. Pretends he is amazing while getting carried by rigged MM. Thinks he can actually judge other players lel. Completely ignores what dev said. Keep this up man. It is getting entertaining.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Chrono.6928


What about all the people who did great BOTH previous seasons and getting screwed this season?

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

Starts to queue when most good players are already in higher divisions. Pretends he is amazing while getting carried by rigged MM. Thinks he can actually judge other players lel. Completely ignores what dev said. Keep this up man. It is getting entertaining.

What is your definition of a good gw2 PvP player?

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Starts to queue when most good players are already in higher divisions. Pretends he is amazing while getting carried by rigged MM. Thinks he can actually judge other players lel. Completely ignores what dev said. Keep this up man. It is getting entertaining.

What is your definition of a good gw2 PvP player?

ah idk, maybe members from TCG, 55 etc.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Crowley.8761


I agree with this, constantly blaming “the rest of the team” is not the right thing to do and being the one yelling in team chat doesn’t accomplish anything.

I think a big part of the problem is everyone thinks they know how everything should and must be done – forget that BS, adapt to the situation! I was in Forest of Niflhel with this Necro, I called close and went there, he said nothing and went far, weakening our mid fight. How many of you would have started screaming at that point? I almost did too. In the end we won, he decapped, stole Svanir twice, harassed ressers and basically blocked their entire lane allowing the back bases to be owned by our team. He saw the teams, knew a teamfight was out of the question.

Point is, “You here, you there, ALWAYS” – it doesn’t work. Your way is not the only way.

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


ah idk, maybe members from TCG, 55 etc.

that’s like saying your definition of a car is a datsun 180


what makes a player good at pvp

Nalhadia – Kaineng

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Uncle Dalty.8327

Uncle Dalty.8327

ah idk, maybe members from TCG, 55 etc.

that’s like saying your definition of a car is a datsun 180


what makes a player good at pvp

when they’ve mastered the art of facerolling they are a good pvp player

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


ah idk, maybe members from TCG, 55 etc.

that’s like saying your definition of a car is a datsun 180


what makes a player good at pvp

What makes a player good at PvP is efficient cooldown management and timing and good reaction times as a foundation with solid game knowledge on top of that.

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


You only made it to diamond last season why are you here telling other people anything when you can’t even make it to legendary lmao

I’m also pretty sure you were all over map chat complaining last season about how you had bad team mates so the hypocrisy is real.


(edited by fishball.7204)

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Keep practicing Op eventually you will get better!

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

You only made it to diamond last season why are you here telling other people anything when you can’t even make it to legendary lmao

I’m also pretty sure you were all over map chat complaining last season about how you had bad team mates so the hypocrisy is real.

You missed the point of this post entirely. Congratulations

(edited by Shovel Face.4512)

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

Starts to queue when most good players are already in higher divisions. Pretends he is amazing while getting carried by rigged MM. Thinks he can actually judge other players lel. Completely ignores what dev said. Keep this up man. It is getting entertaining.

What is your definition of a good gw2 PvP player?

ah idk, maybe members from TCG, 55 etc.

Yes but why are they good? What makes them good? You say all the good players moved up division but what the heck makes you a good player? Smh.

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: fishball.7204


All i’m seeing is you telling people to ‘git gud’ when you’re not really that good yourself and saying legitimate complaints about the matchmaking system are part of the whole ‘git gud’.

Me and Cynz have both posted a fair amount of screenshots showing the matchmaking system sucks and we’re both winning and above diamond already this early into the season. It’s really obvious to anyone who looks at the math that the system is flawed and hence our complaints.


Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

All i’m seeing is you telling people to ‘git gud’ when you’re not really that good yourself and saying legitimate complaints about the matchmaking system are part of the whole ‘git gud’.

Me and Cynz have both posted a fair amount of screenshots showing the matchmaking system sucks and we’re both winning and above diamond already this early into the season. It’s really obvious to anyone who looks at the math that the system is flawed and hence our complaints.

Yes I’m telling them to get better because they are expecting a perfect system in their own perfect world where they will get “this number of wins” to “this number of losses” while having matches that end in 500-499. When in the history of GW2 PvP was that ever a reality? Never. So why in the world are you expecting that now?

And to the majority of you who missed the point of this post:

All I hear is MM is favoring to those with high MMR and that MM is rigged. My win rate is 73%, so can we all agree MM is favoring me? Well if so I have given the MM no reason to favor me. Because as seen in the picture, my overall win rate is complete garbage at 47.9% and it was 46% before the season began. Not only that I didn’t even reach diamond last season. I started the season exactly a week ago and played maybe 2-4 games a day in which it was win lose win lose. So how could the MM favor me when my MMR, from this information, is low. And again, from my match history you see that my matches are close and I win againts teams who were higher division than my team. My 17 game win streak could have easily been a 17 losing streak.

And about MM being rigged. Please tell me what makes it rigged?

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


All i’m seeing is you telling people to ‘git gud’ when you’re not really that good yourself and saying legitimate complaints about the matchmaking system are part of the whole ‘git gud’.

Me and Cynz have both posted a fair amount of screenshots showing the matchmaking system sucks and we’re both winning and above diamond already this early into the season. It’s really obvious to anyone who looks at the math that the system is flawed and hence our complaints.

Umm, Diamond this early in the season pretty much correlates with Legendary.

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: zinkz.7045


a good gw2 PvP player?

That is an oxymoron.

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

Accepting your place within the hierarchy of MMRs is a great idea! Though this is difficult to do within a system that has such problems as listed here:

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

Accepting your place within the hierarchy of MMRs is a great idea! Though this is difficult to do within a system that has such problems as listed here:

I stopped reading when u said MM is you plus 4 people you have to carry. No way. That comment just shows your skill level in PvP and its…..well you already know.

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Ellie.5913


/ 15 characters


Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: suffish.4150


I agree that to improve as players, people do need to stop blaming their team. I almost never see anyone apologising for playing badly when their team loses (although I do this when I know that I played absolutely horribly and dragged my team down) but I see people blaming both individual players and their team as a whole for losses very regularly. Yes, sometimes it is the team’s fault and I am not going to deny that but 9 times out of 10 there would have been something you could have done better to help your team win. Personally, whenever I lose I always think ‘what could I have done better’ rather than ‘where did my team go wrong’.

I think that I am just above average when it comes to skill. I win most of my 1v1s but when I face a pro league player I have no chance and sometimes just melt in seconds (seriously I have no idea how these pro league players can kill me so fast sometimes). There was one time where I did beat a pro player in a 1v1 who was running the same build as me, I was so happy when I realised what I had just done, lol. Even though I am much better than I used to be, there is still loads of room for improvement and I always try to do all I can to improve rather than blame my team for losses and I think that this is the best way for players to think when playing ranked.

PvP- Stronlo Beastmaster (Ranger)
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Cataca.3867


i played 40 odd games and did good, ergo: Match making is a-ok

You need to realize that just because you do good, be it luck or skill does not magically make issues other people have not relevant.

For instance, soloqueue for me thinks its funny to stack multiple classes of one kind in one team or the other. I frequently fight 3 dragonhunters (non on my team) or 4 Necros (non on my team) and fight with 3 revnants (non on their team). This isnt so much a statement that one team has “better classes”, but that a more balanced team would be a matter of simply switching one player out with another.

And yes, you can obviously switch classes to better compliment your team, but what if you are already the odd one out? Not to say that its quite likely that you’ll perform poorly with a class you are not used to.

And for the record, i am doing pretty well, this is not me blaming matchmaking for not beeing able to progress – because i have no issues progressing. But it would be nice to not depend on not getting 3 classes in your team that get hardcountered by 3 classes in the opposite team, while your teammates are obviously unwilling to switch. There are more fun matchups than 3 revs vs 3 necros.

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Amineo.8951


Please, can people just admit that skill is very low in this game PvP? All it takes to win is just stacking the “meta” and use skills at the right moments…

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Rodzynald.5897


This is a team game. Won match is team’s effort, lost match is team’s fail.
Yet do not forget about certain exceptions as mental potatoes that make you lose, or top tier players who siginificantly help you in your match.

>imba git gud or get rekt

Guardian is meant for jolly crusading.

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


lol new account

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: Jumpin Lumpix.6108

Jumpin Lumpix.6108

this post is such a bunch of BS. The system is deliberately rigged to match you in a “winning” team or a “losing” team. If you have high MMR, you will consistently get matched with a winning team and win. If you have low MMR you will more then likely get matched with a losing team and lose.

I like how OP defines “losing” as simply being skill based. When we all know you can lose for tons of different reasons, mainly that your team mates suck. Team mates sucking is a much larger variable then one player sucking as one player is only 1/5th of the team.

this creates lop sided matches with not only blow outs but people reporting huge win streaks and huge loss streaks, which is what were seeing.

You people have way too much faith in a-nets ability to code a fair and balanced matchmaking system which only factors in a players “skill” and no other extraneous variables. (ie bad internet, being on a team with others who suck which will result in a loss because it is a team based game, having low MMR, which consistently put players against you who tend to win more often then not, other people on the team who deliberately throw matches or afk, and yes a distant one that you yourself might indeed be a bad player. )

Sadly being a bad player isn’t really a variable that carries much weight (it should be) when compared to other variables when you define someone who “loses”. This is why were seeing so many threads and players who are “horrible” at SPvP in both Ruby and Diamond. (how exactly do you think they slipped by? if its all skill based?)

If this was a game like CS:GO i would say yes Skill is a much larger variable, as one person could head shot the entire enemy team and carry the game. No such luck in GW2 as even if you’re a god you can’t 1v5.

this coming from someone who apparently is “better” than you are in s2


aka. “The Complainer”

(edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108)

Accepting you're not as good as you think

in PvP

Posted by: JTGuevara.9018


Yawn—read all this nonsense before.

Yes, season 3 is better than season 2, but not by much. The system STILL stacks better teams vs worse teams as opposed to even teams vs even teams. It’s just that the MMR gap this season is closer.

(edited by JTGuevara.9018)